AGNPH Oekaki
  •  whiskers |  The Journal |  2009-02-18 06:42:44|  23s
      Date:2009-02-18 06:42:44
      >>Read the Journal.
      Only the first and last page remain...
      Date:2009-02-18 07:36:43
      MILITARY MEDICAL RESEARCH FACILITY!? THE POTION MUST BE SOME KIND OF MIRACLE DRUG! Caps lock was neccesary, immediatly drink all contents of ye flask and transform into Batman and Robin (Holy gee wilikers) use bat shark repelant spray.
      Date:2009-02-18 10:33:11
      Week 1 Day 1

      This is the medical journal of Dr. Nathaniel
      I am the Chief Medical Officer and head Researcher assigned
      to the Iron Grove Facility.

      I was recruited for my experience involving the inceident what took place in our previous medical facility. The Metal Glen.

      I will let the investigation of the substance recovered and study its medical capabilities.
      It has shown remarkable regenerative probabilities already but with obvious side effects towards its mental stability.
      ~Dr. Nathaniel Jones

      On a personal note... I do not understand what we need to prove with this research... this substance ------ stable. Everyone here knows what happened in Metal Glen... Dr. S knows exactly ------es... I only hope we can control it ---------------- could (or should) be another incident.

      Week 13 Day 4

      I almost have all the ingredients to this mixture! There is not much time left ------ overrun... my helper is on his way --------. All I can do now is wait ------ and only pray that we are not ----------------- reverse this atro----- we-----.

      If I do not survive... I want this journal to be the proof of what happened here.

      God help us -------------------------------.

      Just to let some of you know what was there. I know some of you were trying to read it.
      But still, not bad of a job... Nice story telling Whiskers very nice indeed.
  •  whiskers |  The Papers |  2009-02-18 05:57:02|  42s
      Date:2009-02-18 05:57:02
      >>Read through desk contents
      The Official papers on the desk appear to be files on several of the subjects in this lab. There are files on Whiskers(9), Error(10), Windslash(11), Radial(12), and one other paper which is so soaked through in blood that it's impossible to read... how convenient...

      Each file shows a picture of one of them chained up and beaten... A very unsettling sight given that neither of them remembers it... Error's picture appears to show him on the ground unconscious, while Radial is rightfully flipping off the camera, causing both to smirk slightly.

      The papers do little more than describe their physical characteristics... and "potential", which all show positive. Brief comments are scribbled on each file, describing relationships between the subjects... Though no names are given, there is mention of as high as a Subject 15. Only 9 through 12 are shown here, with that last one unreadable save for a corner of the picture...
      Date:2009-02-18 06:44:29
      Read aloud the description written on subject 9.

      (Is that a round 9_6 ear I see on the last paper, or am I mistaken?)
      Date:2009-02-18 06:57:43
      ;_; poor shrew :(
      Date:2009-02-18 08:45:07
      >>Read aloud the description written on subject 9.
      Subject 9 goes by the name Whiskers. 9 was our first acquisition in the raid. Her genetic make-up, along with the other subjects we have acquired shows excellent potential for testing, as promised.
  •  rockinmuffin |  Team Bonding |  2009-02-18 02:38:16|  2h 25m 49s
      Date:2009-02-18 02:38:16
      I luvz all mah pokeymanz.

      'Cept for Mewtwo. He's a butt-munch. D:<
      Date:2009-02-18 03:22:07
      I like this :D the raichu is cute and the mewtwo is funny :lol:
      Date:2009-02-18 03:27:07
      wtf @ charizard
      Date:2009-02-18 03:28:27
      Yeah... Charizard looks different because I drew him first, so he's kind of drawn in my super simple caricatire version of him. >.>

      ...Also, his parents are brother and sister.

      (Edited on February 17, 2009, 7:31 pm)
      Date:2009-02-18 05:06:43
      Date:2009-02-18 21:01:44
      D'aaaaw the Gengar! n.n
      Date:2009-02-22 20:36:06
      No, fuck you!
      Date:2009-02-23 02:04:04
      RE: Mewtwo

      Nuh-uh! You first! >:D
  •  whiskers |  So these two subjects walk into a doctor's office... |  2009-02-17 06:33:39|  12s
      Date:2009-02-17 06:33:39
      >>enter the door with the red cross cautiously.
      Whiskers and Error enter the clearly marked medical office. The blood seeping out from beneath the door does not bode well for the condition of the room itself...

      Sure enough, when the duo enters the Doctor's Office, they find the place to be a bloodbath! The body of a man in a white coat sits behind a very official looking desk. What is most likely his head is found buried halfway into the wall a few feet above him. Arterial spray covers much of the walls, staining various posters. The two gawk in disgust at yet another brutalized corpse...

      (As you can probably tell I've attempted to cut down my descriptions... you guys gotta ask to look around more in order to find anything... hope you didn't miss anything so far >:|)
      Date:2009-02-17 06:50:03
      Search room and describe in full detail.

      ALSOx2: Examine the bottom line of the eye chart.
      Date:2009-02-17 06:53:34
      > Error
      Kick glass casing outside

      > Whiskers
      Examine various diagrams in room

      (Edited on February 16, 2009, 11:04 pm)
      Date:2009-02-17 07:19:55
      >>Search room and describe in full detail.
      The far wall has a small examination table, a thin sheet of wax paper lies across the leather padding, stained with blood like almost everything else here. An eye chart is plastered to the wall just above the table...

      >>Examine the bottom line of the eye chart.
      Neither of them are entirely sure what the significance of "P H R U L E S U" could be... still the fact that they can read it from here means their eyes are in good condition, especially since it looks more scribbled on than officially printed...

      Anyway on to the rest of the room: There is a Fancy Desk, complete with official looking papers on top and not 1 but 4 drawers!! A headless body sits in the office chair behind the desk, possibly dead... neither are quite sure they can trust corpses in this place...

