AGNPH Stories


Name Type Count
handjob General 3
hariyama Species 1
harness General 1
haunter Species 2
hawlucha Species 3
headmate General 1
herm General 1
hitmonchan Species 1
hitmonlee Species 2
hitmontop Species 1
ho-oh Species 4
holidays 2013 Category 1
honedge Species 1
hoopa General 1
horror General 1
houndoom Species 12
houndour Species 1
human Species 55
hurt/comfort General 2
hyper General 1
hypno Species 2
hypnosis General 2
illusion General 1
impregnation Warning 142
in General 1
in the real world Category 3
incest Warning 74
infernape Species 2
inflation Warning 14
inteleon General 1
interspecies General 2
iris Character 4
iron valiant Species 1
ivysaur Species 2
jigglypuff Species 1
jirachi Species 6
johto General 1
jolteon Species 6
july bring the heat Category 19
jungle General 1
justice Category 4
jynx Species 1
kabuto Species 1
kabutops Species 1
kadabra Species 1
kecleon Species 1
ketchum General 1
kirlia Species 7
kissing General 2
knot General 3