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Exactly what it says on the tin, to some degree:
There are four children, and each has their own 'paradigm', or power. Each paradigm has a respective strength, but also a respective weakness. These can be anything from contact with the Spirit World, to perspective changing, to the ability of convenience, to manipulation of real-world distances and time-paths.
Each teenager is troubled by his/her past, as most are not human. They mostly want freedom, no matter where they live, but are technically not bound by any entity or law of existence. They must learn that, to be truly happy, they need someone to share it with.
As such, each seeks out to find persons just like themselves to escort them to cultist paradise, where they can bask in the glory of their higher dimensions.
The only problem? Each paradigm cannot understand the metaphors other paradigms use in order to effectively utilize their powers. Faced with the previous obstacle of unity, they must also figure out how to cross the paradigm border in order to achieve their paradise.
"Halloween 2010 Submission", though it HAS become something more. I hate to leave a story unfinished, even though I did not win. Perhaps this will give me some time to re-write it, but I vow that this will be finished at one time.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.