AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:bestiality/zoophilia


A rich child, a lonely pokemon; what more needs to be said?



Tyko loves his trainer a lot, and one day, through a misfortune, he becomes mates.

This is half of a trade with TykoTyphlosion on FA, ( )

This story is purely for sex, meaning there is little plot.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


This is the sequel of Legendary Chaos (or S.T.A.R. Encounters on that everyone's been bugging me to do.

BlazerRaylock for the whole chapter and me for the edit and stuff so yeah, please rate and review.


Steve a local champion of the jhoto region has a completed pokedex for kanto and jhoto his daily battle soon be come more than he is used to.



A laboratory succeeds in opening a portal to another world. They send in the head scientist's 16 year old son and he finds himself in the wierdest predicament ever!


Four friends celebrate Halloween in a secluded cabin, little do they know what lies in wait.
As we all know, deep in the woods, no one can hear you scream.

Oh, and this isn't for the contest. At least I didnt plan it that way. I dont think it fits it theme very well.

Happy Halloween Everybody. ^^


Drauth goes on his journey to find his father who is MIA. He finds out one of his pokemon has a crush on him.



When a genetics researcher has a child with a deadly disorder, he must choose between giving his son a tainted future or his inevitable death.


A man has an encounter with his pokemon lover in a lake.


A young trainer desires to undertake a Pokemon Journey, but when her parents say no, she decides to battle all the trainers traveling through her town!


There's no end Halcyon University's anomalies. This time, Gary stu- I mean Lee has more problems than just sex-crazed pokemon. Will he survive the threat of seniors, arch rivals, and parenthood? Only time will tell, because now, it's Mating Month.


Ashe is a normal gal. She has a pokemon partner, a lucario named Vladimir, and a house. She's a martial artist and loves physical exercise. But things get a little different when she finds Vladimir has found her porn stash, and is currently pawing off to one of her more "unique" DVDs.



A college Tight End gets ready for the professional level but he is about to have a tough rookie season.



A Charmeleon named Kane is living his idyllic life, especially when mating season rolls around each year. Little does he know that it's not what he really wants.

My August 2010 Contest Submission: Going Solo. (This applies to chapter 1)Edit: Looks like I'll be writing a couple more chapters for this. After all, I can't very well deny the four people who wanted more, can I?


It's impossible to live detached from any form of life; people can't do it and not even pokemon without being driven into insanity. Trying to escape from a violent past, a wild luxray who chose to live in solitude to save his life is nearing his own limit of withdrawal until he encounters a unique pokemon that sparks a glimmer of hope for him to gain a trusting close companion.