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  • Rated:XXX


    My entry to the Christmas 05 contest of AGNPH. Based on the pic Iveechan drew of a female Electrike and a male Houndour, these two live very complicated, unfufilling lives until fate has them cross pathes, resulting in their realization that they were made for each other.

  • Rated:XXX


    A Short Story I did for Iveechan for Valentine's day, involving a tame Hitmonchan and a Gastly.Note: Contains extensively suggestive scenes, moderate intimacy, extensive sexual content (M/M) (Oral)

  • Rated:PG-13


    Join Darfix and his friends on an adventure through the region of Johto as they make friends, acquire enemies, and fall in love. There is always action to be had and romantic affairs to indulge in.
    Episode 01 Note: Contains vulgar language and moderate violence. (Ratings will vary from episode to episode.) Completed Thus Far: Episodes 01 - 057

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