AGNPH Oekaki
  •  whiskers |  Snap out of it!! |  2009-03-14 17:12:06|  56s
      Date:2009-03-14 17:12:06
      Error watches Whiskers skip around merrily. She's in some kind of crazed trance...

      "Whiskers..." Error pants from the floor. He grunts and contorts his face in pain, clutching at the Crude Metal Tool that she stabbed him with moments ago...

      "Wake up... snap out of it!!"
      Date:2009-03-14 17:40:21
      Error> Use your MANLY STAMINA and MANLY SANITY to yank that sucker out, hobble over to 9_6, and impale that mo' fo'! D:<
      Or at least use the tazer on Whiskers or 9_6.
  •  whiskers |  Lucky? |  2009-03-14 14:35:10|  15h 6m
      Date:2009-03-14 14:35:10
      >>Have whiskers bite her hand to see if she's dreaming.

      Whiskers bites her hand and- oh no that's the last of her hitpoints gone.
      Aww, and she came so far. She only had to fight the 500 tengus, shoot the 50 rays and defeat solidus in an epic sword fight and...

      "Whiskers! Whiskers? WHIIISKEERS!", the codec call echoes in her head.
      Stupid gameover-screen.

      Well, she can't always win.
      Maybe she'll have better luck on her next playthrough.

      It's no use to keep playing now, the game is lost.
      She throws the controller of her playstation 2 to the ground in frustration.

      Damn, that main character looked like a girl!

      >>Realise 9_6 played you like a fool (duh) and pray that Error manages to get up from the floor behind you and save your ass.

      Error sits next to her and makes fun of how much she sucks at the game!
      What the hell, it's not like he did any better!
      Date:2009-03-14 15:43:58
      Time: 906 min -> Is that supposed to mean som- ...oh... Nice. xP
      So, now what? Are we jumping back a few pics? Like to before the obvious brain fuck-age (ex.: why would Error be chained up in room 13(with swirly eyes and ears) when he's #10; how would chained Error magically have "monster" Error's condom :P)?
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-14 15:56:43
      I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
      Date:2009-03-14 16:32:06
      Nooooooo I watch the story from the shadows from the beginning, and then come out for my first time and get whiskers killed... Damn it all... Quick! snort any 1up shroomz you might secretly have!
      Date:2009-03-14 17:34:25
      :lol: Lulz @ both of you. xD
  •  whiskers |  Lucky Day! |  2009-03-14 07:53:29|  46s
      Date:2009-03-14 07:53:29
      >>listen and become Lucky, lUcKy, LUCKY
      All their troubles were behind them now! The voices filled her with peace, they would tell her everything from now on! Whiskers couldn't believe Error would suggest such a thing... This hardly seemed the time for... but... could he truly...?

      'She looks so much like you...' Another voice joined the chorus, adding a softness to the din...

      This wasn't make-believe anymore! She held Error tightly, moving in close... this was it! She couldn't believe it! She couldn't believe...

      'I'm so sorry I failed you... I won't fail another!' The calming voice calls out.

      Her head was spinning... she was dizzy with delight!

      'I will die before I give up!!' The voice shouts above all others, pushing at Whiskers' mind. All sound flooded from her ears, as if rising out of water.

      "...?" Whiskers blinks in confusion. Where did Error go? What was that faint giggling?...

      ...What was digging into her sides??
      Date:2009-03-14 09:38:15
      Have whiskers bite her hand to see if she's dreaming. Other wise, I see eminent mind rape!
      Date:2009-03-14 10:39:47
      He is in your head, raeping your mind! =0
      Btw, epic quest is epic. :D
      Date:2009-03-14 10:59:24
      Nobody fucking post anything, she's almost got thirteen pics in a row.
      Date:2009-03-14 13:50:58
      >Realise 9_6 played you like a fool (duh) and pray that Error manages to get up from the floor behind you and save your ass.
  •  whiskers |  LUCKY! |  2009-03-14 06:09:01|  1h 36m
      Date:2009-03-14 06:09:01
      >>Time for the grape flavoured condom.

      Oh that silly Error!
      But Whiskers doesn't really mind since it was that pleasant voice that told her to do it.
      Yes, obeying that voice means eternal joy, that's what she has learned.
      Your own free will only leads to pain and suffering.

      So if you can hear the voice, listen to it and become Lucky, lUcKy, LUCKY lUCKY LUCKY LUCKY 13 LUCKY 13 LUCKY 13 LUCKY 13 LUCKY 13 LUCKY 13 ALL HAIL TO LUCKY 13!!
      Date:2009-03-14 06:22:07
      oh my, also foxy shoud be coming back soon, even if he has to be on all fours to follow the scent trail (he is part of the canine family with a somewhat sensitive snozz)
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-14 06:26:24
      Error would use a condom?
      And what became of Eon and PH?
      Is this convenient turn of events real?

      Is this all R3@11Y H@PP3NIN6?
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-14 06:27:34
      Ah well...
      Who has the time to think for themselves, anyway?

      It's time for sexorz nao. :V
      Date:2009-03-14 07:04:18
      I fucking spat my drink out holy fuck what


      (EDIT: oh by the way, that clip from House on Haunted Hill basically is what I thought of with my last picture... even with the roar induced gust of wind sending me flying back)

      (Edited on March 14, 2009, 12:12 am)
      Date:2009-03-14 07:30:40
      >Poke error's cheek. Something is not right.

      (Holy fuck that shit gave me the creeps, was not expecting a gif on oekaki, also, lol at 1337 pause time)
      Rusco Istar
      Date:2009-03-14 16:27:54
      Date:2009-03-15 05:33:01
      WHAT THE
      WHO THE
      HOW THE
      brb hacking in Animation Shop
  •  whiskers |  LUCKY |  2009-03-14 05:31:54
      Date:2009-03-14 05:31:54
      >>Free the real error and have a huge party!

