AGNPH Stories


Jon's parents don't want him to have Pokemon, and he's 15. So, he flees the city for the day, climbing to the top of a cliff next to a waterfall... and comes back down to get some poachers away from a Suicune in heat. He gets shot and nearly dies, but the Suicune saves him by making him a Suicune as well. She reveals that the poachers were after her to make her a sex slave, and for a while, things are calm between them...

...But then her heat gets to her, and so, they mate, and find out how much they love each other...

Please read and review! This is my first AGNPH story. Please tell me where I can improve and what I did well, so I know what to work on and what to do again in the next chapter. Thank you! =)

Story Notes:

This is the first story that I've posted here! Please read and review. I worked really, really hard on this.

  1. Changes (4643 words)

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