AGNPH Stories


Meet Will and his friends, Tenrou, Sanakou, and Axl. They're your (mostly) typical bunch of trainers who are getting set to head out together for the rite of passage that is a pokémon trainer's journey to collect the eight gym badges of their home region. Although they're a good bit older than most "beginning" trainers, they still have much to learn. Their plans are cut short however, when something goes awry that quickly sucks the whole group into the center of a conflict nearly a decade in the making.

Story Notes:

I've recently changed up the organization style of TRLT here, so sorry for the self-bump caused by this. This segment of TRLT is now finished, but I'm still more than open to reviews, suggestions, pointing out errors, etc. so please leave a review once you're done reading!

  1. Prologue: Memories (2942 words)

  2. Chapter 1: A Fortuitous Encounter (862 words)

  3. Chapter 2: A Long Ways to Go (2720 words)

  4. Chapter 3: Preface to a Journey (3248 words)

  5. Chapter 4: Old Friends, New Rivals (1032 words)

  6. Chapter 5: Bonding (569 words)

  7. Chapter 6: What's in a Name? (1169 words)

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