AGNPH Stories

2. Anti-Pokemon: Elite Force (Old Version) by covenant


Story Notes:

(Recommended to read ANTI-POKEMON: THE NEW WORLD before reading this) Contains content not suitable for minors under the age of 18. Viewer discretion is advised. *WARNING* This story may contain: Strong Language, Violence, Use of Drugs, and Strong Sexual Content.

Episode 12 - The Rustboro City Infiltration

"You're a very lucky Drone... how many PEF soldiers were there again?" Lucifer asked, his paws glowing with an unusual red glow as he scanned my body for any injuries with just a simple observation by that red light, his eyes showed evil to an unlimited amount, I knew he had no good left in his mind, all he must have cared about was serving this "Lord Anriu".

"I'd say... 24" I lied.

Lucifer didn't seem impressed, he just stared at me with his third eye quickly jolting around as if it was expecting something to come in and ambush us. My eyes kept turning its attention to the burned half of his face, it made me nervous, half of his face was its natural dark blue color and the other half was a dark brown color, plus it had the wrinkles of an 85 year old man, how did he even receive that injury?

"You don't have any injuries... and now that we have that out of the way..." he started as he walked over to a statue of a Serpent-like female who had the structure of a 20 year old human female and the features of a Seviper, kneeling over in front of the statue and turning towards me.

"A fellow Anriu Drone was captured while attempting to infiltrate the rather large stronghold in Rustboro city, a PEF HQ, searching for a very important artifact which was stolen by a PEF soldier..." he briefed me in on what he needed me for, as he stated earlier, "...I might need you for something"

"It is possible for me to infiltrate the area alone... but even with the powerful abilities I possess... it would be utterly pointless if I didn't have one backup soldier just in case things go out of control... don't you think?"

The lit torches that surrounded us in this circular section of the tunnel all lit up his outlines in a disturbing manner, the environment portrayed him as the devil in a Weavile's body and I wasn't even sure if that was the case here, by the looks of things it could be a strong possibility.

Lucifer finally looked back at me, his eyes switching colors: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, then back to red and said, "Keep your Anriu ability activated... as long as you do not engage in any fast activity... it should be alright... right now it is in the Appearance Stage..."

"What... what did he just do...?" I asked myself in shock when I saw his eyes switch colors so disturbingly. I figured I shouldn't ask him that question, it could reveal that I am not a part of his cult. I knew this was going to be a major problem, I didn't know anything about the Anriu... all I knew is that somehow my hereditary move is somehow linked to the Anriu's "Gift".

"I'll assist you... sir..." I stated, there was no way I could say no to him or it would've been marked as defiance, I could easily lose my life if I refused, yet another thing I wasn't very sure about.

"Excellent... we will travel onward as soon as I am done praying to the Dark Mistress... Lord Anriu..."

"The Dark Mistress...?" I repeated in my mind, trying to figure out if I have heard that somewhere else but it didn't ring a bell, and now I know I'm going to start hearing it constantly now if I'm with Lucifer.

Lucifer of the Anriu, this was the Weavile everyone has been talking about, Aiiran spoke strongly of him though, naming himself Lucifer's apprentice.

Lucifer bowed his head before the statue of the Serpent-woman and began to chant the same words as before:

"Tomo ete mai...
Tomo leamar ishtar...
Tomo asharan mi llanma...
Tomo beipa Anriu..."

This time nothing occurred for my hereditary move was already active, but this time it wasn't as painful as before... it must have been because of the Appearance Stage deal, I wasn't very sure what it meant, but only one question rushed through my mind, "Why did it activate when Lucifer was chanting those words?"

Suddenly it started to feel a bit chilly inside of the cave, but it wasn't anything near arctic temperatures, maybe just around 60 degrees.

Ignoring the sudden change in climate, I took a quick look around Lucifer's hideout, the only thing worth looking at though was the statue and the 2 robes which hung on the wall, both matching Lucifer's physique, and the long staff leaning against the tunnel walls, it was completely covered in ancient-looking writing which emitted an ominous bioluminescent color... as if it was a living creature.

