AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:poochyena



Deep in a region only known as Ovall there lies a forest with four tribes in it. A Shinx by the name of Lightsoul trains to one day help lead his tribe to glory and possibly even unite the forest that he calls home.


For two brothers, life is a game. It starts out oh-so-simple, but time layers on its pressures. As the world unveils its rougher rules, they'll need to start to take care of each other -- in every sense of the phrase.

Mightyena x Poochyena


When Pokérus gets unleashed upon the modern world, it transforms animals and people into Pokémon. Join Leon as he tries to defend himself and his transformed girlfriend, Kristy, against crazed pokémon and even other people. They will make strange friends and encounter strange creatures. But will they find a cure?





An Espeon and Eevee are run out of their home by a pack of Mightyena, and find themselves having to rely on another of their kind with unknown intentions to last the winter.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



Join Darfix and his friends on an adventure through the region of Johto as they make friends, acquire enemies, and fall in love. There is always action to be had and romantic affairs to indulge in.
Episode 01 Note: Contains vulgar language and moderate violence. (Ratings will vary from episode to episode.) Completed Thus Far: Episodes 01 - 057