Search Results:tag:croagunk
Ability/advance/pearl/Morpheus/Negai/Firered shipping. Now that Ash has found out about his aura powers and the fact that he's got four instead of one girlfriend, he now heads to the Unova region and a new challenge. Morsome,M/F,Whip
- group
- male/female
- ash
- ash ketchum
- cilan
- dawn
- iris
- may
- alakazam
- axew
- blitzle
- buizel
- charizard
- chimchar
- croagunk
- darkrai
- darmanitan
- darumaka
- emboar
- espeon
- gallade
- magmar
- meowth
- metagross
- mew
- mewtwo
- oshawott
- pansage
- pansear
- pidove
- pikachu
- piplup
- raichu
- ralts
- salamence
- serperior
- snivy
- tepig
- tyranitar
- female
- male
- rape
- Chapters: 14
- Completed: No Word Count: 34493 Views: 13038
- Published: Oct 25 2012Updated: Oct 26 2012
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