      It's almost too easy, the handcuffs almost fall off by themselves.
      Congratulations, you defeated the monster and saved the day!

      Today has to be your LUCKY day!

      The real Error and Whiskers have a huge party!
      Date:2009-03-14 05:43:08
      Yes, More Disco Action! Wooooo!

      >Don't forget. We still have to get out of here.
      Date:2009-03-14 05:58:28
      Time for the grape flavoured condom.
      Date:2009-03-14 08:02:15
  •  whiskers |  LUCKy |  2009-03-14 04:42:49
      Date:2009-03-14 04:42:49
      >>Shoot it =D

      She hears a cheerful voice in her head.
      All her fear is gone, replaced by warmth and confidence. She stopped trembling.
      It is beautiful.

      She pulls the trigger.

      There was no bang, everything was silent and peaceful.
      She smiles faintly when the soft recoil of the gun nudges her playfully.

      Although she didn't even aim, she knew she him straight between the eyes.

      >>Call out to that thing you thought was Error and see how it responds. (Since it hasn't attacked you yet, it might not be a threat)

      Whiskers calls out to that thing. No response.
      Unfortunately, Whiskers kind of messed up the order of actions here. My bad~
      Date:2009-03-14 05:27:06
      Free the real error and have a huge party!
  •  whiskers |  lUcKy |  2009-03-14 03:39:05
      Date:2009-03-14 03:39:05
      >>Look at what that metallic thing is.

      Whiskers picks that surprisingly heavy piece of metal up and takes a closer look at it.
      She holds a brand new shotgun in her hands!
      What an incredibly lucky luCkY LUCKY DAY IT-

      "What are you doing?! WATCH OUT!!"
      That voice rips her out of her euphoric dreams of superior firepower and awesome shotguns.

      She knew that voice. Was it?!
      She looks into the face of Error.
      He was okay!
      Was it just a bad dream after all?


      She turns around and stares into what was once the face of something she thought was Error.

      That thing just stares back.
      An endless moment passes by.

      Her hands are trembling.
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-14 04:17:51
      Call out to that thing you thought was Error and see how it responds. (Since it hasn't attacked you yet, it might not be a threat)

      Also, sorry if I've been posting too much. Things are just getting exciting. :-|
      Date:2009-03-14 04:23:31
      Shoot it =D
  •  whiskers |  LuCkY |  2009-03-14 02:44:48
      Date:2009-03-14 02:44:48

      Whiskers body feels numb and cold.
      She shivers. Everything feels surreal, oddly out of reach, and her numb body feels like wrapped in cottom.
      "Wh...what's going..."

      Then she remembered.

      She whirls around.

      Error... or more like that monstrosity that once was Error is gone.
      Everything is unnaturally silent, almost like that black swirling fog that engulfs her swallows even the slightest noise.

      Her hand instinctively reaches out, acted on its own almost like being controlled by someone lese and suddenly grabs hold of something hard and metallic.
      Date:2009-03-14 02:55:09
      :gamer: No-no-NO-NOOO! 9_6 is controlling Whiskers and using her to get free! :gamer:
      (I think...)

      (Edited on March 13, 2009, 8:04 pm)
      Date:2009-03-14 03:01:14
      Look at what that metallic thing is.
  •  whiskers |  Aaaaaand... Fuck... |  2009-03-14 00:19:41|  6s
      Date:2009-03-14 00:19:41
      >>"GET AWAY FROM IT!!!"
      Whiskers hears strange shuffle-thumping behind her... Her heart races in her chest as she turns toward whatever was making the noise...

      Error is here!...





      (EDIT: watch this video from 1:00 onward

      (Edited on March 13, 2009, 5:21 pm)
      Date:2009-03-14 00:29:03
      Live and in color!
      Date:2009-03-14 02:44:54
      "1:00 onward" ...I don't get it. O_o Except the turning thing. >.>
      Also, is Whiskers falling/being pushed backwards? And I'm guessing the last frame is zoomed out.

      Oh, and awesome job with those titles! xD
      Date:2009-03-14 03:03:15
      Also, lol, Carnivine, ftw. :P
  •  whiskers |  Waaait for iiit~ |  2009-03-13 23:03:58|  9s
      Date:2009-03-13 23:03:58
      "...who...who's there...?" The person in the room slowly raises his head...

      "...W...Whiskers...?" They call out weakly, accompanied by a faint rustling of chains...

      "...Err-!?!?" Whiskers stares, dumbfounded.

      "What... are you doing!? WHO IS THAT!? GET AWAY FROM IT!!!"
      Date:2009-03-13 23:07:35
      Date:2009-03-13 23:09:54
      *plays the Dramatic Prairie Dog tune*
      (first post in the Whiskers Quest, and it's completely useless)
      Date:2009-03-13 23:11:33
      I beg to differ, Nure. I heard that in my head when I read your post and I was like "eeeee~"
      Date:2009-03-13 23:30:33
      No! Chained up error has swirly marks all over him! Don't be fooled!
      Date:2009-03-13 23:32:06
      You... did grab the shotgun that was like right fucking next to that door... didn't you? =|
      Shoot that filthy imposter and free the real error!
      Date:2009-03-13 23:36:49
      The key had to be left back at the metal detector :<!!
      Date:2009-03-13 23:40:03
      Fucking fuck...
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-14 00:04:40
      Recall the "13's mind games" comment which was stated in Jones' journal. That can't be Error because it wouldn't make any sense!

      This is a place of science! Why would someone be so cliche and contain a subject using chains?! >:V
      Date:2009-03-14 00:39:11
      What a kicker!
  •  whiskers |  Wait for it... |  2009-03-13 22:42:33|  8s
      Date:2009-03-13 22:42:33
      >>Open door. Don't mess around! // Use them id cards
      Whiskers slides in the ID cards... Sam, Chief of Security... Nathan, Lead Medical Researcher... and Everest, Facility Head...

