AGNPH Stories

Search Results:author:Eckon


Love is a curious thing, driving the victims of its entwining grasp at times to madness. For it has been said before, "Every rose has its thorns."


Christmas time is looking to be lonely for a Lucario, but his Typhlosion mate has a different plan for him.
Christmas 2010 story contest entry.Edit: 1st place winner of Christmas 2010 contest.



Tyko loves his trainer a lot, and one day, through a misfortune, he becomes mates.

This is half of a trade with TykoTyphlosion on FA, ( )

This story is purely for sex, meaning there is little plot.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



Some stories are about hope. Others are about happiness, overcoming something bigger than you, or trying to find love.

This story isn't one of those. Meet Tommy, a Larvitar. He should be happy, he's a hero because he saved his mother's life. But that isn't the case. This is the story why.


Love is indeed a beast, one both fearsome and yet at the same time calming. However we talk about love in simple terms, in cards and candies, but what really is love? Some define love as a form of lust; others define it as wanting to spend the rest of your life with somebody, somebody...special.

However not all forms of love are accepted by society. Meet Ben and Athena, a human and lucario who love each other, but because of the laws of society their love is forbidden and thus they don't tell each other of their true feelings. However, when a day special to her trainer comes around, she finally leaps the gap of unlawful love and professes her feelings to her trainer.

I would like to make it known that this story was written for a special somebody in my life, my boyfriend, but I have posted it here for everybody to enjoy. I hope you enjoy this lucario, I did it for you. Know that I do, and always will, love you.

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission



The date is December 21, 2012. The day of supposed Armageddon according to many. It's the afternoon. People have lost their fear of anything bad happening. Suddenly a large meteor passes over and hits the ground. Earthquakes and tsunami are started worldwide, dust is thrown miles into the air and spreads out starting a nuclear winter. People then realize it truely is the end of the world. Many die, few survive. Hector and his family are one of the few survivors. What happens when Pokemon and Humans, who have been at war with each other for years now, are forced to work together to survive?

Most Recent Update: Last chapter to this story is complete and posted. Enjoy!

Special thanks to: jurgenwulf for being the cure to my writers block and also for being my goto guy for some ideas and info.