That's one way to win a fight.
(there's a foot missing on vaporeon. I hate drawing feet.) -
nice :D
also damn that vaporeon is flexible =O.o= -
She is a fish. Sort of. They have wierd bodies.
Ok that leg is fixed to the best of my ability. Good god.
(Edited on April 3, 2007, 6:50 pm) -
just mentioning, you didn't have to switch it around, but alright :B
Nice.. I think I like her leg better this way. //_^;
playing around :B
Lower drawing is point of interest imo -
mmmm lolilicious
Wow super cool. I really like your skills! nwn
Teach me your ways X3 -
i like how u did that
Had this crazy urge to draw like Scottmale. Cuz I luv 'em.
Was suspiciously fun drawing this btw... though I was ashamed of the time so I blooped it down to look better.
Hope you like your random fan drawing / beating, Scott ;3
also: yes my face is white in this, it looked stupid with the black patterns on it. :< -
looks pretty dangerous actually, looks sharp -
POW! <3
You wanna borrow my tools? Be my guest!
Edit: Chrono Trigger reference >.> -
It's Super Effective!
dang i draw alot of stick peaples but none this simple and cool :cry:
And the moon is satisfied too. C:
shlorp! x3
That is...Awesome OuO
Bonus points for Smiling Moon/Lunatone or whatever X3 -
Haha I like the moon. xD But besides that, I like how your color choices really elaborate on the nighttime atmosphere.
ooo wow, nice and WET :x
totally hot position too, one of my favorites
dunno if this really needs adulting or not
By the way, looks best at a distance. +drew a little too far away+
Probably next: pron -
omfg <3
tis hot! -
this picture is excellent, everything about it just looks great :O very cute expression too
I love your talents poq
Glowyyyyyy~ @.@
My Female Bunny Fursona. owo
Mah Psycho Killah Bunneh~
But she doesn't appear that way....Does she?
If I ever tire of Pokemon, She'll be the new smex target >w< -
She looks sexy. :]
Mega Sexeh Bunny!
that aint no pokamon
I either need to invest in a belt that fits, or some panties.
I've apparently been loosing a little weight, and my pants keep trying to fall off.. not good when you have no undies. //_u -
that... is hot ._.
omg jack spicer [/random]
Empas here nwn
Smexy n.n
I still owe you a doodle o.o -
Hehheh, this pic makes me laugh, and agrees to Radial. >_>
Yes. It's a Jolteon. Supposedly.
Getting a load to the FACE.
Now that I think on it...I've never had a female Jolteon in any of my Pokemon Games o.O
I'm missing out~ -
bewbs o.o
Hello. I am a new artist. I like this place very much.
yo so am i :)
Now to play the wait game >3
wait... what?
Noooooothiiiiing >D
Wow, this pic is really cool. ^_^ :D
I warned her
this would be a great time for someone else to take advantage of her immobilization.
no peins
Pikachu blanket
Oh wow, taping a vibrater Right there gotta drive her crazy! In a gooood waaaay.
it's on level OMG D':
will self destruct in 5-4-3...
Don't eat too many berries!
oh man she is going to be SHITTING RAINBOWS
ha ha "over the shitty rangbow" :lol:
My eevee character,
what should I name her?
Not sure about what to evolve her into. -
Flareon. I vote for Flareon.
ruby ... evolve into a :duh: cotton ball lol
Trying to get back into drawing...>.>
And what a good way to start |3
that is like way cute. I wanna peeeek :o
LULZ I spam the oekaki.
Didn't use as much of the canvas as I planned. lol
Someone request something. I might draw it. D: -
Request? How about trying a Lugia then?
Draw more mawile :B
You could try drawing a Nidorina. -
Or Dialga...
Diamond legendary -
ha ha this is awesomeness.
I'm 100% with Radial here. owo
But I guess I offset it with the Pikachu.
Maybe? -
very cute :B -
Omg I just LOVE this. She's so cute, and pikachu is just cute too.
this is a totally adorable pic
oh my
chu~ -
Aw, thanks, you guys <3 X3
lol Whiskers
In memory of my betta Roko. May he and his mate find peace.
Well, it's known by lots of (insert easter country here) Fighting Fish, but it's common names is just betta. They were both good fish... they just got sick and there was nothing I could really do. Fishy illnesses with 95% fatality rate... sadly, neither were in that lucky 5%.
hmm i have a betta... well 5 ( in seperate tanks lol) :/
Poor Umbreon xDDD
My second picture on shi painter,
STILL need a new name for him,
What do I need to improve on this pic? -
He looks like a brick...
name that is <<
like "Brick Breaker" with some other kind of pun for his middle name.
