AGNPH Stories


Ok, so... This, in a nutshell, is about a Charmeleon who has massive hots for her trainer, but he is unwilling to screw her. She tries to get him to fold, and along the way, there's lots of plot and smut.

There's drama, there's humor, there's tension, there's..... a lot of other things as well, probably. Like large words and proper punctuation and capital letters. I think I even used a semi colon!

Aaaand that's about it.... I think. Don't be fooled by this little info box: I'm actually a good writer (Quit rolling your eyes, I'm serious) so if you think you'll enjoy it, you probably will, because this isn't some 11 year old's story about "YAY LETS GO CHAR THE CHARMELEON! USE UR SUPER FLAME ATTAK he said and char the charmeleon said CHAR and blewed fire on the rattatta whihc then fainted and they got experence points". ... Yea, if I ever start writing like that, you can shoot me.

Story Notes:

Okay, so this story was an experiment of mine to try to delve into character development. The story is about a Charmeleon that had been previously abused by her old owners and she learns to adjust to a new life in the care of a loving trainer. Now, I have never been a pokemon, nor have ever been abused by my old owners, so I'm not writing from experience or anything. But I tried to make this character come off as sympathetic and realistic.And on a purely random note, why is Nicobay a warning tag? LOL. Oh, and I need a disclaimer, right? Err... ok. I don't own pokemon. I'm not pretending I do. And any likeness is totally, completely unintended. What, I thought Charmeleon was a real word, I swear!

  1. Capturing Charmeleon (6123 words)

  2. One Horny Lizard (8030 words)

  3. Alex's Pokemon Travels: Resolution (13116 words)

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