Cathie, a female Lucario, has been shunned her whole life since being raped as a young Riolu. Now her life takes on a pleasent twist that gives her what she needs to get back her happiness.
Valentines Day 2010 Submission
Story Notes:
Pokemon isn't mine, and will probably never be mine, so any and all characters and settings that are official Pokemon/nintendo proterty are copyright to them. This IS a fan work, and the plot and setting is not intended to be commercial.--
Fate's fickle ways (8820 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Date:Sep 18 2013 Chapter:Fate's fickle ways
I would like to see a XXX version of this at some point--hell I'll write one myself if you'd like.
{} Achievement Unlocked: 50G
"Take the misfortune of one character and transform it through love"