AGNPH Stories

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Something more pedestrian, more dirty, more up the quintessential furry's alley.


A Typhlosion is captured by a sadistic Garchomp and is forced to the very edge of his limits, both physically and spiritually. (M Typhlosion x F Garchomp) Warning: contains scenes of extreme torture and explicit sexual content.

Pokemon I Choose you! Contest 2011



Amber is an Ambipom that is a berry enthusiast, a (poor) juggler, and just wants to have fun! Marley is a quiet Simipour who is very shy around girls, and usually keeps to himself. Their lives haven't intertwined until one fateful battle...

Naki by


Naki is a quiet Simisage on the outside; her only friend is Zeke the Scrafty. This is the tale of her adventures, both on life and on the kinkier side...


This is a story about a unique Umbreon and the fate that surrounds him.


Buizel finds out about himself in unusual ways.

WARNING!!! Contains material that is deemed inapropriate to minors, please do not read unless you are above 18.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of me Implements73. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Part of /vp/'s "Write what you roll" campaign, I'm going to be rolling random Pokemon and, if I can think of a sexual situation to put them in, I'm going to write a quick story about them. These stories aren't meant to be judged, rated or anything like that, just read, and possibly enjoyed if you happen to be into the Pokemon(s) involved.


A Riolu who was looked upon as a prodigy desperately searches for his lost brother in apocalpytic Earth; visiting strange underground cities and bunkers while meeting unusual Pokemon and humans along the way.

(Yeah, I completely deleted the previous story because I was starting to stray from what it originally was so I could create this story in a more insane way. So please, tell me what you think all of those who haven't tried this story out)


It's the beginning of Kuro's adventure into the world of pokemon. But everything always seems to take a turn for the worst for our young adventurer. After a heated battle his favorite camcorder gets smashed and he almost loses his life. Kuro isn't the kind of guy to let that slow him down; he continues on. Come rain sleat or hell fire Kuro will continue forward, to someday live his dream. Concur the pokemon championships and become pokemon master.


This is the fixed version, more detailed, fixed errors, and better storyline

This is about a Pikachu and Quilava, taking a mission from the Guildmaster. They fail this mission but the outcome of failing had a great



PokemonxBleach crossover. You don't like crossovers then kindly turn around and walk away )

Their world is gone, torn apart by an unspeakable force. The two survivors believed they were able to destroy this force completely, but they were wrong, now it has set its sights on another world, only they know how destructive it can be. New allies will fight, old enemies rise
again, eternal bonds will be made, all of them connected by the Twines of Fate
(Rukario Romance belongs to XD385 and Cameronjc. Bleach Belongs to Tite Kubo. I dont own pokemon) (Chapter 2 editted due to the fact I realized Ashton deserved more credit.)


Ok. A mostly smutty story featuring family fun.


Tyrants will always create their own worst enemy, the one to bring about their downfall rising from among the people they oppress. For too long, the pokemon world has suffered under the rule of one corrupt exploration team. This is the story of those who took a stand, and battled tyranny. It is a story of love and loss. Of lives, families, and friendships forever torn asunder.

This is a companion story to "Team Sea Forest Fire" By Poke Fan.
Written with permission.


This story is based on an online video chat/webcam network that displays an underground community who celebrates Pokemon on Trainer love. All of the parts are individual pieces and can be read as their own stories without prior knowledge of the others.

Half of them will be straight and half of them will be gay. There is no rhyme or reason to which will be which until the idea comes to mind.


Zero used to be a pokemon trainer, like most. As a Mewtwo, he has come to enjoy many of its perks. Thanks to winning a big wager, he now owned some property off of the Viridian Forest, and has an arena set up for non-traditional matches.

Lyrum is a wet-behind-the-ears Kangaskhan, who's yet to have a joey, and well away from home.

They find quite the bond together...