I'm losing touch u.u
Shh! It looks fine! ^_^
cuuute :)
Hehheh, horny lil' zangoose blushing. :P
panel 1:
Less: <My name's Less. 17 years old, just like Pulse over there...>
panel 2:
Less: <I've had my eye on Pulse for a long time. He seems to mysterious and carefree. I love that about him. It also doesn't hurt that he's cute...>
panel 3:
Pulse: <This awkward silence is killing me. Just say something. Anything! Ooh, give her a compliment! yeah girls like compliments...>
panel 4:
Pulse: "Uhm... th-that's a tasty lookin' pair of berries you've got there."
Less: "H-Huh!? Really...?"
panel 5:
Less: "Um... I... I'm happy that you um, like them... but, this top isn't too revealing, i-is it?"
panel 6:
Pulse: "HUH!? Oh, no, uh, I meant the berries in your hand. N-Not to say that your, um... those... don't look tast-- erm, nice as well. S-s-sorry.
Less: "Oh! Uhm, no it's okay... uh, thanks for the... compliments. You look tasty-- um, I mean nice, t-too."
panel 7:
Pulse & Less: <I'm such an idiot...>
Pulse: "...Is it just me or did it get a lot hotter all of a sudden...?"
Less: "No, it's definitely heating up around here..."
this took a long time because i suck. :/
(Edited on March 13, 2007, 1:48 pm)
(Edited on March 13, 2007, 1:55 pm) -
best dialog i've seen in a while XD
Hugs for Ori-gryph. Hoping you'll be ok, hun =Q.Q=
aww, this is really sweet. Hope you're feeling better soon, Ori
:( I hope you feel better soon Ori. You always got us.
agumon loves fried eggs
At least once a week, Dingo goes out of the base to prove his masculinity... by blowing up shit or wrangling various monsters and forcing them to submit to his "undeniable manliness"... and sometimes the others get bored and like to watch him make an ass of himself.
Such a manly man. Rabbit. Thing.
panel 1:
Pulse: "Hm?"
panel 2:
Pulse: <Oh man. It's her...>
panel 3:
Pulse: <Less. She's one of the most beautiful girls i've seen. She's very outgoing and popular. I think about her a lot...>
panel 4:
Less: "...?"
Pulse: "urk."
panel 5:
Pulse: "er... hi!"
Less: "Hello."
panel 6:
Pulse: <Oh, just forget it. She'll never go for someone like you.>
Less: <Ah, just forget it. He'll never want to be with somebody like you.>
Edit: timer lies! ... dumb refresh button
(Edited on March 12, 2007, 2:05 pm) -
i'm not even sure he's wearing shorts ._.
uh... >_>
yeah, he's actually wearing jeans. i guess i should've indicated that like earlier. like, a lot earlier. <_< -
can't wait for next page >.<
hurry up! xD -
interesting that the plusle is named Less and the minun is named Pulse... or plus or something ;x
i knwo R'nt I soo clevar. =B
This just a little series im starting, i hope you all like it. :D
panel 1:
Hunting season. The time where us herbivore are gathering food for the cold season, and the carnivores take advantage of us out in the open.
panel 2:
My name is Pulse. I'm a 17 year old minun. I guess you could describe me as a little shy and laid back. I like to take things easy.
panel 3:
Pluse: "Whew! It's too hot out here."
panel 4:
It's get very hot this time of year. And it seems to effect everyone in the same way.
panel 5:
Maybe heat is directly related to lust; I have no idea... but the word 'hunt' takes on two different meanings during this time of year.
cheesy dialog ftw :rolleyes:
so, anyone watched digimon savers on youtube yet?
But I'll go check it out :x -
go right ahead, it isn`t hard to find and it`s already subbed till episode 40 or so
but it isn`t complete yet in japan -
Savers is BADASS. Sadly, due to schedule interruptions, it's getting 48 episodes instead of 54... FUCK YOU WORLD CUP! ;__;. It's at ep 46 in Japan... have the whole series so far...
wait, all of a sudden it`ll be 48?! O_o
if that`s true they`d better make a movie about it that is after the storyline of savers like they did with tamers
he must of eatan some baaad mexican food, lol
shoop da woop?
