AGNPH Stories


More delicious Lunamew raep!


someone requested i put this story back up so i did.



A exhausting camping trip for a trainer turns into something more.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 1551 Views: 358
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Team Rocket is usually the first to start trouble, but things change when a boy is staying them for a night, his kind nature has a effect on James and Meowth, especially Jessie.



Our feelings are wonderful things aren't they? As we spend more time with those we care about, we grow closer to them. Will our emotions always grow positively though? maybe... But at least our emotions will lead us down the correct path, right? heh... if only it were that easy.

Chapter 2 is finally up. It's still a little bit introductory-ish, but bear with me :3 The fun will start soon enough ^^.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 4314 Views: 1166
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Eternal love; a concept that escapes most people and Pokemon. We study them, they study us, and still we come to nothing. In a world filled with corruption, endless researching, and closed minds, how can forbidden love blossom? Follow Evelyn, a girl from Fortree City, and her Charmander, Draco, through a journey in which they both evolve, figuratively and literally, into something beautiful, but secret. Watch as Evelyn goes from trainer, to contender, to a renown researcher faced with power-hungry factions and sinister plots so deep that they shake the foundations of society. In the end, love is always eternal, isn't it?



There is reason to cheer when an experiment works perfectly, and reason to dread when it goes horribly wrong. What happens when everything goes perfectly and still ends up horribly wrong?


This one's a request I received for a story between a young trainer and his shiny Luxray. It's going to be shorter than Wolf's Story, simply to cover the events between a single couple. All I can hope for is that it lives up to the expectations of my patron.



I'm trying to right my first story but my previous one got deleted or someone else did it, maybe I did that by accident, oh well. A boy wakes up at the pokemon center and all of his memory is gone, but not all of it. With the help of Nurse Joy and her Chanseys, they may yet gather what's left of the boy's lost memory. With all the girls caring for him, romantic bonds begin to form between him and all the females looking after him.


Time and rain are the only ways to tell if love will prevail...


He was always there for me, always. Whenever I needed him, he would always be there. Now, in this time of desire, I will help him- just this once.


An Arcanine named Kuro searches the desert for food. i can't really tell more without ruining it. this story was requested by Wolf Love.


The glamorous Devon Corporation. Here, gadgets and technological breakthroughs have been made or thought up by the brightest minds Hoenn has to offer; from the all-purpose running shoes to trivial Pokeball modifications.

But there are some ideas that should never have seen the light of day. Ideas that test how far one can stretch the line between human rights and advances in technology before breaking it altogether.

Many a hopeful trainer are drawn to Devon Corp. in hopes of becoming a beta tester for the company, only to be turned down. Alex Rennwood is lucky because his father happens to be one of the top R&D scientists Devon has to offer.

Being a beta tester for Devon Corp. has its perks. When experiments head toward human involvement you might consider it isn't that glamorous after all.

For the sake of keeping true to the rating, this story will stay 'PG' until further notice.


A young girl starts her journey as a Pokemon trainer. Will she make it to the top? What dangers will she face? What situations will she have to get out of? No one knows....


Warning: Vore & mild Pokemon Emerald spoilers.

As Groudon and Kyogre wage war in Sootopolis, a girl must find Rayquaza to stop them.
But what if Rayquaza has plans for that girl?
(She's over 18, don't worry)