      The three lights silently flicker to green, a loud CLAMP sound banging out from the Weighted Lock. Whiskers grabs the dial, and with a bit of grunting and straining, turns it a good 180 degrees. The Lock suddenly breaks off from the door and surrounding walls, a deafening crash echoing through Subject Holding as it clambers to the ground at Whiskers' and Error's feet, the cards scattering about the floor.

      Door number 13 lets out its own loud clank as it begins to slowly grind its way up... The room beyond is darker than anything either of them have ever seen... The darkness was swirling and churning about like a living thing.

      The dim light of the hallway behind them sends a small streak of light into the room, illuminating someone a ways in...

  •  whiskers |  Room 13 |  2009-03-13 21:06:06|  6m 54s
      Date:2009-03-13 21:06:06
      Dust swirls around them in the Dark Stanky Hallway... Whiskers' head was light... she can feel her dizziness intensifying the longer she stares at the door...'

      (Oh btw, Happy Friday 13th)
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-13 21:12:59
      Examine the door and see what you need to do exactly to open it.

      (Also note: This would be the second out of three Friday the 13th's this year.)
      Date:2009-03-13 21:23:02
      What Mystery said.
      (I'm a few minutes late, but if I had said to check the Lab Control door again, would they still not have been able to get in?)
      (Also, room 13 (LuCky luCkY) on friday the 13th. Could you have planned that any better? :P)
      Date:2009-03-13 21:39:29
      Open door. Don't mess around!
      Date:2009-03-13 21:54:31
      I'm sure any of the lead facility personnel could've been able to open the Lab Control door... but we're kinda passed it now... but hey we're gunna have to go by it again later... right?

      >>Examine the door and see what you need to do exactly to open it.
      This Weighted Chain Lock, appears to be designed to take three very specific ID cards... most likely those of the three Lead Personnel in this facility. There are three lights beneath each card slot and a large dial, probably to retract the chains bolted into each of the walls.

      (Edited on March 13, 2009, 3:00 pm)
      Date:2009-03-13 22:14:12
      Use them id cards
  •  whiskers |  Almost there... |  2009-03-13 20:55:40|  11s
      Date:2009-03-13 20:55:40
      >>Do so, grab the mighty hooked metal thing from the other side and prepare to be raped by radial. // Grab the scalpel and tazer from the other side as well.

      They both deposit the items they can't carry through, and pick up what they left off before on the other side... The Testing Labs have gotten darker, and there was dust and smoke floating everywhere, though there is still one single light illuminating the operation table in an ominous fashion... this whole place seems to be falling apart slowly...

      The revival chambers along the wall have been moved around some... The far left one is most likely where Eon stored Radial, as its occupied light is on... it would be best to leave him be for now... The center chamber is shredded, as they witnessed, and the far right hangs open for some reason...

      Scooting through the Labs, they open the door down to Subject Holding and descend the stairs. Error stumbles along clumsily, trying to maneuver along with this massive arm of his...

      Finally, they reach Subject Holding... The door buzzes from Error's card and Glass Eye and slides open...
  •  whiskers |  This looks... promising? |  2009-03-13 08:15:11|  1m 48s
      Date:2009-03-13 08:15:11
      >>Retrieve the final ID card from the display case downstairs.
      Whiskers and Error head back to the stairwell, down the stairs to the next door, and head back on through. They're back in the room just outside of the Testing Labs... Everything looks... kinda like they last left it...

      Maybe all this ruckus was shaking a few things loose...

      >>grab some of the medicine (grabbin' peelz!) from Nathan's desk drawer.
      Whiskers asks Error to hold still for a moment then scoots into Nathaniel Jones' office. His body hasn't moved, obviously... It sickens her to see what's happened to him after all he tried to do to stop all this...

      Keeping an apologetic eye on Nathan's mutilated body, Whiskers gently opens one of the drawers again, and takes the whole bottle of pain pills this time. She heads back out to Error and gives him a few to swallow. He accepts and chokes down a couple before going back to holding his arm, "...Thanks..."
      Date:2009-03-13 11:07:58
      New blood. :O It looks like the cooler left a bloody trail. >.>
      Also, lol blushing. :P
      Date:2009-03-13 17:58:11
      Kill that watercooler before it kills you!
      Date:2009-03-13 19:02:02
      This new ID card definitely belongs to General Everest J., Facility Overseer and Company Liaison. The picture is of a smug looking man in military garb, sporting a very strange pair of glasses...

      Whiskers urges Error to keep up as she heads for the Testing Lab door now that they have all three ID Cards. He keeps seeing her glancing back at the Display Base for some reason... it's starting to worry him...

      The Water Cooler winks at Whiskers as they head through the door, small swirling dust clouds seeping out and encircling it...

