AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:sexless



The narration of Arceus. How the world came to be.
An attempt to unify the legends in most of the games.
Describes the origin of most of legendary Pokémon. Also some of my favorite ones.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 3951 Views: 417
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


A Lucario mourns the pointless loss of his trainer at the hands of an accident, and another trainer refuses to let him sacrifice his future for a single day of the past.

Cliche Theme Submission


This story is about a whole lot of different things. It is inspired by a song, and there is no coherent plot connecting the chapters; the connection will be created by the song, as the individual titles are the lyrics. Thus, it is not possible to summarize this series of short stories all at once, as they will be, as I hope, very different from each other, although there are going to be some recurring themes.


A trainer named Sandy gets a rude awakening during the night.

A rewrite of Vaporeon's new life, combining both chapters into one.
*This is not a third chapter, but a remake on the originals*


This part of TRLT actually takes place a good while after the current plot of the story (which as I write this is about halfway into chapter 9) and I was struck with the inspiration to do this despite being so far removed from where I was at. Because it is so far in the future of TRLT, there are necessarily a few minor (and a few major) spoilers, so if you can't live with that then perhaps you ought to look away. I try my best to avoid spoiling anything too big however, so you won't have to worry about finding out anything too major to the plot.

Once things finally settle down after the whirlwind adventure that sent Will, Tenrou, Sanakou, and Axl to the farthest corners of the earth and beyond, the four of them decide to go their separate ways for a while and take a break from the action and excitement. Will and Mayumi decide to take a close-to-home vacation and tour the Sinnoh region. As their trip comes to a close, a chance encounter with an odd stranger leads them to a hidden mansion in the forest where they meet a few unforgettable characters...

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 4
  • Completed: No Word Count: 7937 Views: 2145
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


After getting caught up in the incident at the windworks, Axl is haunted by the ghosts of a past he tried to forget while the others attempt to help him in any way they can. Shortly after leaving the windworks however, a familiar adversary draws them across continents in an attempt to discover what is really going on behind a string of purportedly unrelated conflicts cropping up across the globe.



Start with one trainer-hating teen with the ability to understand Pokemon. Add a smart-alec Persian, a lost Charmander, a Pidgey with an attitude, a trouble-making redhead, an obsessed Dratini and assorted other nuts. Sit back and wait for the chaos.



A exhausting camping trip for a trainer turns into something more.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 1551 Views: 358
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Our feelings are wonderful things aren't they? As we spend more time with those we care about, we grow closer to them. Will our emotions always grow positively though? maybe... But at least our emotions will lead us down the correct path, right? heh... if only it were that easy.

Chapter 2 is finally up. It's still a little bit introductory-ish, but bear with me :3 The fun will start soon enough ^^.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 4314 Views: 1166
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


This is a story about a Lucario who makes the biggest mistake of its life. This story is set between XD-395's Stories Forbidden Love and Rukario Romance. Sorry I suck at summaries



This is my second attempt at a pokemon story. This one will be strait Pokemon world. This story has Human/Dratini/Torchic characters



Do we choose our fate, or is it thrust upon us?" Sky, an Abra, is finding himself asking that question a lot lately.



This is my second request and by far the best yet. (I hope) As always, this story is taking a new turn, but not in anything other than time traveling.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 3
  • Completed: No Word Count: 4544 Views: 1702
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


World destroyed by the war. And a person trying to save himself in the aftermath, while discovering some unknown curiosities from the past.


This is my sequel to Guardian of the Chosen One. XD-385 approved it. While trying to look into the future Ash, Bayleef and Neo disappear into the future