      There is a Doctor's PHD plaque on the wall, mostly covered in blood. What is visible of the name on the plaque is "Dr. N-t--- Jones, PHD i- ---ecu--- B------"

      >>Examine diagram behind them.

      The diagram looks like it COULD be a map... if it wasn't stained heavily with blood. The title of the diagram is slightly legible...

      "Mili---- Re---rc- ---ili-y
      'Th- Ir-- ---ve'"
      Date:2009-02-17 09:47:00
      Check the Doc's coat... it may contain some useful things.
      Maybe an ID Card for the locked Lab or the other door?
      And this maybe a little gross but the head... Check the head!!!

      lol PH RULES U :D :D :D
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2009-02-17 16:12:33
      Search the drawers of the desk for anything useful.
      Date:2009-02-17 17:40:55
      >>Check the Doc's coat... it may contain some useful things.
      Now your thinking! Whiskers holds her breath and peels back the doctor's coat, searching through his pockets. An inside pocket reveals a Tiny Desk Key! A plastic ID card holder appears to be clipped to the doctor's chest as well, but the actual ID card is missing...

      >>Search the drawers of the desk for anything useful.
      There are some official looking papers on top of the desk, but since they just found a Desk Key, the two decide to see if it works on any of these drawers first. The upper two drawers reveal little more than bits of medical equipment such as gauze, pain pills, a stethoscope, just a bunch of knick-knacks. The bottom left drawer contains one of those tins people usually have alcohol in, but it's empty.

      The bottom right drawer was the one that was locked! Whiskers takes the Tiny Desk Key and unlocks the drawer, discarding it since it's done its work. The locked drawer contains what looks to be the remains of a medical journal, almost all of its pages have been torn out... Only a page near the beginning and the last appear to be intact. A small corked vial rolls to the front of the drawer as well, filled with a solid dark red liquid...

      >>Check the head!!!
      It's a head. Clearly it's been ripped out and slammed into the wall. It is mostly crushed and mangled, a bit of spine dangling down... nothing useful can be found.
      Date:2009-02-17 18:17:43
      Put Gauze and Pain Pills in inventory, leave the room, and enter the Lab Control Room.
      Date:2009-02-17 18:36:17
      >>gather medical knick-knacks and check lab control.
      The gauze could come in handy... Whiskers takes them and maybe a couple pills to be on the safe side (Grabbin' peels! >8U)

      The lab control door was locked last they checked, and they haven't found anything that might be able to open it yet so there's not much use in that at the moment...
      Date:2009-02-17 20:56:48
      Equip docs coat for +2 defense. You're running around nude all the time, you'll catch a cold this way!
      Also put that dudes head back on his neck and pour a bit of ye flask over his throat.
      Date:2009-02-17 23:02:44
      Read the Medical Journal
      Date:2009-02-17 23:07:39
      Date:2009-02-18 02:06:20
      Are you hungry Pura? :sneaky:
      Fresh Doctors body ready for eats!!!

      Try to remove the head from the wall. Something may be behind it... just a thought.
      :gamer: THE HEAD WON'T MOVE!!! :gamer: Man... :what:
      Date:2009-02-18 03:27:41
      Set Hyouun on fire again.
      Date:2009-02-18 07:32:46
      Title of the Diagram is:
      "Military Research Facility"
      "The IR&D ___ve"
      Also Independant Research and development? sounds like they are fuxxed
      Ps yes I am awesome at hangman...
  •  whiskers |  This looks promising! |  2009-02-17 01:33:22|  5s
      Date:2009-02-17 01:33:22
      >>continue through the metal detector and into the next area.
      Whiskers and Error open the door out of the lab, the poster on the wall fluttering just slightly as a faint gust of wind meets them. As they enter the next room, the air already smells a great deal cleaner than before, though there's always that hint of old blood...

      Whiskers sighs with relief and points to a door across the room with a red cross on it. Maybe they can find medical supplies in there! Error nods while idly picking at one of his teeth, feeling like it may have been knocked out of place.
      Date:2009-02-17 01:45:55
      Give error a sip of ye flask to care about his teeth and go to the lab control instead.
      Date:2009-02-17 01:53:28
      >>Give Error a sip of ye flask to care about his teeth
      Whiskers checks if Error wants to try a sip of the Strange Medicine, maybe it'll help fix his teeth? Error's not so sure he wants to drink that stuff, but it could be worth a shot...

      Error takes a small sip, the new sugary taste isn't exactly great but it doesn't make him gag like it did before with Whiskers. He feels a faint tingling through his mouth and down into his stomach like Whiskers did however. They both check his mouth again... Whiskers jumps at what she sees! A couple of his teeth have grown into a point, almost like a small row of 3 fangs. Even closing his mouth again keeps one poking out slightly.

      >> and go to the lab control instead.
      Whiskers approaches the Lab Control door, but the blue light above remains unlit and the door stays closed. She even tries knocking a few times but there is no answer.
      Date:2009-02-17 02:01:16
      Let error use his MANLY PHYSIQUE to break the door open!
      Date:2009-02-17 04:12:28
      Search around for something to defend yourselves with. After searching, enter the door with the red cross cautiously.
      Date:2009-02-17 05:19:57
      That broken panel look kind of... hmmm...

      Well you may need some items... so the meidical room may be ineed of some searching on. It can't hurt to be careful before to continue forward.
      Date:2009-02-17 05:28:32
      >>>> Behind the Lab Room a voice is heard
      " :mad: What do you want... I'm trying to rest
      in here. Don't you know how hard it is to sleep with
      all of the bloody noise that I've been hearing...
      Damn.... So leave me be. :mad: "
      Then the voice is gone.

      Sorry I just had to do it...
      Date:2009-02-17 05:31:38
      >>Search around for something to defend yourselves with.
      The two of them investigate the room in detail... Though the lights are in working condition, this room seems to be fairly close to the same condition as the Subject Storage area. Bits of the ceiling are even crumbling, exposing the concrete and rock beyond.

