AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:violence


In recent years, pro-human radical groups have emerged over four of the five regions, aiming to use the powers of Pokémon in order to achieve control over the general populace. Fortunately, their unreasonably extremist views have lent them little support, and in each case a powerful trainer has risen from nothing and stopped their evil schemes. But in the Unova region, an all together different group have risen...whose apparently just aim is to liberate Pokémon from their tyrannical human dictators. They have gathered far more support and influence...and are rapidly presenting a danger to trainers everywhere.

The prospective trainer Zane, has never heard about these people. Even if he had, there would have been a low chance of him fighting or joining the cause...he's a bit lazy that way. For instance, the only reason he is departing to the Unova region on a Pokémon journey is to delay the rapidly approaching threat of occupation. After all, being a Pokémon trainer was easy... if a bunch of twelve year-olds could survive it, a bored sixteen year-old should have no problem! Unfortunately...the combination of an inherent lack of experience, a Pokémon companion who isn't overly fond of him and the rising threat of the mysterious Team Plasma, will it be as easy as he expects? Probably not, but it'll be a heck of a lot of fun!


A Zangoose with a terrible past filled with fear, pain and blood, and a man who has given up on humanity meet in a very violent way. But what will become of them? Will there ever be a happy ending for them both, or will they live a life of pain and loss? Only time will tell...


... the Pokemon will play. This is going to be a series of one-shot stories featuring a trainer named Jason and his Pokemon. But mostly his Pokemon. :P


Silas, he is the most powerful and feared man alive, a man who built his army by killing his own father, and that was only the start.

Watch as over 11 years pass and influence grows, and his sanity slowly falls apart.


Descript dark league champ of the unova region takes on the johto challenge with his travelling companions a zoroark and max a trainer with one pokemon a Kirlia
there will be pokehuman relations but the more intimate scenes will be short and not that important these scenes also wont be for a bit



There is a small bug in the system and untill a fix is found I can't upload chapter 15
After a cruel twist of fate a lone Riolu has to set out on a journey to try and rid himself of a strange curse. Could it be a curse or truly a blessing in disguise? The friends he meets on the way will help and guide him through this difficult ordeal.


When kindhearted trainer Misty rescues an injured Quilava from the Pokemon Center she sees it as a simple act of kindness. However the Quilava sees it as more and soon falls madly in love with her. Faced with the decision to either let her know about his love or leave, he has a difficult choice to make.


ÂThe story of the beginning of the end. This story has been re-loaded due to it being accidentally deleted

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 5
  • Completed: No Word Count: 7174 Views: 3207
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


A Typhlosion is captured by a sadistic Garchomp and is forced to the very edge of his limits, both physically and spiritually. (M Typhlosion x F Garchomp) Warning: contains scenes of extreme torture and explicit sexual content.

Pokemon I Choose you! Contest 2011


A Riolu who was looked upon as a prodigy desperately searches for his lost brother in apocalpytic Earth; visiting strange underground cities and bunkers while meeting unusual Pokemon and humans along the way.

(Yeah, I completely deleted the previous story because I was starting to stray from what it originally was so I could create this story in a more insane way. So please, tell me what you think all of those who haven't tried this story out)


It's the beginning of Kuro's adventure into the world of pokemon. But everything always seems to take a turn for the worst for our young adventurer. After a heated battle his favorite camcorder gets smashed and he almost loses his life. Kuro isn't the kind of guy to let that slow him down; he continues on. Come rain sleat or hell fire Kuro will continue forward, to someday live his dream. Concur the pokemon championships and become pokemon master.



PokemonxBleach crossover. You don't like crossovers then kindly turn around and walk away )

Their world is gone, torn apart by an unspeakable force. The two survivors believed they were able to destroy this force completely, but they were wrong, now it has set its sights on another world, only they know how destructive it can be. New allies will fight, old enemies rise
again, eternal bonds will be made, all of them connected by the Twines of Fate
(Rukario Romance belongs to XD385 and Cameronjc. Bleach Belongs to Tite Kubo. I dont own pokemon) (Chapter 2 editted due to the fact I realized Ashton deserved more credit.)


Tyrants will always create their own worst enemy, the one to bring about their downfall rising from among the people they oppress. For too long, the pokemon world has suffered under the rule of one corrupt exploration team. This is the story of those who took a stand, and battled tyranny. It is a story of love and loss. Of lives, families, and friendships forever torn asunder.

This is a companion story to "Team Sea Forest Fire" By Poke Fan.
Written with permission.



Prologue to my larger story, cross over of pokemon and a videogame i frequently play. Our main man trying to get back to his world and stuff happens before he can gets back.


A lone Feraligatr wakes up in the middle of a meadow and wonders, who he is and how he got there. He travels the woods looking for answers till he stumbles upon a dangerous situation where a small girl, was getting attack by a group of sycthers. He figure he should should help her out but she seemed to handle herself pretty well. But get swarmed soon after, he steps in to save her. She passes out soon after, so not only he has to deal with himself he now have to deal with a really strong small girl as well.
