Blair is the unbeatable pokemon, Damien is the impetuous trainer who'll stop at nothing to win, Pikachu and Ella are the helpless victims in this involving story. Contains incest, as requestion by Minun
A black mewtwo (male) and a normal mewtwo (male) dominate over a charmeleon (male). Request from Doc. Hope he likes it!
This is the story of a group of anthro-pikachu brothers, living together. Oliver (the youngest) catches one of his brothers, Ethan doing stuff...And wants to help. **WARNING: CONTAINS INCESTUAL ACTS BETWEEN BROTHERS**
A male charmander meets a male cyndaquil. They begin to experiment and...Well, read it to find out!
Best Buds
The Dark Sun
Male Raichu / Male Pikachu / Male Quilava