This one caught my eyes. owo
Awesome. -
Really neat sketch, you did one nice job on this.
(Edited on May 8, 2008, 11:36 pm) -
Le Gasp! :lol:
Great job here. :cool: -
Jirachi gone wild >:D
verry nice work :3 -
hehe >:)
9_6, what tool is that
it looks smexy
also great job per usual. you just had to top my crappy scribbles with your awesome scribbles, didn't you :< -
It's the pencil tool.
Those Jirachis are tricky, I tells ya. Sure, they'll grant you a wish and all, but not without something in return.
Poor Grovyle. D: Or lucky Grovyle depending on how you look at it. >.>
Very nice picture; I absolutely adore your art style as well as your sense of humor.
crappy doodles ftw =|
Aw, cute espy!
Yeah, cute. I'm having trouble placing the gender. Female?
I loves teh crappy doodles of yers :3
Do more and more 8D -
very cute espeon :3
i had female in mind, but i guess it could still be male >_>
Quilavas are rare. And cute. And "SHLORP" is not included into a standard OEM package.
What an adorable Quilava, I love the eye, another awesome job you had done.
aww cute :3
very nice 9_6 ;)
You put your right paw in, take your right paw out, put your right paw in and shake it all about! Now that's the real hokey pokey!
Beautiful Raichuuu~
Cute? I take it that mess on her was not expected.
yay! spoo'd on anthro raichu!
raaaai! :3
just a perfect pic :3
moar doodling
this one's supposed to be a girl, k -
oh my god! o.o
it's CUTE x3
takkun ftw :3 -
It just doesn't get better sneasels than this :3
Neat. She looks like she's planning something. >_>
Und ich dachte nur ich würde auf so Ideen kommen o.o
(And I thougt that I'm the only one who'd make something like that O_o) -
hehe tja ich hab schon an sachen gedacht ...die kann sich keiner vorstellen^^
Sexy Quilava~!
thank you all :3
Yoshies... doing it. <3
Yoshi~!! 8D
Edit: Also. You did a VERY good job on this n.n
(Edited on May 7, 2008, 8:25 pm) -
mmm...I love the blue yoshi´s big Penis ..yummy*
omg :o
is it an legendary? o.o
Attention: TITS!! :o
I can't take my look from these boobies :crazy: -
Those boobs look creepy. Awesome!
Good going. :3
Uxie looks the creepiest of the three spirits o: -
very nice pic :3
weiter so ;)
AAAH no compliments...I´m verry Worse than you all
Oh no no no nooo~
You're showing a good level of skill. You're developing your talents fastly. Each pic you've done is getting better than the previous ones you've made. -
ahh don´t tell me that x3... Thats not the truth
It is ;)
It so is the truth :3
how can I draw faster..Like you... I´m so slow
cuuuute x3
I don't like your first pic, but the rest is fantastic!!
Auf deutsch: Ich find's gut ^^ -
Why don´t you like my Pikachu? O.o
You're doing good. I like this one. :3
@Marvin: kann ich nicht so genau sagen, aber die anderen Bilder gefallen mir ja :D
All of these wonderful quilava images aaaaa. Wish I had seen them earlier.
Just something I whipped up (slowly I guess, I had an interruption...).
There's nobody else here...
I'm not here :3
Whoa. This pic's telling me a thousand words :3
Hmmm ... but it is telleng ME onethousand-twohundred-fifty-two words x3
So it's a Groudon's reflection in a puddle right? You have no idea how much I like this picture! God you're so awsome! And yeah, I said God instead of Gaurdian(something I'll only do for you...)
Draw more grovyle! -
O hai thar.
Eeee!!! :D :D :D
wait till' the diglet evolves...
Beautiful Grovyle owo
How'd that Diglett get thar o.o? -
O_O ..I love it
wow^^ I´m nothing against you
(Edited on May 7, 2008, 12:11 pm)
Ima drawing really small lulz
It's like- "Naughty, naughty!" lolz...
PantsuBBS is no more. orz
(Edited on May 6, 2008, 4:20 pm) -
That definately could be used for a FA Avatar XD
Thats excellent work there. -
Just a random flamingo/bird thing. My first picture here...
(Edited on May 6, 2008, 3:54 pm) -
This is made of bananas
more like mangos >.>
ich mag sketches irgendwie lieber :D
I think I will let this sketch :3 -
Awesome. No, more than awesome. :cool:
Squeeeee!!!! :D
Sucky sucky five dolahs!
^lol! cartman...
Tis purty good :3
Good cawksuckah. -
nice ^^
no, I cant draw so litle pics x3
(Edited on May 6, 2008, 1:42 pm) -
wie schon gesagt, du brauchst mir nur zu sagen, was ich dir machen soll ^^
Shitpainter isn't exactly made for pixeling anyways ^^
It's Connen, the next member of my rescueteam ^^
It's a Pokémon I invented. Type electro/fight. -
AHhh , he hit my PC with his blitzes.,d I -. cant
┘²m Ò■Û wRittte ä‗IÚä┘◘◘♣♠ änymoure..... -
The female Uxie (de:Selfe) in the RescueTeam will help you with that problem :D
She will be my next draw ;) -
Tis cute :3
This is Phil, the most intelligent of my rescue team. ^^
By the animation you can see him in the water at the end :D -
Cute Phil :3
Schones bild x3
(nice work)
(Edited on May 6, 2008, 12:21 pm) -
thx ^^
(Edited on May 7, 2008, 11:36 am)
please dont look at the time... my family stopped me 3 times x3
Excellent n.n
Sorry, I made an incorrect assumption. I know it's a quilava now after noticing the flame on its head. Finished work looks very good. :cool:
i really stink using a mouse.. i should get a lazermouse or a straight up pen
anyways we need more croagunks! -
Awwwws Cute~ n.n
Moar Croagunk! -
Heh, I know how you feel. A bit of practice and you'll get better, believe me. Even so, this is still pretty good. :cool:
thx, i have have an old standard mouse (with the stupid ball) so i cant really get curves down, it likes to bounce around everywhere
You'll get far with it in time. (Has and uses the standard mouse) Took me a week or two to get the hang of it. o:
in the shit
our eyes are like
V o -
Haha...uh, I dont get it. :|
Hahahaha. <3
If you don't get it you need to watch Venture Brothers. -
° v o
(Edited on May 6, 2008, 1:13 am) -
Dean, those are toenail clippers...
We need Brock Samson.
Macht irgendwie Spaß, diese Bilder zu machen xD
Cools :3
@Marvino: schau dir das Ende der Animation an ;) -
Nice nice. :3
Date:2008-05-09 23:06:57
This is a link to the real picture -.-'
Her real name is Charlotte, but anyone call her "Charlie". She's from the rescue team too.
(Edited on May 9, 2008, 4:21 pm)
Date:2008-05-09 23:29:12
Sometimes it's jerky like that.
You enabled animation so you should be able to undo all that even now.
Also wtfmultiboobs.
Date:2008-05-09 23:34:17
Date:2008-05-09 23:50:28
So next time shitpainter is acting funny you might want to consider uploading and retouching the picture.
That's what the safety save feature is there for after all.
Date:2008-05-09 23:51:02
but I have this picture uploaded :D :
Date:2008-05-10 01:07:21
Date:2008-05-11 10:25:22