      There are pools of blood all over, hinting at another great struggle. Another defense case hangs on the wall, empty, with it's door hanging off in terrible condition. Bloody hand prints cover the inside. A display case stands against the wall, the case appears mostly empty as well, save for what appears to be ANOTHER DAMN KEY CARD.

      A warning plaque is placed upon the front: "Warning! Replica under high priority protection. Do not under any circumstances tamper with case. Security system will activate and alarm will sound. High security access card required."

      >>After searching, enter the door with the red cross cautiously.
      Whiskers motions Error to follow as she turns the doorknob and they enter the clearly marked medical room! (ok hold on >:U)
      Date:2009-02-17 05:31:39
      ...set Hyouun on fire.
      Date:2009-02-17 05:35:00
      Hugs PH so he too is on fire as well...
      I'm taking you with me!!! :lol:
      Date:2009-02-17 05:35:01
      >>..set Hyouun on fire.
      Hyouun sits at his/her computer surfin' some webs when suddenly BWOOSH!! He/she runs around his/her house flailing his/her burning limbs before diving into his/her/a neighbor's pool.
      Date:2009-02-17 05:36:56
      Lmao :lol: :crazy: :/
      I'm a male just to let you know but eh
  •  whiskers |  FOR THE EMPEROR! |  2009-02-16 21:46:31|  5s
      Date:2009-02-16 21:46:31
      >>Praise the emperor for allowing you victory.
      We salute our great overlord for granting us the strength to DESTROY OUR ENEMIES
      Date:2009-02-16 21:50:40
      Now continue through the metal detector and into the next area.
      Date:2009-02-16 21:50:52
      After disposing of their metallic and electronic items, Whiskers and Error carefully cross the Metal Detector field. Luckily nothing happens... They are free to navigate the room.

      There's not much on the other side of the detector field other than another Deposit Box and one of those Subject Handling reminders that looks like it's barely clinging to the wall... The door to the next room looks like an ID card lock, and should open to the damaged card Whiskers still holds.
      Date:2009-02-16 21:53:55
      do the obvious and swipe the card >:B
      Date:2009-02-16 22:09:25
      Dump ye flask over yourself to play in GOD MODE!
      Also ask yourself why the fuck there is a metal detector in a research facility.
      Date:2009-02-17 01:23:51
      >Peer into the opposite deposit bit for metal items to see if you can find any other tool.
  •  cock |  Giratina |  2009-02-16 08:16:32|  1h 43m 17s
      Date:2009-02-16 08:16:32
      Colored Meh.... Penis is colored crappy D:
      Date:2009-02-16 17:23:13
      I like Giratina. Nice work.
      Date:2009-02-16 18:43:40
      Penis looks like a burned hotdog :U
      Date:2009-02-16 20:11:19
      burned hot dogs are the best kind! They taste so good when they're slightly charred :D I dunno about burnt hot dog penises though :duh:
      Friendly Zangoose
      Date:2009-02-16 21:34:39
      Giratina is one of my favorite lengendary pokemon. There really needs to be more hot Giratina sex...

      Maybe have one molest a whailord and teach it not to abuse anymore skitties XD.
      Date:2009-02-17 02:53:36
      This shit is teh shit!
      Date:2009-02-18 00:49:16
      Kinda liked the movie they aired. Despite Shaymin being a dick 8D~
      And sounding like Tails when it went to Sky forme. XD

      Awesome pic. She definately looks displeased with a fitting cock o.o
  •  whiskers |  Check-up time |  2009-02-16 06:31:37|  4s
      Date:2009-02-16 06:31:37
      >>Continue on into the next room, ignoring the mystery person's CREEPINESS factor.
      That would be rather difficult. The red lights begin to dim as Whiskers and Error make their way to the next room. Whiskers glances up at the darkened window one more time, feeling rather uneasy...

      This room appears to be another connecting hall. As the two of them enter, Whiskers attempts to look Error's wounds over. Though Error assures her he'll be fine, she still wants to find bandages for him if they get the chance... Just then the voice kicks in overhead once again.

      "I'd be careful in that room, you two. The strip you see in the middle is a security device. If it detects any metallic or electronic items the shutters will close and you'll be trapped until someone can override them. Since I of course have no control over the security systems, I wont be able to help you if that happens so you'll need to place anything metal or electronic in the deposit box over there. Oh and watch your fingers!"

      The door behind them closes and seals tightly, leaving them nowhere to go but forward. The deposit box on the side walls appear to lead to vacuum tubes that head upwards...

      "I need to work on getting Subject 12 sedated and stored. I'll meet up with you soon! Just watch out for the other security systems ahead!~"

      (Forgive retarded writing, the dialog's not really clicking tonight :u)
      Date:2009-02-16 06:38:30
      >Use Error's Manliness to heal his wounds over time with sheer amount of manliness.
      >Put Tazer and Scalpel in the security box and move on
      Date:2009-02-16 07:11:23
      You forgot the hooked metal tool, Windslash.
      Date:2009-02-16 07:12:19
      I agree with Windslash on getting rid of you weapons but wait... :duh: How did you get the Scalpel back? Well anyway... let Error be for now.
      You need to continue before your friend wakes up...
      Ahhh.... If I was there, I will ahh.... oh, hehe never mind... :P
      :gamer: Come on, come on... work :gamer:
      Damn, my game frozed... AHHHH!!! :what:

      Oh!!! Give Error The flask to drink or pour on his wounds... hell it might help who knows.

      Heh, my second edit... how odd
      I also wanted to let you know that you can still get the "Riot Club" that you left behind... it's not Metal or Electical and you need a weapon so go back and get it.

      Oh wait I forgot you used it already... my bad... I was so in the zone that I didn't realised what happened and what did... Sorry... I'm sad now :(
      Date:2009-02-16 08:16:59
      >>How did you get the Scalpel back?
      Whiskers picked the scalpel back up as they were leaving the room just to be safe. Unfortunately it looks like she can't keep it...

