AGNPH Stories

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A young man gets lost in a blizzard and must seek shelter, but has nothing with him save his clothes, a lighter, and his faithful Lucario. With the Lucario's help, they find shelter. . .and find warmth.



Wolf's finally ready to begin his journey in the Unova region, both as a trainer and to prove himself worthy to be a member of the Hoenn Elite Four. With Lucky, Zapdos and Mewtwo by his side, our hero from Hoenn stands ready to face any challenge.


Inspired by the classic work of the genius Daniel P. Mannix, I attempt to create a short work of my own.

Flame, an owned Arcanine, recollects the glorious days of his past, when he and his childhood friend attempt to escape a bloodthirsty predator, a Tyranitar.

Unfortunately, Flame is a damaged rescue case; he has suffered greatly, and as a result, has built up a psychological wall against the rest of the outside world. He must eventually come to terms with his actions - both past, and present, which will lead him to a very troubling discovery.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended



This is my entry for this months contest, so...

pick your poison 2011


this is a story I wrote for /vp/ yesterday, it's humanxUrsaring (not related to the Ursaring in The Primal Spark, a different one altogether)
the rules asked people to think of a pokemon, and write a fic relating to it, and I'm not one to bend now I have an EXTRA Ursaring fic, enjoy, I guess.


In recent years, pro-human radical groups have emerged over four of the five regions, aiming to use the powers of Pokémon in order to achieve control over the general populace. Fortunately, their unreasonably extremist views have lent them little support, and in each case a powerful trainer has risen from nothing and stopped their evil schemes. But in the Unova region, an all together different group have risen...whose apparently just aim is to liberate Pokémon from their tyrannical human dictators. They have gathered far more support and influence...and are rapidly presenting a danger to trainers everywhere.

The prospective trainer Zane, has never heard about these people. Even if he had, there would have been a low chance of him fighting or joining the cause...he's a bit lazy that way. For instance, the only reason he is departing to the Unova region on a Pokémon journey is to delay the rapidly approaching threat of occupation. After all, being a Pokémon trainer was easy... if a bunch of twelve year-olds could survive it, a bored sixteen year-old should have no problem! Unfortunately...the combination of an inherent lack of experience, a Pokémon companion who isn't overly fond of him and the rising threat of the mysterious Team Plasma, will it be as easy as he expects? Probably not, but it'll be a heck of a lot of fun!


A quick little short story done for /vp/.

A little anthro Glaceon boy and an unknown man meet at the beach.


Request from Pwn3rxp, romantic story of a charmeleon and an anti pokephiliac


A Zangoose with a terrible past filled with fear, pain and blood, and a man who has given up on humanity meet in a very violent way. But what will become of them? Will there ever be a happy ending for them both, or will they live a life of pain and loss? Only time will tell...


... the Pokemon will play. This is going to be a series of one-shot stories featuring a trainer named Jason and his Pokemon. But mostly his Pokemon. :P


There are many stories talking about anthros, and many stories focused purely on ferals. I think there needs to be a bridge to close the gap, and this is my attempt at that. It is the story, starting from before birth, of the first anthro. A beautifly, named First.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended



In a world where evil has already won, who can stop the onslaught before nothing remains?


Fenrir is your average nineteen year old male. He likes women, he wants to take over the world as part of Team Rocket, and is cursed to only ever gain the affection of female pokemon until he can knock a girl up. Okay so he's not normal, but he's in Hoenn now, and may Arceus have mercy all those poor people.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 5992 Views: 1340
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


A sad lucario finds that his dreams are almost all he has. But what if he suddenly gets more than jus his dreams to live for?


Silas, he is the most powerful and feared man alive, a man who built his army by killing his own father, and that was only the start.

Watch as over 11 years pass and influence grows, and his sanity slowly falls apart.