      The two of them reach the Metal Detector room once again... They'll need to drop off any metallic and electronic items in the deposit box before they can continue back into the Labs... (Bullet, Key, Syringe Needle, Flashlight)

      (Edited on March 13, 2009, 12:09 pm)
      Date:2009-03-13 19:11:03
      Do so, grab the mighty hooked metal thing from the other side and prepare to be raped by radial.
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-13 19:22:38
      ^Grab the scalpel and tazer from the other side as well.
      Date:2009-03-14 04:10:01
      see i wasn't the only one that saw a face on the water cooler!
  •  cock |  Suicune tentacle 2 Lineart |  2009-03-13 06:06:52|  1h 16m 14s
      Date:2009-03-13 06:06:52
      Sorry PH but I think the hand looks good there (The other positions didn'y seem right to me) Ima make a post non-porn pic after the third one (A kinda funny blah end thing) but yes its consensual PH o3o (lol even a rape monster has a heart?)
      *GAH Srry whiskers, its like a bump fest D:*

      (Edited on March 12, 2009, 11:11 pm)
      Date:2009-03-13 06:32:58
      That's fine, the hand isn't too distracting. Looking good so far :3!
  •  whiskers |  Map so far... |  2009-03-13 05:57:08|  2m 22s
      Date:2009-03-13 05:57:08
      Everyone all up to speed? ;xc

      I'll probably add to this as we uncover more...
      Date:2009-03-13 06:00:36
      so... where was that door they absolutely need to go to?
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-13 06:04:30
      Damn, that was fast..
      Way to go. :V

      EDIT: Ah... Sorry. :-|

      (Edited on March 12, 2009, 11:24 pm)
      Date:2009-03-13 06:06:02
      >>so... where was that door they absolutely need to go to?

      Subject Holding. 9_6's holding cell is room number 13 in Subject Holding. There are other places to check, but room 13 is the most obvious goal at the moment...

      (ALSO: This is just the map, please refer commands to the latest story section. ;<)

      (Edited on March 12, 2009, 11:18 pm)
      Date:2009-03-13 06:17:14
      Did everyone forget bout Eon? poor glowy red eyed puppet loving kitsune...I hope he's not in the water cooler xD
      Date:2009-03-13 06:19:47
      >>Did everyone forget bout Eon?
      Last we saw he was trying to find a way out of the quarantined Living Quarters... Hope he's alright :<!!
      Date:2009-03-13 06:25:26
      A few rapes never hurt anyone before now, did they?
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-13 07:26:21
      Also a reminder on the test subjects themselves:

      9. Whiskers
      10. Error
      11. Windslash
      12. Radial
      13. 9_6
      14. Pyramid Head
      15. Eon

      I'm posting this here because I keep forgetting this stuff.
  •  whiskers |  Pain hurts... |  2009-03-12 23:28:27|  14s
      Date:2009-03-12 23:28:27
      >>Use your flashlight and look around that corridor for Error.
      Whiskers swipes through the corridor until she gets to the third section. Her ears suddenly pick up Error's pained grunts and shallow breathing. She finds him curled onto the floor, shivering and clutching at his swollen arm, which was visibly pulsing.

      "Oh god, Error!" Whiskers gasps, dropping the flashlight and kneeling beside him.

      "How... did you get... out??" Error stutters through his teeth. His eyes were growing more and more bloodshot every time she saw him... She couldn't stand to see him like this...

      "I found a few things that could help us... I'll tell you in a bit, but right now we have to get you out of here. On your feet!" Whiskers ducks down and puts Error's regular size arm over her shoulder, slowly helping him to his feet. His swollen arm flops to the ground with a thud, causing him to shout in pain before getting his footing...

      "Ok... Ok we're up. Let's go..." Whiskers coaches him along, a mixture of worry and encouragement in her voice. She scoops up the flashlight again as they begin the awkward stumble down the hall, through the gates, and toward the main room...
      Date:2009-03-13 00:54:03
      "Ok... I think I'm alright now..." Error grumbles as they walk through the main room with the large flood lights shining down. Whiskers nods and lets go of his arm so he can walk on his own.

      Error's posture has become a bit crooked... The weight of the swollen arm, which was practically dragging on the floor, was causing him to hunch a bit... "So... what did you find in there?"

      "Error, Jones found a cure! We can fix... this..." Whiskers looks worriedly at Error's changing form. "We already have most of the ingredients, but the main pieces are our own blood samples... Which I think are down in that locked room back in Subject Storage."

      Error nods slowly, still wincing in pain. "Alright... but how do we get in?"

      Whiskers looks down for a moment, "I'm... still working on that..." She says quietly while holding up Sam's and Nathan's ID cards... there were THREE card slots on that door... but where could the third card be? Had they seen any other ID cards before?
      Date:2009-03-13 02:28:09
      Uh... proceed?
      Date:2009-03-13 02:50:32
      Head back down to to Nathan's office/Medical office and retrieve the final ID card from the display case. But first, give Error some of the pain pills you pocketed along with the gauze (you didn't list them in the inventory list last pic) If you don't have them (for some reason), then while you're there, grab some of the medicine (grabbin' peelz!) from Nathan's desk drawer. Help the poor guy out. :(
      [Final edit]

      (Edited on March 12, 2009, 8:10 pm)
      Date:2009-03-13 04:17:48
      >>Give Error pills
      Error did grab some pills from Dr. Jones' office before, and he did take them after smashing the security console since that's when his arm actually started hurting...
      >>along with the gauze
      There wasn't much to that roll of gauze, Whiskers used up the entirety of it while wrapping the handgun into the Dual Lock Hallway panel's wiring...

      >>Retrieve the final ID card from the display case downstairs.
      Whiskers suddenly remembers that she had seen another ID card before! There was one in that display case down in front of Dr. Jones' office! "I think I know where to go. Come on!"

      Error follows along awkwardly, clenching his enlarged hand to keep the knuckles from dragging... (ok NOW proceeding. Sorry for the delay, 9_6. Just wanted someone to point out the last card location before continuing) (btw good work remembering that Limz :3c)
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-13 04:31:23
      I've gotta sketch a map of the complex sometime. I could remember where everything was located, then. :-/
  •  whiskers |  Nathan... |  2009-03-12 17:49:59|  5s
      Date:2009-03-12 17:49:59
      Whiskers checks the card she just picked up... It's Nathaniel Jones' ID card! The photo on the ID was definitely the same man as the old photograph... but he looked quite a bit older. Suddenly something flashes into her mind. A blurry vision of this man walking along side her, speaking to her. She can't make out what he was saying... but his voice is soft, comforting... Whiskers can feel herself calming slightly.