      >>Put Tazer and Scalpel in the security box and move on.
      Error and Whiskers place their respective items into the deposit box, rather uneasy that they're giving up their defensive tools... With an assuring nod to each other they turn to go on-

      >>You forgot the hooked metal tool!
      Error catches Whiskers by the arm inches from crossing the detector. He points out the Crude Metal Tool she was still holding. Whiskers holds the Metal Tool closely, hesitant to give up the loyal rusty hook that has been with her since the beginning... (Which truthfully couldn't have been more than an hour ago...) But even so, it was a necessary sacrifice for them to move on. Whiskers, sorrow in her eyes, places her beloved Crude Metal Tool into the deposit box. (Come to think of it, it never really came to any use with anything anyway... fuck that fucking tool)

      continued tomorrow :U
      Date:2009-02-16 17:30:34
      go back and take the muffin
      Date:2009-02-16 19:23:03
      Treat errors wounds with ye flask and see what happen.
      Date:2009-02-16 19:37:11
      Praise the emperor for allowing you victory.
      Date:2009-02-16 21:35:53
      >>Treat errors wounds with ye flask and see what happen.
      Whiskers takes out the Strange Medicine in order to treat Error's cuts and broken nose. Wait... Whiskers wipes some of the blood away from Error's arm but... there's only the faint remnants of a scar! Error cleans up his face and touches at his nose... mended!

      They both share a look of mild relief and confusion...
  •  whiskers |  You know the drill |  2009-02-16 03:00:53|  5s
      Date:2009-02-16 03:00:53

      The other robotic arm starts up, this one fitted with a massive drill that slowly inches towards Radial. Whiskers pulls herself up and quickly dashes over to Error as the mutant totodile lets out another howl towards the darkened windows above.


      "...Gotcha again..."


      Radial squeaks and drops a muffin.
      Date:2009-02-16 03:05:38
      All falls quiet... A bloody mess hangs silently in the center of the room, the smoking robotic arms dug into the blue scaled creature between them like some sickening sculpture.

      "You should probably make your way to the next room. He is far from dead, trust me." The voice once again rings over the speakers in a cheerful manner, "The infection will heal him within minutes. I must flood this room with gas in order to sedate him again. I'll meet up with you two later."

      The door ahead beeps loudly and opens...

      "See you soon, Kitten~"
      Date:2009-02-16 03:30:50
      Continue on into the next room, ignoring the mystery persons CREEPYNESS factor.
      Date:2009-02-16 03:40:03
      The poor thing... :( :|

      Heh, anyway, I know you said as I read earlier... that this based on Rubyquest, but on this pic, it looks like a Resident Evil bit.
      ---> The darken figure "Wesker"
      ---> Whiskers "Jill"
      ---> Error "Chris"
      ---> Mutant Totodile "Some Mutant Monster"
      :gamer: Got to play, got to play... :gamer: Though I beat all but Code: Veronica X, 5, The Umbrella Chronicles, and the Outbreaks.
      Date:2009-02-16 04:51:28
      I actually have been thinking about that...
      If Ruby Quest was the psychological mindfuck horror game (Silent Hill)

      Then this is the stupid actiony not-very-scary "horror" counterpart (Resident Evil)
      Date:2009-02-16 19:20:31
      This is one shotgun away from a 'stupid actiony not-very-scary "horror" counterpart' though you know.
      Date:2009-02-16 21:17:42
      the third panel has a very mew/mewtwo-ish sort of face 8U HMMM
      also I lol'd at the whole muffin thing in the description.
  •  whiskers |  Double Deuce!! |  2009-02-16 01:26:34|  4s
      Date:2009-02-16 01:26:34
      >>Taunt at Radial from the Operating Table
      BOOFSH! Whiskers taunts Radial with her special Double Deuce Attack! This is rightly met with a fierce tackling by the mutant totodile, knocking her back and tumbling to the floor. She rights herself and lands safely, looking up to see that her distraction worked! The large robotic claw wraps around Radial's torso and hoists him above the operating table...
      Date:2009-02-16 01:45:54
      Kick it where the sun don't shine...

      Since it's prone... you have a good chance to do it :sneaky:
      Date:2009-02-16 02:00:27
      Sit back and watch the robotic arm rape fest.
  •  oykawoo |  Sweet Dreams |  2009-02-15 10:01:32|  8m 56s
      Date:2009-02-15 10:01:32
      First time using Oekaki. I think it came out decent.
      Date:2009-02-15 15:30:41
      nice :3
      Date:2009-02-15 15:58:56
      Aww he's sleeping

      (Edited on February 15, 2009, 7:59 am)
      Date:2009-02-15 16:38:31
      It did come out decent.
      Date:2009-02-15 16:54:47
      welcum x3
      Date:2009-02-15 17:13:59
      Hey, thanks... I was here at times looking at all of your pics and I thought of joining.

      I know you are talking about me and the pic... but still... it is nice to be "Welcumed"

      (Edited on February 15, 2009, 9:24 am)
      Date:2009-02-18 00:49:51
      Very nice X3
  •  whiskers |  Fucking Valentine's Day... |  2009-02-15 08:47:21|  1m 49s
      Date:2009-02-15 08:47:21
      (We interrupt this thrilling action sequence for fffffffffff)
      >>She had a little trouble focusing on it since something else was stuck on her mind at the moment...


      (...happy belated valentine's...*ahem*)
      Date:2009-02-15 09:00:12
      There's no wrong time to fantasize, even when facing iminent death. <3
      Date:2009-02-15 09:12:32
      Make out already! *shot*
      Date:2009-02-15 10:15:37
      Error and Whiskers sitting in a laboratory filled with death, k i s s i n g.

