AGNPH Stories


It's impossible to live detached from any form of life; people can't do it and not even pokemon without being driven into insanity. Trying to escape from a violent past, a wild luxray who chose to live in solitude to save his life is nearing his own limit of withdrawal until he encounters a unique pokemon that sparks a glimmer of hope for him to gain a trusting close companion.

Story Notes:

This is a short story having a mixture of action and romance. I tried to lean more towards the romance side but we'll see how this plays out. Read, and please review. Each review and piece of constructive, harsh criticism helps develop better stories in the future. Once again, my format is a little jacked up; if anyone knows why please tell me so I can fix it because it's very annoying. Oh, and I give thanks to some of the authors that has helped me developed this fic.

  1. Blind Sky (5830 words)

  2. Cold Front (10585 words)

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