"Brr..." the cold from within the tunnel finally got to me, but before I barely even noticed it, now it felt like it was 50 degrees. I huddled myself up in a type of fetal position, trying to keep the heat trapped in my fur inside.

A few moments passed in the surprisingly cold tunnel as Lucifer stopped chanting, his entire body froze as if he died in place. I stood there, staring at his unnaturally stiff body until I finally thought, "This is my chance to escape...!"

First slowly, then quickly, I moved towards the exit, Lucifer still in the same position from when I left him.

"Oh my God... I can't believe I escaped..." I whispered as I felt the sun's warm rays bounce off my fur, heating me up from the oddly cold tunnel. I looked over at the Elite Force HQ and saw that the gunfire has stopped. Upon seeing this, I wanted to go back but then I felt a sudden rush of wind then the sound of cloth sliding against the ground.

"Escaped what...?" I heard a familiar voice ask, turning to my right I saw Lucifer standing beside me, both of his paws behind his back as if he was giving a presentation, his robe completely covering both of his arms, making him look like a monk in some ways, an evil monk with a half burned face, a third eye, and triangle shaped pupils that show the insignia of the Anriu in them.

I stuttered for a bit, knowing my life might have depended on my response, "I'm... just trying to check if they followed me..." I lied, wiping the sweat that soaked my fur at the forehead.

Lucifer did not respond, he just turned around and walked back inside of the tunnel forcibly telling me to follow him with his body language. And so I did, still a bit stiff from the shock of having Lucifer pop up near me once again.

I sat on the dirty tunnel floor and waited for him to finish his prayer, but apparently he wasn't going to stop for a while so I just closed my eyes and bowed my head, taking a little nap, trying to pass the time.
"What... where am I?" I asked myself, my question echoing around what seemed to be a rather large, white room. "Jherek... Jherek..." my name was chanting by mysterious male voices, echoing the room in a frightening manner. "What? Who is there?!" I yelled, beginning to become freaked out by all of this. Suddenly and unexpectedly, a Zangoose appeared before me, but something was odd about him. Maybe it was the fact that all of his fur was gold...

"Jherek... do not fall for Lucifer's temptations... do not join the Anriu or the legend will never occur..." the golden Zangoose proclaimed with a somewhat heavenly voice, "...what? What do you mean?" I asked, backing away from the golden Zangoose.

"The Third Eye is a curse... never forget that... the Third Eye is a curse... that you have received in your younger days... open the eye... and only the strength of your will shall save you..."

These words made no sense to me, but it was too late to ask the golden Zangoose what he was talking about, I felt the sound of Lucifer's voice penetrate my dream and shred it into a billion pieces of imaginary paper.

"Awaken, Drone, I have completed my prayer, now we shall start moving forward to Rustboro city to find the captured comrade" Lucifer proclaimed, startling me with the sudden sound of his voice which broke me from my sleep.

It was afternoon, he must have been praying for a long time if it was morning when I retreated from the Elite Force HQ. My dream seemed like only a few seconds... yet so many hours have passed.

Lucifer grabbed the bioluminescent staff from the wall and ordered me to put on one of the robes that hung on the wall, completely black with the Anriu insignia down the middle just like the one Lucifer wore.

I slowly put on the long robe that completely covered my feet and my arms, slowly walking out the door, Lucifer flipped the hood over his head with me copying his movements, I too put the hood over my head, it flowed over my eyes and forced my long and pointy ears to face downward towards my neck.

Lucifer walked out with me following close behind, frightened of what was going to happen next, I decided to ask him who we were even rescuing, he responded, "...our fellow sister, Sydney Kuhn...".

My eyes shot open so fast that it felt like my lids were going to rip, my mind filled with horrific thoughts as I now knew that my sister was in the Anriu, but how?

"...she is a very capable Drone and I do not want to lose her from our ranks..." Lucifer added.

This means I really had to go along with Lucifer, Anriu or not, Sydney is still my little sister and I can't just abandon her when I have an opportunity like this to save her from the PEF... but I only hope she hasn't changed much and will still listen to reason, I hope she'll listen to my pleas to quit the Anriu before something horrible happens to her.