      Date:2009-02-15 12:20:11
      Date:2009-02-15 17:24:58
      Reality got her back when she felt a hard punch in the gut as the monstar pierced her nipples with its giant, hard, spiked cock.
      The next thing she knew was that she was flying across the room.

      Everything moved oddly slow. Almost peaceful.

      She didn't even feel pain when something hit her hard from behind.
      A muffled crack shot through her body and her vision became blurred.
      The last thing she heard were screams of agony when the monstar ripped out errors limbs one by one.

      Suddenly, something huge and spiky darted towards her head.
      Or was it huge and scaly?
      That sure was a matter that demanded further investigation, she deciced.

      Her brains splattered all over the room.

      THE END
      Date:2009-02-15 17:59:41
      hey I'm just showing WHAT was being thought of at this point:

      ...yeah ;< *picks up brains~*
      Date:2009-02-15 19:52:27
      Helps Whiskers pick up her brains... then runs away with them...

      "Brains for sell... Cheap useful brains..." :P
  •  whiskers |  Tink!~ |  2009-02-15 06:02:37|  5s
      Date:2009-02-15 06:02:37
      Whiskers jumps on top of the operating table in the center of the lab, holding the Old Scalpel up in the air.

      "HEY UGLY!!"

      Whiskers chucks the super sharp surgical tool, which goes spinning dynamically through the air, complete with speed lines. The deadly knife spins menacingly toward its scaly target, it's sharpened tip glinting in the light!


      The Old Scalpel hits Radial by the handle and bounces to the floor.

      "T...take that...!" She valiantly grumbles.
      Date:2009-02-15 06:07:38
      BTW sorry for the delay guys, I was in a "mood" most of Thursday and all of Friday and didn't feel like drawing. But I'm feeling more confident and I'm gunna draw the SHIT outa this bitch!
      Date:2009-02-15 06:41:00
      Taunt at Radial from the Operating Table
      Mayor of Detroit
      Date:2009-02-15 07:32:01
      Bring out the second piece of candy corn (the one with arms, legs, and fangs) and have it eat the mutated Radial's feet.
      Date:2009-02-15 07:57:13
      do what Sonix said.
      Date:2009-02-15 08:23:29
      >>Bring out the second piece of candy corn (the one with arms, legs, and fangs) and have it eat the mutated Radial's feet.
      There is no such item! In fact the very idea sounds down right silly!

      (Taunting next... as in when I'm awake again.)
      Date:2009-02-15 08:58:49
      Spill a little bit of the now sugary, delicious-smelling medicine on top of the operating table to lure Radial; he will smell the num-nums and be unable to resist.

      (BTW, Whiskers, this story ya got here is pretty nifty. :B)

      (Edited on February 15, 2009, 12:59 am)
  •  whiskers |  Oh wow we're fucked |  2009-02-15 05:32:28|  7s
      Date:2009-02-15 05:32:28
      >>You guys are fucked.
      Looks like it at the moment huh?
      >>ask MYSTERYOUS PERSON to operate that mechanical arm to your advantage while error uses his MANLY PHYSIQUE to club and zap.

      The mutated Radial shrieks out again and leaps in Error's general direction!!


      Error presses his back to the wall as Radial slams to the floor in front of him. He yells out as he jams the Riot Club into Radial's giant fanged mouth, wincing when he gets a stray tooth to the arm. The crazed crocodile suddenly blinks in surprise, his massive jaws stuck open. Error takes this opportunity to jab the Stun Gun up under Radial's chin.

      A blinding flash of light emits from the little device as arcs of electricity wrap around Radial, who screams out in pain. This was a surprisingly strong shock! Unfortunately it did not seem to be enough... The mutant totodile chomps down and shatters the Riot Club and swipes his massive claw at Error, knocking him across the room into the wall. Error falls to his knees stunned and coughing...

      "ERROR!!!" Whiskers shouts in a panic, turning her sights on the window above. "We could use a bit of HELP down here!!"

      "I will help however I can, Kitten!" The voice called back cheerfully, "In order for me to do that, however, I'll need you to draw it over to the operation table!"
      Date:2009-02-15 05:54:46
      stand behind the operation table in order to lure Radial.
  •  overgame |  UNF. |  2009-02-15 01:54:15|  46m 35s
      Date:2009-02-15 01:54:15
      hey there. happy valentines day. <3
      Date:2009-02-15 02:20:42
      Hawt! *fukken saved*
      Date:2009-02-15 02:57:27
      Very attractive style. Love the hair. and body and eyes...well everything 8D
  •  cyanzangoose |  Lopunny |  2009-02-14 06:39:57|  22m 30s
      Date:2009-02-14 06:39:57
      I dunno. I think I have a Mood swing on programs. ._.
      I throw up MSPaint...Dun wanna draw.
      I throw up Paint.Net...Dun wanna draw.
      I throw up Paint BBS...Do want. o.o
  •  whiskers |  It sure is Radial in here... |  2009-02-13 10:30:41|  5s
      Date:2009-02-13 10:30:41
      >>Prepare to deal with Subject 12!
      The creature bursts out of the chamber and crashes to the floor. It keeps rolling along, digging up bits of concrete as it banks off of the corner wall and lands opposite Whiskers and Error.

      The both of them quickly realize what... WHO this is. Though his appearance has grown monstrous, this is clearly Radial! The mutated Totodile lets out a deafening roar, shaking the room.

      "Oh dear... he's gotten bigger since last I saw him..." The voice above idly comments.
      Date:2009-02-13 10:31:26
      Stab it with fire!

      oh wait
      Date:2009-02-13 11:05:25
      Error>Use the Stun gun. It's weak to Electric Attacks!
      Date:2009-02-13 15:39:33
      Spill ye flask on it!
      All your other weapons suck dirty monkey balls anyway.
      Ye flask is your only hope to get out of this with all your limbs still on your body.
      Date:2009-02-13 15:54:51
      Use ye flask its your only hope
      Date:2009-02-13 16:27:28
      I'm... not sure why everyone keeps thinking the MEDICINE would hurt him?? You're purposely fucking around aren't you >:U
      Mayor of Detroit
      Date:2009-02-13 16:44:35
      Bring out the second piece of candy corn (the one with arms, legs, and fangs) and have it eat the mutated Radial's feet.
      Date:2009-02-13 16:49:10
      Ye flask killed the candycorns brother, it'll kill this thing too.
      But if you prefer that, go and poke it with your mighty scalpel and see what happens.

