AGNPH Stories

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The story of the trainer Felix and his very special Riolu, Luca. Their relationship is sweet, strained, complex, and everything in between.

This is the remastered version of my story, Luca. In going back to the beginning I found I was editing the story significantly. So I decided to post it as new! : )
I hope you enjoy the changes I've made, and if this is the first time you've found this series, I hope you enjoy it for the first time. Be aware it follows the original edition, but has quite a few changes, including new scenes, and rewritten scenes.

At present there are no love scenes edited. Ratings follow the original as this will eventually hold all the same themes and material.


Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes with Pokemon Breeding? Aaron Sparks, your typical Pokemon Trainer with dreams of becoming a Champion couldn't care much less. Once he gets his childhood friend Sophie Thompson to a Pokemon Breeding Center, he plans on setting out to start his own adventure. But when the two are suddenly injected with a mysterious substance that turns them into Pokemon, what will happen next? Those eggs don't come out of nowhere, after all.