      After composing herself from the strange encounter, Whiskers slowly lifts herself back to her feet. If she remembers correctly, Jones' ID should let her bypass the dual lock hallway. Pretty LuCkY break... Her mouth twitches at this thought, though she's not sure why...

      It's probably best to get the hell out of this room now. She has to show Error the recipe she found! Whiskers quickly stumbles for the door.
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-12 18:05:47
      Return to the previous room and hope Error is alright.

      EDIT: I won't lie. This is awesome.

      (Edited on March 12, 2009, 11:06 am)
      Date:2009-03-12 18:13:54
      Why are the times of all of those unknown?
      Do you upload them?
      Date:2009-03-12 18:15:20
      >>Return to the previous room and hope Error is alright.
      Whiskers crosses back into the Dual Lock Corridor, shivering and rubbing at her arms for warmth. The Lab door shuts behind her, and already she can feel a bit of warmth returning...

      She blinks and stares through the window in the center of the room. She can't quite see Error in the darkness beyond, but she tries to get his attention...

      Tok tokka tok tok!

      She sees movement! Error's faint silhouette appears to rise from the floor, and she hears her answer...

      Tunk... tunk...

      Whiskers nods and takes out Jones' ID... this should help them through the corridor...

      Swipe!... KZRRT!!

      Whiskers jumps as part of the card reader clatters to the ground. A collection of frayed wires hang out of the side, coughing up tiny sparks every few moments... One of the wires appears to be completely severed.

      (Cause I'm super mysterious, bra)
      Date:2009-03-12 19:18:02
      Use your 1337 haxx0r skills to reconnect the severed wires!
      Date:2009-03-12 20:21:38
      >>Use your 1337 haxx0r skills to reconnect the severed wires!
      With what? There's a short gap between the wires, meaning something will have to be placed to bridge them together...

      1.Ye Flask o' Strange Medicine
      2.Sam's ID + Nathan's ID
      3.Vial of Dark Blood
      4.Medical Gauze
      5.Hypodermic Syringe
      6.Handgun + 1 bullet in magazine
      8.Jones' Journal filled with files
      Date:2009-03-12 20:26:04
      The needle of the syringe.
      You can grab another one in that room anyway. It only costs one brainrape.
      Date:2009-03-12 20:53:23
      >>The needle of the syringe.
      Could work... these things are long enough to reach someone's heart after all. Now what will hold it in place?
      Date:2009-03-12 21:02:28
      The handgun :U
      >Use your fabulous female intuition and see if you can solve this mystery by yourself~
      Date:2009-03-12 21:24:32
      >>The handgun :U // Use your fabulous female intuition and see if you can solve this mystery by yourself~

      Whiskers examines the handgun... If they're going to use the bullet's gunpowder for the mixture later, she might as well put the gun to use in some other way... She fumbles with the weapon for a moment until she figures out how to eject the bullet from the slide. Then, using the flashlight, tries to fit the metallic gun into the mess of wires.

      Whiskers then takes the two parts of the severed wire and, now using some Medical Gause, fastens them to either side of the Handgun. Her hands quiver a bit, knowing full well how dangerous this is...

      Once she was finished, she takes a step back and takes a breath. She kneels down and picks the bullet back up as well. Finally, she attempts to swipe the card again.


      The gate slowly rises out of the way, and Whiskers makes sure to scoot under it as fast as possible before something else happens...

      She taps on the window just to be sure, and luckily hears Error tap back. She sighs with relief and continues on, swiping again and moving back to the second chamber, then the first. The window's gotten a bit foggy somehow, as she can only see Error's blurred outline through the glass in this slightly better lit spot of the hall.

      With one more card swipe, she opens the door to the small hallway. She steps through, but finds that Error's door hasn't opened...?
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-12 21:36:16
      Call out to Error from that side of the door and see if he responds. (Hopefully he hasn't mutated into a raging monster yet) ._.
      Date:2009-03-12 21:51:22
      >>Call out to Error from that side of the door and see if he responds.
      "Error? Are you alright?"





      Whiskers swipes the card reader for the left door. It opens... and no one's there.


      This side really is much more damaged than the right side... The walls are cracked all over and there are bits of rubble and debris scattered across the floor. The glass gates make it nearly impossible to see onward into the darkness...

      (I swear to god I'd be one of those dumb asses in horror movies that wander around stupidly into danger like this)

      (Edited on March 12, 2009, 2:53 pm)
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-12 22:10:49
      Use your flashlight and look around that corridor for Error (and continue calling out for him).
  •  whiskers |  The Fridge... |  2009-03-12 07:15:38|  6s
      Date:2009-03-12 07:15:38
      >>She steps up to the fridge hatch and reaches for the handle...

      "...empty... damn..." Whiskers thinks to herself.

      "Oh no... didn't one of Jones' entries say that something was left in thirteen's roo-?"


      Date:2009-03-12 07:30:15
      >Whiskers: FLIP THE FUCK OUT, then tell Maniac floater 9_6 to GET OOOOOOUUUUUUT!
      (Shit, three references in one shot.)
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-12 07:31:32
      Yell "THIS... ISN'T... REALLY HAPPENING!" and get a grip on reality.

      (If you caught the video game reference, give yourself a pat on the back.)
      Date:2009-03-12 07:34:38
      There's a chance she's gonna wake up sticky and violated :| also FFFFFFFF!
      Date:2009-03-12 08:04:06
      All Whiskers is able to do is let out a shivering gasp. There was a vice grip around her head, pain was throbbing all over... This couldn't be happening... It wasn't really there!!

      She yelps as she feels herself being thrown to the side. She collapses to the cold, hard floor, barely able to move. Her flashlight tumbles a short ways away and blinks out, leaving the room pitch black.