      But okay then, ask MYSTERYOUS PERSON to operate that mechanical arm to your advantage while error uses his MANLY PHYSIQUE to club and zap and tickle the monstar a bit!
      Date:2009-02-13 20:39:27
      Better, drench him in the medicine THEN shock him. Use the potion as a contact.
      Date:2009-02-14 10:42:28
      Error>Zap 'em, then whack 'em! The one-two punch! REMEMBER, THE ONE-TWO PUNCH!
      Date:2009-02-14 11:01:33
      You guys are fucked.
      Date:2009-02-14 18:33:16
      Whiskers sit on his head and stab it with the scapel!
      Date:2009-02-14 19:40:53
      >Get rescued by MYSTERIOUS STRANGER
      Date:2009-02-14 20:49:18
      Lol, Sketch. I just got the Mysterious Stranger perk in fallout 3 when I read your reply.
      Date:2009-02-14 21:07:40
      Sweet, anyway...... Use the scalpel to carve a spell into your stomach in order to summon an elf.
      Date:2009-02-14 21:19:24
      Error: stun with taser
      whiskers: slit throat
      Date:2009-02-14 21:25:36
      You were given enough options to pick from now draw!
      Gogogo kitteh!
      Date:2009-02-15 04:10:19
      Oh hey guys I'm back what's going on :U

      ....oh right we're gunna die ok hold on.
  •  whiskers |  Dinner For 12 |  2009-02-13 07:01:56|  1m 40s
      Date:2009-02-13 07:01:56
      >>Whiskers: grab scalpel
      >>Error: rush defense case
      Error runs to the case and throws it open. Of COURSE there's no gun left! However there is still a Stun Gun left on one of the hooks and a Riot Club.

      Whiskers quickly swipes up the Surgical Scalpel. Holding it and the metal tool in either hand.

      "Hurry, you two! He's about to-"


      EDIT: almost forgot the incredibly annoying red lights

      (Edited on February 12, 2009, 11:04 pm)
      Date:2009-02-13 07:23:15
      Error: arm yourself with both weapons.
      Both: stand back and wait for the thing to emerge.
      Date:2009-02-13 07:25:33
      Prepare for a fight
      Date:2009-02-13 08:23:12
      Whiskers: Prepare Error for human shield tactics.
      Date:2009-02-13 15:33:46
      Fucking shit what no shotgun? D:
  •  whiskers |  Testing Lab |  2009-02-13 02:31:44|  4s
      Date:2009-02-13 02:31:44
      >>Unlock the door and enter cautiously.
      Whiskers equips the Crude Metal Tool as they unlock the door with their respective items. The instant the door slides open, however, they are bombarded with a shrieking alarm, the large room flooded with red light.

      "Damn him!" A voice shouts over the intercom in the upper portion of the room just below a large viewing window. A shadowy figure can be seen through the glass...

      "Ah, and here are the sleepyheads!" The voice takes a sharp turn from anger into hospitality as the duo are spotted entering. "I was just told you two would be coming! I am certainly glad to see you are well, kitten~" The last part was directed to Whiskers, who gawks up at the window in confusion.

      "I'm afraid our reunion has to be put on hold, as there's been a bit of... 'tampering' with Subject 12's revival chamber. He's been woken up and is in a pretty foul mood..."

      Sure enough, in the opposite corner, a row of chambers stood against the wall. The one in the middle had it's occupancy light on, but was violently shaking and the door was denting outwards. Monstrous howling echoed over the clanging and whining of metal being ripped apart.

      "You two may wish to arm yourselves. I would like you to subdue Subject 12 for me..."

      The emergency defense box directly under the window clicked loudly just then. The room was also lined with various testing equipment that COULD serve useful... somehow...

      "You may want to hurry, that chamber doesn't look like it will hold the little guy back much longer!"
      Mayor of Detroit
      Date:2009-02-13 03:06:37
      Scavenge the various testing equipment for anything that could be used as a weapon.
      Date:2009-02-13 03:54:01
      Grab the shotgun and shoot them in the head!
      Date:2009-02-13 03:54:53
      Bitch! you don't needa load it! We did that shit for you!
      Date:2009-02-13 04:40:50
      Stare at the wall.... It's just too pretty!
      Date:2009-02-13 05:20:06
      >>Scavenge testing equipment.
      The shelves next to our protagonists hold many little knick-knacks and unsavory used testing equipment... Dirty beakers, broken bits of scrap metal, a few metal trays, one with a dirty pair of tongs and a scalpel...

      There is also a set of intimidating machinery in the center of the room over the operating table. These work arms are tipped with things like a heavy metal claw and drill. There are various other openings in the floor that look like they may produce additional work arms... These are all most likely controlled from the room above where the shadowy figure resides.

      The opposite wall (where we're looking from) is lined with wash sinks and cleaning equipment and the like.

      Possible courses of action before your elbow deep in monster:
      -Scavenge dirty surgeon's tools.
      -Rush for the defense case.
      *Ask shadowy figure for possible help while doing either...
      *of course anything else you can think of :x
      Date:2009-02-13 05:21:34
      Go to defense case and grab shotgun damnit!
      If there's no wepon in defense case, get ready to spill ye flask over some mutant zombie ass!
      Date:2009-02-13 06:10:04
      Whiskers: grab scalpel (and draw FASTAR >8U MUST FEED ADDICTION!)
      Error: rush defense case

      Date:2009-02-13 06:28:18
      sorry I was waiting to see if anyone suggested other stuff :U

      alright alright here we go
      Date:2009-02-13 06:34:16
      Kinda hard when you are pressured in an event... not sure what to choooose
  •  cyanzangoose |  Shadow Zangoose: Meilay |  2009-02-13 01:13:46|  39m 10s
      Date:2009-02-13 01:13:46
      Meh... ._.;;
      Haven't drawn her in almost 2 years...

