Search Results:tag:lactation
Besides being an entry for this moth's submission, I want to experiment on writing using 2nd Person Point of View. So my question is, who are you in this short story?
For the first time, I'm writing something family friendly in this site.

"Pick Your Poison, 2011" Contest Entry
An unusual woman with a very unusual form of pokephilia daydreams of memories long past, memories of profound joy and pleasure, and of indescribable pain.
She daydreams of old lives lost and new lives gained, and the end of a chain of death that not even she knows the beginning of.
Be warned, this story is a smorgasbord of fetishes: threesomes, lactation, and most of all, slime. Lots and lots of slime! It's a story featuring Arbok, Eelektross, and Gastrodon. In a couple places there are subtle nods to the works of ShinjiHiroku as well.
This story takes place in the same world as Pokemon Lover Studios, but there's no need to read it to understand anything that takes place here.

This story. Takes place long after the fall of johto thanks to teams rocket so a group ofhighly trained candidates are sent back in time to prevent it from ever happening
Having won the Sinnoh League, Ash Ketchum returned to his home in Pallet Town for a well deserved rest before continuing on his journey to become a Pokemon Master in by participating the the Master League. While at home, his loving mother showed him that there are other things in life to worry about than just training Pokemon.
Ash and his friends begin a new journey throughout the entire Pokemon World as they encounter old friends and enemies along the way.
Story Forum Thread:
Disclaimer: All characters, settings, and related material are the property of their respective owners, Pokemon Copyright 1995-2012 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. Pokemon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. All characters in this story are 18 years or older. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Sequel to Forbidden Love. Four Lucario maidens. A neglected reject, a pacifistic war criminal, a disciple cursed from deception, an angel haunted by her fate and the evil within her. This is the tale of the descendant of Ashton Redford Crimson and the four women whose lives he has healed.
M/M occurs in only the chapter "Reap what is Sown". First four chapters revised and updated
Story Comeplete