Knowing this fact, I was determined to move on, even if this mission may cost me my life.

The sun was blocked by my dark robe and my hood, there were no parts of my body showing besides my eyes, and that could be a problem. If any Miir Cyraa Pokemon witness me in this clothing and traveling with Lucifer, then they would believe that I'm an Anriu Drone, I would be forever exiled from Miir Cyraa and I couldn't let that happen, but I was under a lot of pressure here, I couldn't let that happen.

All I knew is that I can't die yet... just not yet, and I couldn't be an enemy to those I want to assist, but I just had to help save my little sister...

The path was long and dusty, the wind blew dirt against Lucifer and I as we moved along, our footsteps leaving our paw prints embedded in the dirt.

Lucifer was silent, he did not speak unless spoken to, it was a bit unusual because I believed he would be asking me so many questions on Anriu topics... but I'm glad he didn't, it would be impossible to answer all of the questions then he would know I was an imposter.

The orange sky began to change from orange to red as the sun set beyond the mountains to the west. By the looks of things, Lucifer and I were going to arrive at Rustboro city most likely at night.

Were we there yet? I wasn't sure, but I saw city lights in the distance and we walked towards that.

After probably an hour of traveling towards Rustboro we finally arrived where the grass was greener and the air smelt much more fresh, it was all surprising to me how it was near Rustboro city at night, but of course, Lucifer didn't care, he just stared forward, looking bored as usual.

I figured Lucifer was constructing a plan since he just stood there, staring off into the bright lights of the city, so I asked him, "How do you plan we move in there?"

My question seemed to have annoyed him. He turned his head and stared at me with his dark red eyes, his triangle pupils staring into my normal circle pupils.

Without even saying a word he just began to charge towards the city, his torso bent over and his arms pointing straight behind his, the way he just ran off surprised me and the only thing I could do was try to follow him.

As we got closer, I heard the sounds of frightened and startled citizens in the distance followed by a short PEF warning alarm.

"Pokemon approaching the vicinity, warning, warning, calling all PEF soldiers in the area, repeat, Pokemon approaching the vicinity" the monotone female spoke over the loudspeaker.

Lucifer just kept running towards the city with me following behind, having no idea what I was getting into while PEF helicopters and ground forces rushing towards us to stop our charge. 2 helicopters were visible as they arose from platforms inside of the city while the soldiers barricaded the side entrance into Rustboro, preparing to defend the town from the "Invaders".

My entire body grew tense as we got closer, I was sure Lucifer was going to be okay but I didn't know how to respond to all of these soldiers in the same place at one time, "I know you demons can understand me! Halt or we WILL fire, this is your last chance!" a middle-aged man yelled over the loud speaker, seeming to be the officer in charge of the forces in position.

Upon knowing that Lucifer wasn't going to stop, I jumped behind a large boulder conveniently in my path as the PEF soldiers began to fire at will, my hood falling off the top of my head, revealing my entire head. The gunfire was so loud, I couldn't even bare it, the sound was like millions of kids all popping fireworks in their hands and throwing rocks everywhere. I covered my ears and began to run back into the fight, witnessing Lucifer already attacking the soldiers.

His attack resembled a large, red bullet that swirled around mystically, ramming into all of the soldiers one by one in a peculiar pattern. The red bullet's mist stayed behind as Lucifer moved forward, therefore creating a triangle shape between the deceased PEF soldiers, only was left standing but he was too disoriented from the attack to do anything. His body wobbled around as he stood, his eyes barely open with drool escaping his mouth.

Lucifer walked up to him and tapped the soldier's chest, causing him to fall over onto a discarded PEF knife which lay up on its handle, unfortunate for the soldier I had to say. He let out a scream of pain for a few moments, Lucifer and I just watched him suffer until his body eased up and he became silent, his life ending so abruptly.

The helicopters hovered above us, shining a large flashlight onto us and yelling, "Take 'em down!" The gunners mounted up to fire but stopped for some reason. Confused, I looked at Lucifer to see what was happening.