Bad puns are extremely contagious! :O -
Not so sure about those names,
I need one that includes part of Rhydon -
rhydon, what does the scouter say about his power level?
damn that's actually good
I swear I've killed over 200 kecleons in Mystery Dungeon and I STILL DON'T HAVE ONE ON MY TEAM it's fusterating me like nuts.
Just my Tikarizard self. Booyah. -
Dungeon team LFM
Kec's pref -
I'm at level 91. I have the Friend Bow. I'm at Lucario Rank.
Also, what do you mean Whiskers? -
i`m level 100 also with friend bow and beat like 200 or so and none ever joined
You also have to shop lift. I think the one reason that it is easy for me because I use a game shark. :D
Even with the FBow + Level the chance is only 0.1% or something :(
Ok... how about constantly going to jirachi for wishes. the best way of getting more wishes without have jirachi wanting to join you is to pick one big team member like Waillord and any 1 star sized team member and you can get team members that you have a hard time getting.
Tika, check the size of your team.
Each pokemon have a set of stars in their stats, This is their size.
A Team can have a max size of about 4, and Kecleon's size is 1.
So if you have a total of 4 stars between your pokemon, you can't get a kecleon. -
Hehheh...love the look on your face :P
Okay okay okay I'm level 96 right now, I ALWAYS carry a friend bow with me just in case and if I'm hunting for a legendary, I ALWAYS go in alone without recruting any other Pokémon.
Just to clear things up.
I KNOW what needs to be done for kecleon's to have a chance at joining; I'm not stupid ya know. -
I would suggest to have jirachi join your team last. Just go and pick the "Something good" wish and you get more team members with out looking or evolving.
Well I have a problem too, I can't find a mew on Mystery Dungeon -_-
hmmm iv'e noiced that to... :(
must not be actually there... :what: :gamer: noooo! my ACTION REPLAY wont get him on my team either! :mad: -
There is no way for a rape to happen.
There are neither berries nor shrooms involved.
I need to find some people to OC with, or something. I think I'm sorta, like, addicted to it. D: But are there even enough people active here to ask? XD
+doubts it+
timer is very very bad boy -
massive chestfloof! <3
very cute indeed. In regards to your OC request, I'm not much of an artist, plus the open canvas programs are different from when I originally messed around on 'em so I have no clue how to get it. Good luck though ;x -
I can OC, but only if you have hamachi..otherwise I can't network.
very cute pic also :3 -
I like OC'ing.
It is fab~ -
Awesome work.
I'd be in on the OC thing... but is it really only the first version that you can do it with? -
i like cute stuff :)
i should start drawing again >_> -
I don't know if it's only the first version...It might be. D: Also, I don't have hamachi. +doesn't know what that is+ ;0;
Thanks, everyone <33 -
Hamachi is a internet-wireless network (think like a router where the internet is your house and anyone with an IP can join, if you let them). It's used by people behind routers that blocks the ports that OC needs for connection. Just google it, and it will easily lead you to download and install it.
Also I like to OC, but I don't draw very well :B -
That Hamachi thing sounds a lot like a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Businesses use them to securely link computers together across the Internet. Communications across them are encrypted so no one can intercept anything. Really cute picture, by the way :D
I would like OCing with you sometime! :3
this is my first picture using shi painter,
this is my main character, (still need a name for him)
I need to know what I should improve. -
Name: Har'Don
also it looks pretty good in my opinion. lines could be smoother, but other than that you have a nice style. -
Not so sure about the name. -
rhygeta? its over 9000!Q!
Just wanted to do an Oekaki again...
This time, I've decided to think an alternative style to draw Gardevoir in some format, more or less...
I think this style looks pretty darn good indeed... :P
I sure like that angle view a lot!
Heh... yeah. And she's being penetrated by her trainer too! :D -
Wins! nwn
looks like she's chewing on her red chest thing :B
Well lookee thar >:3
Oh god, it's the mysterious, floating penis®!
hahaa, nice pose~
AGNPH, I'd like you to meet Super Simple Picture of Mimiroru.
Say hello~~!
Also, I appears after long absence.
+poof+ -
Mina-chan! Nice to see you again!
My your drawings have changed :x -
Hey, Rara~~
Is that good or bad? XD -
Aww so cute~ n.n
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg~
S-so cuuuuttteee!! :D -
I can tell you what's going on here! That man bent his penis just as he was about to rape that poor Buizel! Oh, I hope his workman's comp covers this sort of injury.
Without fluids, it looks like Buizel is like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT STICK IT IN.
I don't care though, I love buizels. This r hott -
That is one oddly shaped cock o_O
Very nice! OuO
(Edited on June 21, 2007, 8:19 pm)
Date:2007-04-05 01:04:19
But.. I kind of liked the pic anyway, although it's funky. I swear to god I'll do better next time.
Lucario tummy. D:'
Date:2007-04-05 01:33:38
Date:2007-04-05 02:21:01
Date:2007-04-05 03:42:21