AGNPH Stories


Seasons bring change, and change can be for better or for worse. Two parentless eevees live together, but when their time together is limited to autumn, how can one of them save the other from suffering in the winter alone?

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 2275 Views: 339
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


What makes a person? Is it their body? Their memories? Or, just maybe, is it the soul? This is the story of Blaze, a human who lost his memories to become who he is. But can a soul really change? Or will he remember who he once was, and be lost forever?

revision in process. hopefully that will make the story more enjoyable.


Three years have passed since Dustin and the gang have started their journey. Dustin's all but defeated the Elite Four, and is now in a desolate place known as Orre. But, the dangers out here are greater than anyone could imagine, and one Pokemon could make or break the world. Question is, which will he choose?



Something me and my love Jewel did. Green reads out of a book that tells of the exploits of one male in times long past.


A tactical sorcerist is torn from his world as a last ditch attempt to survive and is thrown into another.Witness his struggle to adapt in this new environment while trying to keep his freedom from those who would desire his power.


Jon's parents don't want him to have Pokemon, and he's 15. So, he flees the city for the day, climbing to the top of a cliff next to a waterfall... and comes back down to get some poachers away from a Suicune in heat. He gets shot and nearly dies, but the Suicune saves him by making him a Suicune as well. She reveals that the poachers were after her to make her a sex slave, and for a while, things are calm between them...

...But then her heat gets to her, and so, they mate, and find out how much they love each other...

Please read and review! This is my first AGNPH story. Please tell me where I can improve and what I did well, so I know what to work on and what to do again in the next chapter. Thank you! =)



This is going to be a collaboration between Cobalt380 and I.

A Furret pet has a night of fun with his Master, Roy the Pikachu. He knows that if he's a good boy, he gets lots of treats and rewards, but if he's disobedient, he gets punished.Also, I'm considering paralysis due to electricity to be a form of bondage.


Jake and his best friends, Zeak and Boom, set out on their journey the same as anyone else. Of course, things don't always go according to plan...


Following the events of two grizzly deaths at a pokemon laboratory, a local city begins to rouse itself from a quiet slumber. The police are hard at work, and everything seems to be moving towards some inevitable outcome. Now with 2 scoops of plot. I'm back, baby!

Sequel to "The Payapa Berries of Wrath"



I decided to let this out again. Don't like it? Then don't read it. That's all I'm going to say. I would put in a fancy summary if I had one.


With some help from Vidmaster I wanted to try something different. Fair warning this has a lot of mouth for a while. Let me know what you think?



The narration of Arceus. How the world came to be.
An attempt to unify the legends in most of the games.
Describes the origin of most of legendary Pokémon. Also some of my favorite ones.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 3951 Views: 418
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


A Lucario mourns the pointless loss of his trainer at the hands of an accident, and another trainer refuses to let him sacrifice his future for a single day of the past.

Cliche Theme Submission


This story is about a whole lot of different things. It is inspired by a song, and there is no coherent plot connecting the chapters; the connection will be created by the song, as the individual titles are the lyrics. Thus, it is not possible to summarize this series of short stories all at once, as they will be, as I hope, very different from each other, although there are going to be some recurring themes.



It has been 3 years after the last chapter, and things will being to get interesting once again for our protagonist.