      Whiskers' heart was racing. She fumbles around in the corner of the room, frantically searching for the flashlight. All the while there was a swirling breeze, distant cackling echoing from the eternal darkness surrounding her. (;<c?)

      Her hand then flops across a small plastic card... Out of sheer instinct she grabs hold of it tightly before crawling along. A faint patter of footsteps zips by her, suddenly getting shoved against the wall as another maniacal giggle fills her mind.

      Finally, after fumbling around in a terrified panic for who knows how long, her hand grips around what she hopes is the flashlight... She pulls it up from the floor and jabs at it in several spots until she finds the button.


      The dull beam illuminates a corner of the room just as a dark misty pair of legs dart away. She flops back from her knees onto her butt and flails the flashlight trying to follow the living shadow. It zips around the room with loud fluttering noises, only ever getting a quick glance from her before darting away again.

      Finally, she sees it rush down beneath the counter. Whiskers crawls along to shine the flashlight down there after it, but it's disappeared...

      'lucky luckyyyy~'

      All falls silent again, save for Whiskers' ragged breathing...
      Date:2009-03-12 08:18:19
      You're getting good at this shit.
      Date:2009-03-12 09:13:07
      Ohhh chills...
      I love it... :gamer: more, more :gamer:
      Date:2009-03-12 16:48:40
      Screw the blood, you need phs helmet to defend youself against brainfuck.
      Maybe you'll find thor too somewhere...
  •  whiskers |  The Cure, W13D1 |  2009-03-12 05:15:19|  5s
      Date:2009-03-12 05:15:19
      >>Whiskers decides to check out that piece of paper on top of the counter...

      "WEEK 13 DAY 1
      I can't believe it! It works!! I no longer hear the voices, nor do I feel the unsettling control it had over me! I've
      finally produced the counter-agent for this abomination! I must work quickly since I've lost so much time due to 13's
      mind games...

      The ingredients, I've got to list them before I lose the formula. My mind is still fragile...

      1. A small sample of the replica itself, any bit will do. Our medicine is lined with its DNA, so that can also act as the fluid mixture.
      2. Minuscule amounts of salt, honey glycerin, mineral oil, and carnauba wax. I don't know how I came up with these, but I was desperate... come to think of it, these ingredients sound familiar...
      3. A pinch of iron dust. Iron... it affects the replica in an odd way... I don't know why.
      4. Nitrocellulose mixed with Nitroglycerin... smokeless gunpowder... I wonder if Sam has any bullets she can spare...
      5. A sample of 14's blood... I... he personally told me of this one... I don't understand... but it worked...
      6. The most important ingredient of any of them... A pure blood sample of the one who is to be cured, BEFORE they
      were infected. This is to be mixed in with the formula for each individual dose. I just need to get each of the subjects' control blood samples out of the refrigeration unit.

      After all of these are mixed in the centrifuge, the counter-agent has to be injected DIRECTLY into the
      infected's heart... I understand that injecting this mixture into one's heart is DANGEROUSLY unhealthy... but given the alternative, I think it's a fair sacrifice.

      Injecting the counter agent into the subjects will be the most difficult part, since the people I'm trying to save will be trying to tear me apart... Still, I will die before I give up on these innocents... They do not deserve this horrible fate we've forced upon them.
      ~Dr. Nathaniel Jones"
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-12 05:37:10
      Check the container in the corner of the room (possibly the refrigeration unit mentioned in the journal?) for the pure blood samples of the subjects.

      EDIT: Also note, 9_6 is out and about, plotting some evil plans and planning some evil plots.

      BEWARE... :U

      (Edited on March 11, 2009, 10:48 pm)
      Date:2009-03-12 05:37:18
      >Use superior boredom skill to remember that day you were munching on candy corn, remembering to glance over the ingredients, and remembering that candy corn's ingredients contain salt, honey glycerin, mineral oil, and carnauba wax.
      Date:2009-03-12 05:42:42
      My blood is fucking magical.
      Date:2009-03-12 06:49:11
      >>Realize an ingredient is candy corn.
      "Oh you've got to be kidding..." Whiskers mumbles to herself...


      Something suddenly brushes by Whiskers' shoulder. She jumps and shrieks, spinning around and aiming the flashlight behind her... nothing... possibly just a bit of dust... Her flashlight's beam was now pointed at the metallic hatch on the eastern wall.

      Whiskers looks down at the ingredients again, then at the hatch... This could be the refrigeration... thing! Her breath was visible in the chill of the room, her quivering breathing the only sound echoing off the darkened walls...

      She steps up to the fridge hatch and reaches for the handle... (another new pic wtf)
  •  cock |  Learned a leson |  2009-03-12 02:45:15|  58m 43s
      Date:2009-03-12 02:45:15
      Never webcam when your friends are at your house...
      Date:2009-03-12 02:55:56
      what did they do? Better yet, what were YOU doing on the webcam? >:3
      Date:2009-03-12 03:19:27
      A delicious continuation of webcam love :3?
      Date:2009-03-12 23:21:43
      Lol XD
      Makin a fool outta ya maybe? XD
  •  whiskers |  Chemical Labs |  2009-03-12 01:49:23|  17s
      Date:2009-03-12 01:49:23
      >>continue cautiously, with gun drawn and flashlight in hand.
      Whiskers approaches the ChemLabs door, the small red light on the side blinking out as it detects her ID card. The door opens with a faint whine of scraping metal which echoes into the darkness of the room ahead. With another deep breath, Whiskers crosses the doorway, stepping into the chilled room beyond. She shines her flashlight into the room, though the beam of light seems to be growing weaker... Maybe the batteries are dying?

