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Welcome to the AGNPH fics section!

Fics Theme - August/September
Posted Aug 3 2020 by Cyn

Hi everyone! If you're stuck with a case of writer's block, never fear, the bi-monthly theme prompt is here.

For August and September, the prompt is It's Super Effective! Type matchups are a fundamental part of Pokémon, so let's see some situations where this plays out, both on and off the battlefield.

Fics Themes Reboot - June/July
Posted May 30 2020 by Cyn

It's been a long while since the last post. To commemorate the launch of the new oekaki, I figured now would be as good a time as any to reboot the fics section themes. Got a nasty case of writer's block? Never fear, you can always start with this month's theme as a prompt!

For June/July, let's explore a theme related to recent events: Social Distancing. Whether it's caused by an outbreak or other event, being forced apart from others you're close to can have a profound impact. Let's see how this plays out in the world of Pokémon.

Bonus fake internet points if you include an oekaki doodle to go with a fic (yours or someone else's)!

Hi all! With halloween now past us, it's time to showcase the stories written for the last Fics theme.

After some judging by the admins, I'm glad to announce Under Strange Skies as our theme's best submission. While we didn't have 5 different authors write in for the theme, we still decided that Dark Type will be awarded a smaller prize, just like the last time we had multiple authors write in. Their story along with the rest of the other submissions will be featured for the rest of the month, so be sure to read them all as well!


As for the upcoming few months, we have a new Fics theme for you all: Turning over a New Leaf. With new year's coming up it's that time of year to reflect on the current state of things, and perhaps seek out new opportunities or make big changes. And with Sun and Moon right around the corner, it seems everyone's not afraid to be bold (I'm looking at you, Exeggutor).

Write a story about choosing change over the status quo, taking new paths and bettering onself. We'll be using the same terms as last theme, with a minimum of 5 different authors needed to unlock the $50 USD prize (in eShop credit).

Due to the holidays, we'll allow submissions until January 7th, but don't slack off until right before the deadline! Remember to tag your story with the tag New Leaf.

Happy Writing!

Right! It is the first of September!

We have two items of news for this bulletin.

Approaching Spring in the Southern Hemisphere, and Autumn up North. While we only got one story for the Abilities theme after the deadline, feel free to check out jniblick's story here.

Anyway! Kicking over to the theme for September/October. We are running a more out-of-this-world theme. Well, rather, quite the opposite! This season's theme is "Real Life"!

No doubt everyone's experienced the recent app addiction sweeping the world. With the Pokémon GO craze settling down a bit, we believe the fantasies surrounding it remain fresh. We present to you a simple question, "How do you think our world would be affected if Pokémon were real?" It's an open ended idea that raises many questions. Were they always part of our modern, realistic world? Were they suddenly introduced? We want to see all your imaginative answers!

As usual, we'll be looking for a minimum of FIVE authors writing stories to unlock the full prize ($50USD or equivalent in Nintendo eShop credit). Be sure to submit your stories before October 17th, and attach the tag "in_the_real_world" to your story. Winners will be announced at the end of October.

Hopefully by now you've all been able to browse or try out the newly-reopened Oekaki. As such, we're announcing our first ever relaunched Oekaki theme. The theme itself?... "Real Life!" Yes, once again!

Similar to the Fics, the general theme for the Oekaki is, "Pokémon meets Civilization". Normally, most pokémon might spend their whole lives never encountering humans or modern civilization. Show us the unique experiences of the lucky few that do! And remember, as with the Fics, art drawn directly on the Oekaki does not need to be adult-themed.

Make sure to say in your post that your drawing is for the theme, and get those pens/mice/fingers cracking before October 17th. If we get at least FIVE artists' work, the best piece will receive the same prize as for the Fics theme ($50USD or equivalent in Nintendo eShop credit).

AGNPH staff will judge both Oekaki and Fics submissions. We would very much love to see what you all create!


Edit: Theme entries are now closed.