Okay, so.... This story is a bit unconventional. Its about a girafarig and her trainer. And its a smut story, so yeah, they do it. But before you give me your best "meh" and skip over "some girafarig story" , hear me out for a sec:
I don't blame you if you're not interested in a girafarig smut story. But... I HAD to use a girafarig. Why? Because I had this totally awesome idea to have a contrasting dynamic relationship between her and her tail. Those are big words for "tail and head don't get along" :P
Basically, you have this timid and quiet girafarig and she is in heat. She wants to hide it, but her tail acts on her instincts to breed. And you know where this is going... Yes, the girafarig keeps getting put in unfortunate situations from her tail's behavior. Lulz ensues, followed by lots of awesome pr0n. I put a lot of work into this story... its good, trust me.
Hopefully, at the very least, this story now sounds mildly interesting. I just gotta ask one thing... Just go against your reservations, and give the story a chance by reading for a bit. If you still weren't interested after giving the story a try, then I can respect that. Just don't write the story off, though. The writing is good, I put a lot of thought into the characters, there's a lot of humor, and the smut is freakin hawt. :P Got it? Good.
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. PS: if you just wanna get staight to the scene that starts off the pr0n, you could hit crtl + F and search for "pad".PPS: And yes, the tail is supposed to be creepy. That was very intentional. PPPS: Sorry for the obscene amount of space between paragraphs. Thats just how it copied over from SoFurry.
Chapter 1: The First Chapter (how original!) (14518 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Date:Aug 30 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1: The First Chapter (how original!)
And trust me, using lesser-used Pokemon is a bold move. Most of the stories here involve the bipedal/humanoid Pokemon, so this will stand out. And having to tackle the challenge of multiple heads on one body is something I've yet to come across. So more bonus points for you.
{} Achievement Unlocked: 50G
Two Heads Are Better
"Use a Pokemon with more than one head"
{} Achievement Unlocked: 75G
Psyshock to the System
"Earn a rating of at least '7' with a psychic-type"