I saw him stare at the helicopters, his eyes changed from red to blue instantly and... that was it. The helicopters just began to fly away as if he frightened them with some sort of unusual technique or is just controlling the pilot.

"I've had enough of these guys... let's just move along before any more show up" Lucifer ordered as he sprinted towards the PEF barricade, dove straight towards it and acted as a large drill with the same red bullet attack he used before, his staff which spun around with him cut past the metal defense like it was cardboard.

As he passed through to the other side he lifted up his staff and rammed it against the floor, advancing forward even more as I followed him into the city, the citizens in panic when they realized we got past the barricade. Lucifer did not mind them, he just ran towards a skyscraper where the old Devon corporation office used to be, it was now marked as the PEF HQ.

"Move, move, move!" I heard a PEF soldier yell as more forces began to charge out from random locations all around Rustboro. I jumped in front of a van driven by a business man, he stopped right in front of me and attempted to back up in panic, his screaming was barely heard from inside.

I jumped on top of the car, my nervous expression resembled one of a crazy Zangoose, I broke open the window, climbing inside as the PEF soldiers began firing at Lucifer who just stood there with his hood still covering his eyes.

I really didn't care if they killed Lucifer, actually, I didn't even bother to help him, all I did was just climb to the back seat of the businessman's car, his screaming and spasms becoming irritating.

As I poked my head past the window from the back of the van I was incredibly surprised to what I saw next, Lucifer stood there calmly, spinning his staff around like a propeller over her head while the PEF soldiers fired all of their rounds at him at once but with no effect, there was a large red shield covering Lucifer that protected him from all of the incoming bullets, he must have been creating this shield with his staff.

I broke the back window of the van and jumped out of the car, "Thanks for your hospitality..." I whispered to the businessman, leaving him still screaming inside the van and rushed towards a PEF soldiers who directed his attention to Lucifer.

I grabbed the soldier by his helmet, picked him up off the floor, grabbed his gun and threw him towards a house window, which resulted in him crashing through like a burglar, "My hereditary move is still active... my strength is back... but my speed isn't, why is that?" I asked myself.

Amidst all of this chaos, Lucifer was calmly making his way past the PEF soldiers, leaving them in confusion to how they were going to stop him. I ran towards Lucifer's little bubble of protection, ducking past while the soldiers fired at the bubble and not me, I moved through it like it was water and thus opening a theory for the PEF soldiers.

"Crap..." I thought when all of the soldiers began advancing towards us, their guns close to their sides like an infant child. They figured out that this shield held bullets but no bodies... glad that worked either way or I would've just walked straight into it like an idiot.

Lucifer stopped, silently, without saying a word he let out a small, devilish smile that sent chills going down my spine.

"What is he going to do...?" I wondered, trying to figure out what that evil smile meant.

"HOO-RAH!" the soldiers let out a yell all at once as if they were part of a choir once they penetrated Lucifer's shield, but once they passed through they completely stopped. 5 soldiers were trapped in the bubble... they stopped as if time was slowed down inside of the bubble.

Their mouths wide open from shock as Lucifer raised his arms, his paws wide open until he clenched them together and rammed his staff against the floor, causing a delayed reaction in this special attack. The soldiers all let out bloodcurdling screams of agony within the bubble, the soldiers left outside could only stare in horror when small, red electric bolts began to zap at the 5 soldiers, unaffecting me of course. Their bodies resembled one of a quickly aging person having a seizure. Their skin wrinkled up and before I knew it they collapsed to the floor, all of their skin charcoaled in the intense heat of the electric strikes.

The other forces who watched this disturbing act all began to step back, realizing Lucifer's powers. The moved backwards, aiming their weapons towards us but ceasing fire, the 5 soldiers within the bubble's skin smoking from every burnt pore.

The screams of the confused citizens grew even louder when they realized now that the PEF couldn't stop us, the sounds of car horns honking and the sound of footsteps scurrying along the streets filled my mind with that same image back in Sootopolis.

It was almost the same exact chaotic scene.

"Sir, sir! The two Pokemon who have infiltrated Rustboro city have a new... unusual ability... we can't hurt them!" a PEF soldier yelled into a microphone placed near his mouth, holding it closer for a better reception.