      And then I thought of a few too many ideas with this so it took a tad longer than usual...Maybe.
      Date:2009-02-13 06:03:28
      Goddamn, that's badass.
  •  whiskers |  To the labs! |  2009-02-12 19:40:53|  1m 8s
      Date:2009-02-12 19:40:53
      The two find themselves in a short stairwell. The sign indicating their current location reads "SUBJECT STORAGE" while the sign at the top of the stairs reads "TESTING LABS".

      "Oh goody... Well, at least we're getting to a better lit area."

      Various instructional and safety posters line the stairwell walls, reminding staff to wear masks and gloves as well as listing proper subject handling techniques...
      Date:2009-02-12 20:33:58
      >Read about propper subject handling techniques
      Date:2009-02-12 21:55:19
      (I THOUGHT something was missing! I forgot the blood trail :B fixed now...)
      >>Read about propper subject handling techniques
      All staff members, scientists and handlers must recognize these precautionary measures when dealing with infected subjects...
      -Avoid direct contact, transfer of bodily fluids of any sort WILL result in spread.
      -Cover any and all open wounds, scratches, cuts, etc.
      -Always wear protective suits, gloves, goggles in case direct contact is unavoidable.
      -Keep subjects sedated during testing periods unless otherwise ordered.
      -Should subject become agitated, use any force necessary to subdue them.
      -Refer to emergency defense cases for protection should situation escalate.

      The 'safety precautions' this sign lists is highly unnerving... It sounds as if these people would use extreme force at the very sight of the two of them.

      EDIT: oh by the way, the candy corn's back in Error's inventory. He didn't ingest them via nostrils... yet.

      (Edited on February 12, 2009, 2:01 pm)
      Date:2009-02-12 22:14:28
      Follow blood trail and examine the door.
      Date:2009-02-12 23:48:48
      Drop corn into ye flask and see what happen.
      Date:2009-02-12 23:51:59
      This is very interesting and has me hooked.
      Date:2009-02-13 00:11:46
      I second 9_6 drop the corn into ye flask

      (Edited on February 12, 2009, 4:11 pm)
      Date:2009-02-13 00:41:40
      >>Drop one of the candy corns into ye flask of strange medicine...
      Only if Error wants to try... it IS his precious candy corn.

      >>Follow blood trail and examine the door.
      The door at the top looks just like the one below, same lock set up too. This hall seems to be nothing more than a connection between the Subject cells and the labs... or a cheap way of stalling until the artist can fully think up the design of the next room.

      (EDIT? the term "artist" should be taken lightly btw~)

      (Edited on February 12, 2009, 4:43 pm)
      Date:2009-02-13 00:44:17
      Tell error that flasking his corns can only lead to an improvement of some sort.
      What's good for zombie hands can obviously only be good for candy corn too after all.
      Date:2009-02-13 00:56:57
      Date:2009-02-13 01:05:32
      Fucking fuck, shove the hooked metal pipe thing up to it and KILL IT WITH FIRE!
      Also go to next room. Without feet. Yeah.
      Date:2009-02-13 01:12:02
      (after checking with Error, he accepts to test this out...)
      >>Drop one of the candy corns into ye flask of strange medicine... FOR REALZ this time
      Error is inspired by the spirits of great chemists passed! He takes one of his precious candy corn kernels and, after borrowing ye flask from Whiskers, drops it into the strange medicine...



      ...The candy kernel slowly dissolves, turning the pale green liquid... kinda... orange-brown-y. It now smells just a little more pleasant and sugary rather than sickening, but the cloudy texture can still be seen swirling within.

      Error has lost the ability to use candy corn nose plugs now that he only has one kernel left.

      (EDIT: ok ok, next room next room... sometime tonight)
      Date:2009-02-13 01:41:38
      Unlock the door and enter cautiously.
      Date:2009-02-13 01:43:41
      Unlock the door, kick it open and enter the room in the most manly manner possible.
      Also take a sip from the now more pleasant and sugary contents of ye flask.
  •  cock |  Sketch to be done |  2009-02-12 07:18:10|  18m 59s
      Date:2009-02-12 07:18:10
      I'm gonna finish it at a later time D: I be tired.
      Date:2009-02-12 07:20:25
      oh lordy some smexin
      Date:2009-02-13 01:52:51
      This is lookin good. Get it done :3~
  •  whiskers |  Ok... progress... |  2009-02-12 07:13:13|  7s
      Date:2009-02-12 07:13:13
      >>use bloody jewel on eye scanner? (worth a try)
      Woo guess what :U!

      While thinking of what to do here, Error starts fiddling over the Stained Glass Crystal they got from room 11-12. Upon looking closer he notices that one of the red splotches isn't blood... it's an iris! The Stained Glass Crystal is really a Glass Eye!

      Error quickly holds the Bloody Glass Eye up to the eye scanner...

      SUCCESS! The second light flashes green and the large door slides open! The two of them duck to either side and peek out cautiously...
      Date:2009-02-12 07:55:50
      Good to know.
      Date:2009-02-12 08:04:49
      Sorry I got burned out early... continuing tomorrow D:
      Date:2009-02-12 08:11:53
      What're they watching? That fucked up moose from Timesplitters 2?
  •  whiskers |  Moving on... |  2009-02-12 03:22:02|  5s
      Date:2009-02-12 03:22:02
      >>Take breather time, then continue on down the hallway.
      Error and Whiskers pull themselves to their feet and dust off. There are still muffled groans from beyond door 11-12, and faint scratching noises, but it looks like the door should hold.

