AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:bestiality/zoophilia


A boy comes home from a stressful day to find his Ninetales is in love with him.


Its a story where a kid is dragged into a strange world where humans and strange creatures called pokemon. With the help of a Larvitar named Sanagirasu he blends in and tries to find his way home. A lot happens. Read to find out what happens.

Current teams:(for easy reference, for me and you) This list will update as the story does.

Mech: Sanagirasu(Tyranitar), Subomi(Roserade), Darunia(Charizard), Erureido(Gallade), Guma(Linoone), Ruto(Lapras)
Rouro(Larvitar) Bella(Buisel), Ben(Buisel), Ziggy(Zigzagoon), Rarutos(Ralts)

Bob:Naetoru(Torterra), Mukkuru(Staraptor), Shio(Luxray), Kan(Gastradon), Nabooru(Riolu), Impa(Frosslass)

Ganty: Kyukon(Ninetales), Plusun(Plusle/Minun), Buoysel(Buisel), Farore(Gallade), Nyctea(Noctowl)

Gardie(there are more but I'm lazy): Saria(Maganium), Jess(Chickorita/Growlithe)Sorry. This series is dead and I have unfortunatly lost interest. I will make a formal post on this later.



Laura, 14, and starting her pokemon journey. After a horrible storm she takes refuge in a poke centre and ultimately saves a boy named Gabriel. They begin their jouney together with unique companions, they make timeless friends and endless enemies.


A trainer by the name of Kiaace meets an injured absol on his journey, and is forced to don a pair of gauntlets.



A young Latino girl is transformed into a Girafarig by a slight oversight in a pop magic ritual.
Warnings include: Accidental transformation, humiliation, 'Mon masturbating (not sure if that counts as bestiality)


This story is about a kid named Joe who is, well, emotionally lacking. To other trainers he seems like a heartless robot, but his pokemon know him as the most kindhearted, gentle human they ever met. One day he rescues a wild female Zangoose from a couple of Hitmonlees and she wants to help him learn to show some emotion.


The story of a young male trainer who is transformed into a pokemon by a freak accident, and comes to realise a few things about his female Vaporeon. Two-part story, part two coming soon. Contains hot pokemon yiff in both chapters, you have been warned.



Welcome to the world of pokemon. A world that is not unlike ours. It is a world of turmoil and chaos, one on the brink of destruction. It is a world plagued by famine, death, corruption, intollerance, and the ever looming treath of doomsday.

Edgar was once an average young man. He lived his life as best as possible,despite having lost both parents at the age of 15. He helped out the weak and needy, regardless of their specie. But one day, after a horrible attack, Edgar finds himself loosing himself to something dark within him.

His awakening might just shift the balance of power in the world. But will he able to maintain his humanity? Or will he loose it all?

Several loyal friends stand by him, ready to help. But will it be enough? It is hard to fight an enemy no one even knows.

Ember by


A story centering around a boy and a female Charmander/Charmeleon.



A pair of pokemon decide to learn more about the rather unique trainer whom took them in; and decide to reward him for his kindness.



a nice night with a trainer and her pokemon

pokemon does not belong to me, nor will i ever own pokemon



This is a series of rp's done by me and Jewelwriter. (Yes, she's the same one that's helping me with the commentary on team)

The story revolves around the exploits of two up and coming trainers, Robie (who wants to be a pokemon master) and his childhood friend Sandi (aiming to be top coordinator). Along the way, they meet and evil group, and find out things about themselves.


A lucky playing Pokemon tries his luck in a contest. That's all I'm saying at this location here.



A young trainer at the age of 16 has set off on his quest with his new partner Kari who is a Riolu.
A hidden past and lost race are catching up with the world.


The Story of A Young Man Who Finds An Abused Vulpix And Through Living With Her For A Few Days He Finds That She Is What He Has Been Looking For All This Time
(Not Bad For The First Few Days, But Things Get Much Worse)