Lucifer closed his eyes and placed both of his paws together with his staff in between and began to chant...

"Reemakiole, toroshinima, ishuukaraii... The Anriu Thunderbolt..."

The sound of electricity surrounded the bubble in a beautiful yet deadly looking fashion, it felt so close that my black and dark red hair stood up on end.

"...Die!" Lucifer despicably yelled, his eyes finally opening back up, wide like a mental citizen's, slim bolts of red lightning escaping the bubble and striking everyone in its path. The screams of the citizens grew even louder as Lucifer switched from defensive to offensive. Men, women, and children all struck by this lightning, all falling over as the electricity ran through their bodies.

Lucifer let out an evil chuckle, "The smell of blood in the air... it feels... good..." he growled, his glowing red eyes widening up to its limit.

I tried my hardest not to strike Lucifer, he was hurting all of these innocent people and children. But all I could do was watch for if I did anything against his will he would think of me as a heretic... I was helpless...

The flashes of red lightning grew to a close when no one was left standing or was visible in the area, either they escaped or died. I heard the sounds of babies crying, their mothers collapsed on top of them with the coal colored burn mark on their backs. Steam rose from every body that lay on the floor, all rising into the air as if many campfires have just been lit.

"Attention nearest PEF checkpoint, Rustboro city is under attack, send any available reinforcements ASAP!" a man ordered over the loudspeaker, his plea echoing throughout the now silent city.

"...I know they are keeping Sydney Kuhn inside their headquarters... let us hurry up before their reinforcements arrive..." Lucifer ordered, canceling out his shield and calmly walking over to what used to be the Devon corporation building with me following close behind him.

I did not know why we were walking along and why we weren't running, but I decided it was better not to judge Lucifer on his acts.

In the distance, the sound of troubled feet approached, I turned to see what was coming for us but all that came up was a little boy, 17 years old by the look of it. He had a black sweater and baggy blue pants, his hair spiked upwards and he wore black sunglasses which covered the color of his eyes. He had an AK-47 in his hands but he kept it pointing down to show he did not mean any harm.

"Please... please... I know you two Pokemon can understand the human language... I heard many things about you Pokemon... that the Anriu is evil... but... I wish to ask you... may I please join you... I beg of you..." he pleaded, getting down on his knees and bowing towards us.

Lucifer looked down upon the teenager, his menacing eyes looking right through the boy.

Lucifer walked towards him, stopping at a close distance. The boy looked up, a frightened look from one who just saw hell and lived.

"Foolish child... our kinds are enemies and nothing will ever change that... only the strongest the human race has to offer... I will accept" Lucifer replied. The boy and I gasped at Lucifer's words, "... and... you are my enemy..." Lucifer continued.

My eyes flooded with tears in surprise when Lucifer lifted up his right foot and rammed it into the face of the boy.

He tried to block Lucifer's attack by putting his weapon in the way, but it was all in vain when Lucifer's strike penetrated the gun, broke it in half and rammed it into his face.

The boy let out a squeal of pain as he flew straightly opposite from Lucifer, crashing through the wooden wall of a nearby house and crashing into other objects inside.

"...let us go" Lucifer said, pretending nothing even happened. He left me standing there, the dust vanishing from the crash inside of the house and turning silent. I tried to hide my tears but it was overwhelming, they started flowing down my cheeks and colliding against the ground, some rolling down the robe.

"This PEF defense is surprisingly ridiculous..." Lucifer added, chuckling at his own words.

Wiping the tears off my face, I had to continue on with the mission, Sydney's life was in danger and somewhere in this area... the PEF are keeping her.

I quickly moved back to Lucifer, the robe he told me to wear lagging behind my feet.

An alarm began to blare from the top of the PEF HQ as we walked through the doors, "Releasing Overminds... releasing Overminds..." the monotone female proclaimed over the loudspeaker.

"Great..." Lucifer whispered.

"I guess they must be really desperate now... they are calling in Overminds... this is bad..." a slight hint of fear in Lucifer's face.
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