      The ChemLabs smell absolutely putrid, even with the cold biting at her nose. The air is stagnant, yet there's the faint sensation of movement... as if walking through liquid. The darkness of the room almost looks like it's swirling about, always in the corners of her vision...

      She shines her dimming flashlight toward the northern wall. A lab counter lines this room, filled with various odds and ends, machinery and containers... A bit of twirling dust catches her eye as she turns to see a faded piece of paper lying upon the counter outcropping.
      Date:2009-03-12 01:56:09
      Do the obvious and read the papers.
      Date:2009-03-12 02:01:16
      Pick up and check papers. Also, take some syringes for the road. You never know when you might need them. ;) Although there probably aren't any left, right?
      Also, while avoiding creepy Ghost-Shadow 9_6, look for anything aluminum you could use as a helmet to keep 9_6 out of yer BRAINZ. :P
      Date:2009-03-12 02:07:22
      If I make an appearance and can do shit like mind control, can I give you orders that you absolutely have to follow?
      Date:2009-03-12 02:57:32
      Check the cabinet to the left
      Date:2009-03-12 03:13:41
      >>Take some syringes for the road // Although there probably aren't any left, right?
      Actually this box is full of unused Hypodermic Syringes... Still, Whiskers isn't exactly sure what she could use them for at the moment... Well, better safe than sorry. She takes a syringe.

      Whiskers' inventory has full (Ye Flask, Sam's ID, Vial: Red Liquid, Medical Gauze, Syringe, Handgun + 1 bullet, Flashlight, Jones' Journal) Warning: If any new types of items are acquired in the future, you must replace something...

      After taking a Syringe, Whiskers decides to check out that piece of paper on top of the counter... (gunna edit this in in a bit brb)
      Date:2009-03-12 03:56:04
      awesome perspectiveness!
  •  whiskers |  Dual Lock Corridor |  2009-03-11 06:52:58|  6s
      Date:2009-03-11 06:52:58
      >>Try splitting up. Cover more ground.
      After checking in one of the doors, they find that it's a single corridor split down the middle. It seems that Whiskers and Error will have to split up for now...

      Whiskers takes the right door while Error takes the left. This corridor is sectioned off by thick glass gates with a small panel between each one. Whiskers notices Error waving to her from beyond the window running along the central wall. This window appears to be sound proof, as Error begins mouthing something to Whiskers, who shrugs and motions that she can't hear him. The corridor seems to get increasingly dark further on... and for some reason Whiskers feels a faint chill wafting through...

      The panel below the window appears to be a long slot to swipe a card through. The writing on the side states "Simultaneous activation required."
      Date:2009-03-11 07:11:59
      Why is it so Evil in places like this...

      Anyway, shine your Flashlight down the hall to see if anything is there.

      Plus - Damn... you make a hell of a picture here. So creepy.
      I love it.

      (Edited on March 11, 2009, 12:20 am)
      Date:2009-03-11 07:17:36
      >>shine your Flashlight down the hall to see if anything is there.
      Whiskers tries to shine the flashlight through the glass... She could barely see through it to begin with, and the flashlight does little to help, as the thickness of the glass seems to dissipate the beam quite a bit. Plus most of the light just reflects back into her eyes, making it harder to see.
      Date:2009-03-11 07:33:17
      >Whiskers: Sequentially disable the laser fields that are TOTALLY THERE.
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-11 07:34:39
      Knock on the glass and point to the panel beneath the window. Error should get the idea and both of you can slide your cards through at once (I'm assuming there's a panel on Error's side as well).
      Date:2009-03-11 07:47:29
      >>Knock on the glass and point to the panel beneath the window. Error should get the idea and both of you can slide your cards through at once (I'm assuming there's a panel on Error's side as well).
      Whiskers does just that! Error looks up from reading the "simultaneous" sign on his panel and gives a nod of understanding. The two of them set their cards to the slots, Whiskers counts down on her fingers to Error, and...

      A deep chugging fills the hallway as the first glass wall rises into the ceiling, allowing the two of them to advance to the second section of either side. Whiskers notices Error stop and look down, making an odd face and stepping carefully. The hallway on Error's side seems to be a bit more damaged than over here...

      EDIT: moving on...
      They swipe through the second panel now. This time, after the panel gives off its loud beep, the first gate descends. Once that gate closes, the one ahead begins to open, giving them passage into the third chamber. It's gotten quite dark now, and Whiskers can barely see Error through the glass...

      What she can see though, is that he looks rather upset. She knocks on the glass and peers through curiously. Error points toward the fourth chamber on his side. The ceiling has collapsed and it was now filled with rubble, meaning Error could go no further.

      Error also appears to be fidgeting about and hugging himself nervously. Whiskers understands why, as there's an unnerving chill in the corridor by now even on her side. She knocks on the glass again to get his attention, then points to the panel below, herself, then toward the lab door. She may have to go on alone... if the gate even moves this time...

      (Edited on March 11, 2009, 1:20 am)
      Date:2009-03-11 16:14:22
      Durr, error go out of left room, error go into right room, no need to go on alone.
      Date:2009-03-11 18:31:46
      Each time they swipe their cards, the previous gates close behind them. Error can't go back around. >:/
      Date:2009-03-11 18:46:54
      Error smash glass!
      Date:2009-03-11 18:59:11
      >>Error smash!!
      Error's arm may be stronger, but it's not THAT strong. On top of the fact that he can barely lift it. Error attempts to punch through the HEAVY REINFORCED GLASS GATE, doing little more than creating a muffled 'thud-crack!'. Pain shoots up his arm as it flops to the ground again, Error falling to one knee and shouting in agony.

      Maybe trying to smash the security station's computer accelerated what was happening to his arm... It was painful to even move it at this point.