      "We should get going... gotta get the hell outa here." Error motions Whiskers to follow and starts down the hallway.
      "Right... right." Whiskers nods with another glance back to the door... Something in the back of her head told her she knew who that... person was.
      She had a little trouble focusing on it since something else was stuck on her mind at the moment...


      The two travel around the corner and down the hall a short ways before coming upon the next area. Another dim light, this one much more intact than the last, illuminates the area. There is a door to the right, this one displaying the number 13 above it. It looks quite intact and solid, but it appears to be roped off with warning tape, and a heavy lock seems to have been bolted to it, thick chains snaking out every which way and screwed into the wall.

      A very large door is seen on the left, several small devices are placed on the wall next to it, most likely the opening mechanism... A small trail of blood, the same that's been leading from room 9-10, leads over to this large door and looks to have continued through.

      Farther down, there is a metallic case on the wall with red and yellow stripes across it, a caution statement scrawled across the top. The rest of the hallway appears to have collapsed in on itself, obviously a dead end...
      Date:2009-02-12 03:26:28
      >look at metallic case

      Also you write too fucking much text.
      Date:2009-02-12 03:33:47
      well jeez sorry D:<
      >>check metallic case.
      It's a large metallic case set out from the wall. The writing across the top reads:

      "Warning to employees! In case of subject violence, unlock case.
      Contains: Stun gun w/ battery, riot shotgun & ammo, combat knife."
      The case has quite a few scratches across it, especially around the thick padlock.
      Date:2009-02-12 03:50:49
      No >:(
      >Try opening the lock with the hooked metal thingy
      Date:2009-02-12 03:54:26
      Since you have no key for the weapons case, and the door on the right is locked down to holy hell, look for a way to open the door on the left (Key card slot, ect.)

      Also: for events like this, I LIKE huge walls of text :U one can never be too descriptive.

      Edit: do what 9_6 said first.

      (Edited on February 11, 2009, 7:54 pm)
      Date:2009-02-12 05:08:56
      > Investigate the mechanism's on the left door, attempt to figure out how it opens.
      Date:2009-02-12 05:47:45
      >>Try opening the lock with the hooked metal thingy.
      Whiskers attempts a bit of lock picking, but no part of the metal tool is thin enough to fit into the key hole to work. Error tries his personal touch of bashing away at it, but causes little more than adding more dents and marks to the padlock and case.

      >>look for a way to open the door on the left (Key card slot, ect.)
      There appear to be three mechanisms here... one is clearly a card slot, another appears to possibly be an eye scanner, and the third could be a hand scanner... it seems like a lot to put on a door, but considering what they just saw...

      Between the three mechanisms, there are two small lights, unlit.
      Date:2009-02-12 05:49:51
      Try using the damaged card in the slot. If the need for more identification arises, both of you try using the eye and hand scanner :U

      Also: this has evolved past the point of fun and rather into an addiction :B I fink myself checking the Oekaki board ever hour or so now for the latest whisk quest update.
      Date:2009-02-12 05:58:06
      (oh lordy... I assure you I'm-a try to keep as silly as possible, also I'll usually only draw late at night after I'm done with the day :x)
      >>Try using the damaged card in the slot. If the need for more identification arises, both of you try using the eye and hand scanner :U
      Whiskers swipes the scratched out card, one of the lights turns on and a satisfying beep echoes through the hall. With that out of the way, they each try the other mechanisms. Whiskers positions her eye in front of the small scanner, causing a shrill buzz and the first light goes out. She tries the hand scanner, another buzz. The same thing happens with Error's eye and hand.

      Repeating with the card activates the first light again however.

      (And sorry for walls of text... I over describe some things, I know, but I kinda get myself going... just bear with me on that ;<)
      Date:2009-02-12 06:01:06
      I LIKE the walls of text, keep em coming!

      Also: ummmm, kinda out of ideas... maybe we should go back to where zombie-slash is and try to cut his hand off when he reaches through the space between the door and floor :B?
      Date:2009-02-12 06:05:24
      > Examine the door on the right? Maybe use the hooked tool on that padlock :S
      Date:2009-02-12 06:05:49
      The door completely collapsed, though looking unstable, it's pretty much impossible to pass through at the current time... On top of that, if YOUR subjecty hands didn't work, mr. zombie's crazy claw subject hand probably wont either.

      >>Error: Examine the door on the right? Maybe use the hooked tool on that padlock :S
      The lock on door 13 is far more sophisticated than a padlock, it's a massive electronic device with several chains shooting out all sides and digging into the wall. There IS, however, another damn card scanner on the front of it with 3 lights...
      Date:2009-02-12 06:10:17
      Hot damn, then try out the card scanner.
      Date:2009-02-12 06:11:51
      It 'eats' the card, pulling it into a slot, but the three lights blink red and it spits it back out.
      Date:2009-02-12 06:14:35
      umm, examine door now that the three lights are on? (maybe try to remove chains / open it?)
      Date:2009-02-12 06:17:10
      still holding tight >:u

      Error and Whiskers are most likely getting just as frustrated as you guys are right now~

      (Always review inventory and surroundings!)
      Date:2009-02-12 06:18:37
      Fuuuuuck I don't know what to do... search rubble at the end of the hallway for anything useful? also: check inventory again

      alsox2: use bloody jewel on eye scanner? (worth a try)
      Date:2009-02-12 06:54:35
      > Insert condom into card slot that ate the card and spit it out
  •  9_6 |  No Title |  2009-02-11 23:20:42|  11m
      Date:2009-02-11 23:20:42
      Cube head is not amused!
      Date:2009-02-11 23:36:15
      Date:2009-02-11 23:40:40
      but but but
      Date:2009-02-12 00:04:32
      Date:2009-02-12 01:54:11
      Date:2009-02-13 01:56:40
      Lawls XD