Atra, a cold, detached Weavile that cares only for fighting and solitude, is pestered by her Trainer's newest Pokemon: a rare colored Plusle named Elly that he traded for. Elly soon finds out that not everyone shares her perkiness, though the little Plusle is bound and determined to be a friend to the Weavile she admires so much. Perhaps all Atra wanted throughout her whole life was just someone who cared for her... and maybe Elly is that someone, as much as she would never want to admit it.
Talk about an unorthodox story! Breaking many of the cliches, this is, in fact, a story with just a Plusle (no Minun counterpart), and it is, in fact, a F/F story. I wanted to do something really different for a change, particularly from my usual stuff, and was personally quite pleased with the results. I hope you'll enjoy them, too!
- Story Complete! -
Story Notes:
Yep, this was meant to just be a light little story and my first attempt at writing F/F, but, of course, it turned into something deep and emotional. There's not a bunch of plotless F/F sex in here -- the primary focus is on their relationship together. That should make it feel even better, hehe.
Chapter 1: Warming a Cold Heart (10173 words)
[Reviews: 2]
Chapter 2: A Lesson in Love (14939 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Chapter 3: Their Last Day (13131 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Chapter 4: Goodbye (9465 words)
[Reviews: 2]
Date:Jul 30 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1: Warming a Cold Heart
This comment will likely get me roasted, but I saw A LOT of PinkiePie [MLP: FiM] in Elly.
And last, both poor Atty and Elly... Broken hearts all around.
Date:Jul 31 2013 Chapter:Chapter 2: A Lesson in Love
{} Achievement Unlocked: 90G
Strange Bedfellows
"Have an unorthodox coupling hook-up under any circumstance."
Date:Aug 1 2013 Chapter:Chapter 3: Their Last Day
'Nuff said.
{} Achievement Unlocked: 75G
"Leave the viewer unable to speak by the end of a chapter."
Date:Aug 1 2013 Chapter:Chapter 4: Goodbye
The feels are back... Damn you, you epic writer you!
Date:Aug 4 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1: Warming a Cold Heart
Date:Oct 9 2014 Chapter:Chapter 4: Goodbye