AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:christmas_2010




Max lives with his mother and his Eevee, Maya.

Christmas brings harsh times to some, but only those who accept it.

Christmas 2010 Contest Entry!



Sam finds himself in a bad situation during the greatest time of year, but that won't bring him down! He's got everything he could need... right?

Christmas 2010 Contest Entry


Christmas time is looking to be lonely for a Lucario, but his Typhlosion mate has a different plan for him.
Christmas 2010 story contest entry.Edit: 1st place winner of Christmas 2010 contest.


Tom hates Christmas. Advertising, screaming kids, you name it, he'll criticise it. Reminiscing about it, he finds something that might change his opinion.

Christmas 2010 competition entry. Also, this is a prologue for Shattered Legacy:


  Christmas is a celebration one normally spends
  With relatives and strangers, family and friends!
  But those that obsess over this aspect only
 Are always the ones that are the most lonely... 


 Christmas 2010 Contest Entry! 



A trainer goes out to search for the perfect gift for the perfect Pokemon only to have find that luck is not on his side.

*Christmas 2010 contest entry*