AGNPH Stories


Welcome to the world of pokemon. A world that is not unlike ours. It is a world of turmoil and chaos, one on the brink of destruction. It is a world plagued by famine, death, corruption, intollerance, and the ever looming treath of doomsday.

Edgar was once an average young man. He lived his life as best as possible,despite having lost both parents at the age of 15. He helped out the weak and needy, regardless of their specie. But one day, after a horrible attack, Edgar finds himself loosing himself to something dark within him.

His awakening might just shift the balance of power in the world. But will he able to maintain his humanity? Or will he loose it all?

Several loyal friends stand by him, ready to help. But will it be enough? It is hard to fight an enemy no one even knows.

  1. Prologue: The project (1373 words)

  2. One: 4.0.0 (7610 words)

  3. Two: 399 (5625 words)

  4. Three: uncertainty. (10189 words)

  5. Four: Conspiracy (10949 words)

  6. Five: Forced Dealings (9241 words)

  7. Six: Quarantine syndrome. (9117 words)

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