AGNPH Stories


Prelude: Over a thousand years ago, the world was a very different place. Humans had laid their claim to the land through a combination of being intelligent as well as being powerful. It had been through the use of magic, the ability to manipulate vast amounts of unseen energies that humanity had come to power. Unfortunately, magic soon corrupted the minds of the humans, making them greedy, thirsty for more power.

In an act of defiance and greed, mankind turned to hunt down Arceus herself. They failed and in retaliation, Arceus and the Council of Legends deemed the responsibility of magic too great for humans. They stopped the spread of magic by taking the ability from children and infants, thus preventing the arts from being passed down through the ages. Now forced to work along side the pokemon they had once enslaved, the world had been granted a new era of peace.

Now, in present day, many lost artifacts have begun to resurface; scrolls and staves; wands and tomes, all with the power to return magic to mankind. The Council gathered again and judged the humans. While much progress had been made, there were still several evil minds out there leading armies; armies that could with this magic return the world to darker times. Deciding that the responsibility of magic was still too great for mankind to bear, the Council took action to prevent its return. They recruited a small number of humans and pokemon to gather these artifacts and keep them hidden as they surfaced, until a time when man was ready to wield the ability to use magic a time when magic would once again be used for peace and harmony.

Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.Special Thanks to xAka-chanx for playing the role of Beta Reader.The rating / warnings / catagories will be changed as needed.

  1. Chapter 1 (7065 words)

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