Request from Whiskers
XD Nice!
*rofl* -
that was soooo random!!! :D
Wanted to draw something semi-detailed for once...
Whiskers Squirrel making flirty faces on a pillow, RADIATING LIGHT THROUGH THE DARKNESS!
Time cuz I was talking on IRC during this plus I suck and am slow drawer person~ -
I'd cuddle it~
omg sqrl luvinz!? ;3
Very very cute n.n
Aww what a nice soft, fluffy tail you got there.
the shading looks great :0
Damn, didn't get to finish. People came home earlier than expected...
EDIT: Lazily finished sorta. -
Lovely pic n.n
Mind me asking but whats the green object at the right of the pic? -
It's his hat.
Oh. Okay n.n
lol guess vhat
: D now your gay, lol -
Being bored doesn't make anyone gay, YOU NAIVE LITTLE GURL lol. -
You're selling art!
Selling yourself!
You're trying to scam innocent people in order to steal their identity so you can go onto forums and tarnish their names while posting strange porn between a llama and an elephant while a naked man does the mambo in the background. -
Thats so adorable nwn *Pets*
Such flat colors!
we need more female chus x3.
Oh jeez will ya look at time
I hope she remembered to set her clock forward an hour... ;)
Yes, more fem chus!
Oh, and look at the time, time for pika seks -
Zan: Time to wake up and eats some breakfast~
Pikachu: *Yawns* Whats for breakfast?
Zan: >w> Sausage, with special sauce <w<
Okay I'm done ): -
Now backwards: ...
So Awesome n.n -
this looks very nice Radial :O
Damnit you make everything look so cute.
love it
Thought I lost it cause the server CRASHED
I'm really liking the cute style you have n.n
I just wanna give that chu a hug n.n -
i wanna give him more than just a hug ;3
i wanna shoot it
Charmandeez are so cute.
This is. By far. One of the scariest things I have ever seen. Ever. :boohoo:
Charrie would have been so cute in that pose, too, if it weren't for that horrid face surgery. :( -
I can't belive it xD
*rofl* -
My god. This is awesomely hilarious.
Thats quite the mug he has there o.o
I like a face with character :>
Reminds me of Tsu and Chan... :lol:
There is a distinct lack of chuz here 3|
Sure is :3
Hawt Chu you made n.n
(Edited on March 10, 2007, 4:05 am) -
cute one :3.
I want him <3.
I'm CyanZangoose. Nice to meet you all.
HI KURES~ nwn -
Ahh it's Radial. Hello n.n
Hello to you~
eee Zacky! <33 -glomps-
yeah i was trying out the functions of the new oekaki again :)
but i still like the functionality of photoshop better :p
view the animation, its a little tutorial of how to draw animeish eyes, after thats its just random :p -
Wow great Eye you did OwO
And the rest of the animation was funneh n.n
Mr. Clean gets rid of dirt and grime.
Something tells me it wont wash away the sense of self hate
hehe, nice1
this will probably give me nightmares, but its nice :) -
...Essui? ;_;
Wow thats awesome o.o
now draw more sexy arts -
You can't prove it, go away you bad scary man lol
no you go away lol
and take your rapesaur with yew -
:< Ok.
yeeeah >_>
well, i tried. the bg is disturbing to me. however, i'm lazy so i won't fix it. -
I like your style <:
she's cute lol
This is made of hot, cute, and WIN! :D
man check out those THIGHS :O
Aw... She's so.. pretty. *x_x*;
She's so beautiful. Fantastic work I must say n.n
Date:2007-03-14 17:49:11
Date:2007-03-14 17:54:31
Date:2007-03-14 18:13:27
Date:2007-03-14 23:46:25
Date:2007-03-15 05:22:04
Date:2007-05-18 21:09:29
Date:2007-05-18 21:37:43
My mate got a female eevee and she started breeding them. The father was a Ponyta, we were making tons of bad jokes how that poor eevee felt. :P
Date:2007-05-19 01:54:02
Date:2007-05-19 05:47:34