      (also I'm so sorry but... "CHOO-CHOO!!" ;<)
      Date:2009-03-11 19:12:30
      Well fuck it then.
      Go on into your doom kitteh.
      Omae wa mou shindeiru~
      Date:2009-03-11 19:30:27
      >>Go on into your doom kitteh.
      Whiskers could tell that had to have been painful... She knocks on the glass once more to get Error's attention. When he looks up to her again, she mimes out for them to swipe their cards one more time.

      Whiskers mouths silently through the window "I'll be fine.", despite the heavy uneasiness she could feel in the pit of her stomach... Error hesitates, frowning as his eyes lower to the floor...

      After a moment of thinking, he finally looks up and nods to her. She nods back and counts down for another card swipe.


      The center gate closes now, allowing the final gate to rise. The gate on Error's side rises as well, bits of rubble and dirt tumbling in around his feet. A freezing draft suddenly begins to encircle Whiskers, like a wave of cold water rushing into the room. The darkness seems to swirl ahead, the only thing visible was a small red light next to the door.

      Whiskers crosses into the final section of the hallway. Just as she did this however, the last glass gate starts chugging loudly, dropping back into place. She could see a faint outline of Error on the other side of the glass, now a section back from her... He was pressed to the glass, appearing to be looking for her.

      With a heavy, shivering sigh, she waves to him to let him know she's alright... then slowly turns toward the ChemLab door...

      (Time for work! be back tonight~)
      (also wtf japanese what?)
      Date:2009-03-11 19:57:45
      Ok since whiskers is dead in 3...2...1...
      >Error: Dig through that rubble.
      Date:2009-03-11 21:46:07
      Is it just me, or is Mr. Shadow Man wearing glasses? :O
      > Before proceeding, shine the flashlight around this last section of the corridor. Then continue cautiously, with gun drawn and flashlight in hand (Not sure if flashlight should be on or off when initially entering the Lab...)

      (Also, "sorry but... 'CHOO-CHOO!!'" wtf?)

      (Edited on March 11, 2009, 2:54 pm)
      Date:2009-03-12 00:26:51
      >>Before proceeding, shine the flashlight around this last section of the corridor.
      Nothing... just cracks all over the walls and center window and a pile of rubble in the corner... That red light next to the door doesn't seem to do anything other than indicate whether the door detects an ID card, like the lights over most of the other doors in this place.

      >>continue cautiously, with gun drawn and flashlight in hand.
      (Comin' up...)

      (Also "CHOO-CHOO" was pointing out how I was semi-railroading to be alone for this segment...)
      Date:2009-03-12 03:37:57
      You know, I just noticed the cracks in the glass spell out "Kock" =p
      Date:2009-03-12 04:13:51
      More like 'Fuck 96'
  •  whiskers |  "I won't fail another..." |  2009-03-11 02:50:51|  5s
      Date:2009-03-11 02:50:51
      (NOTE: in case anyone missed it, I clarified a few things Limz asked about in the last post. Check there if you like :B)
      >>Go through the door on the right and enter the chemical labs.

      The photo was old and wrinkled, but that man's face... She's had to have seen it tons of times, but her memories were so scattered from this place that she just couldn't recall him in person...

      Error slowly stood up and attempted to pull Whiskers to her feet to help snap her out of this trance she was in. "You ok?"

      Whiskers turns toward him, caught by surprise, "Oh... right... yes. We should get going." She replaces the papers in Jones' Journal, wiping at her eyes. After composing herself, she puts on a tougher expression, "Alright. To the Chemical Labs. This cure could be in there." She nods firmly to Error before going through the door.

      This appears to be not much more than the connecting corridor... The other end of the room has two diagonal walls with doors, each with a card reader. The sign on the wall reads:
      All personnel must wear protective gear beyond this point.
      Two ID'd personnel required to pass.
      Date:2009-03-11 02:51:41
      wh... how did... I didn't post this until just now how did you comment 8|

      EDIT: uh anyways

      >>Wear protective gear. >.>
      There doesn't seem to be anything around here that they can use like that :<!

      (Edited on March 10, 2009, 9:56 pm)
      Date:2009-03-11 03:03:11
      Use card on card reader and all that jazz...
      Date:2009-03-11 03:06:25
      >Screw the protective gear, you don't need any of that. Just go in anyway
      Date:2009-03-11 04:57:06
      >>Use card on card reader and all that jazz...
      Which one? There are two doors... Left or Right? Or should they split up?
      Date:2009-03-11 05:32:59
      > Try going right.

      As for the comment, the picture, with no title and a description post of "...", was shown when "browsing all posts" by you. (The url added as one of my favorites from when I was still catching up on the story. I haven't gotten around to changing it, so when I used the favorites to get to this site, I saw it before it was posted)

      (Edited on March 10, 2009, 10:34 pm)
      Date:2009-03-11 05:34:42
      Try splitting up. Cover more ground. (and gets Whiskers away from Error if he goes apeshit.)
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-03-11 06:25:37
      Do what PH said.
      Date:2009-03-11 06:40:01
      Splitting up is the best thing.
      Whiskers Left
      Error Right
      Date:2009-03-11 15:54:03
      Yeah, splitting up is a good way to get yourself KILLED.
      Good job guys.
      Don't you watch any horror movies?
  •  9_6 |  Fatality |  2009-03-10 23:20:47|  49m 30s
      Date:2009-03-10 23:20:47
      Date:2009-03-10 23:22:58
      Wtf? o.O? Can't tell what's happening. >_>

      Oh, wait, now I see it. o_o; Nice.

      (Edited on March 10, 2009, 4:25 pm)
      Date:2009-03-11 07:29:53
      All I can tell is it's a Charmander ultra-faceraping something.
      Can't really make out what, though.
      Date:2009-03-11 17:57:21
      Date:2009-03-11 19:14:52
      Never ever ever ever ever EVER gonna piss off a Chamander >_&gt