A group of characters who are related, unknowingly. Each have their own secrets. But all must come together to fight an evil greater than gods.
Story Notes:
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I give credit to Torn and Beluinus for grammar help.
Blood Brothers (3624 words) [Reviews: 2]
Date:Aug 26 2012 Chapter:Blood Brothers
Interesting idea, I like this story! I'll be looking forwards to your next chapters or stories! Though... I wish there was a way to reduce the spacing... it really annoys me when I read...
Date:Sep 20 2014 Chapter:Blood Brothers
The story barely made any sense, as none of the characters were introduced very "properly".
As for the characters themselves, you didn't give very much detail as to their personalities and nature. Which really helps give a reader a better perspective of them.
Your grammar wasn't very good either as your biggest issue was your sentence structure. Plus you misused words as well.
Overall, I'm kind of dissapointed. But I'm glad when I look at your writing now to see you've improved a great deal.
-{ 3 stars__ }-