Search Results:tag:nc
They aren't very good at their job as school bullies, so it seems the next best choice of threatening others is to take advantage of them with your strength in numbers. Their next victims? A couple of innocent boys trying to enjoy the start of a long weekend.
This is a simple NSFW story about the special relationship between a male Nidorino, Orchid, and his bully, a male Lairon named Auron.
This is my first fic, something I decided to do a few days ago and ended up writing itself. I plan on adding a few future chapters in the future.
CONTAINS: M/M, Non-consensual sex and rape.
Pokemon is copyright of Nintendo. All characters are the property of their respective owners. No infringement is intended.
This is where I'll be dumping any stories I guest-write for Someone'sPC, a Patreon group that hosts a myriad of awesome and entertaining sexual Pokemon content. Check them out at this link here!
Observe the antics of a lewd lizard.
Female Salandit / Male Flygon & Male Human
FETEP 3 entry.
Some years into the future, pokemon and humans have reached a rather different relationship than the one they currently share, one of equals. Enter Maverick, a Lucario who happens to be very good at his job. A valuable attribute when one's location is the moon. But, the harsh landscape is the least of his issues. Some problems don't disappear, no matter how far you run.
Pokemon I Choose You Contest 2011 Entry
When a Linoone is lost in a storm she finds something unlike anything anyone had ever seen before.
Atra, a cold, detached Weavile that cares only for fighting and solitude, is pestered by her Trainer's newest Pokemon: a rare colored Plusle named Elly that he traded for. Elly soon finds out that not everyone shares her perkiness, though the little Plusle is bound and determined to be a friend to the Weavile she admires so much. Perhaps all Atra wanted throughout her whole life was just someone who cared for her... and maybe Elly is that someone, as much as she would never want to admit it.
Talk about an unorthodox story! Breaking many of the cliches, this is, in fact, a story with just a Plusle (no Minun counterpart), and it is, in fact, a F/F story. I wanted to do something really different for a change, particularly from my usual stuff, and was personally quite pleased with the results. I hope you'll enjoy them, too!
- Story Complete! -

The first and second parts of a collaborate work. Now it is truly complete, with corrections made in the first part as well.
Follow the events of a day in Van's life, a bachelor pikachu with personal quirks who faces the danger of a hypermasculine, rapist raichu while trying to get on the good side of the ladies.