AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:male/female


Jeff a regular transient is plague with dreams of a Gardevoir. Who no one knows. They are slowly driving him insane. Will he find the answers that plague him or will he go insane due to these dreams that plague


nature and his blaziken flora challenge the league and get a better prize from losing than they could winning


Living a normal life is what Hiroshi wanted. But once again, fate would think otherwise...and a few fox deities as well.

Genres: Comedy, Romance, Parody, Action(later in the story) and Smut.


Wes and Rui From Pokemon Colosseum take down Minor B with drastic repercussions


This is my second story. So forgive me for mistakes.

" " = Human Speech
< > = Pokemon Speech
' ' = Non-Verbal Words
~ ~ = Information From Author


okay, I had this story in my head for a while, decided to write it last night and posted it to /vp/

another rarely, if EVER used subject


Another story I wrote for /vp/
I intended to take them by surprise with my choice in subject...and I DID.


Not the first collection of stories which I've written of my character, but it's the first one that I've actually had the motivation to develop on.

It's been a year since Strauss' time in the Marine Corps, though he can't seem to escape his old life. What starts as a simple errand takes a major turn for the worst, with Strauss facing new adversaries and old personal demons. He'll need every skill he learned during his time in the Corps and the help of an unlikely ally to survive the night, but even that might not be enough.

Pokemon (c) Nintendo

characters and universe of Breed (c) myself


A Birthday commission for a friend from SoFurry that involves a trainer and his five horny Pokemon fems that rewards him with a 'fun game' after recently beating the Pokemon League.


Artemus was a very troubled geneticist, troubled most by his past. In attempts to search for a cure to his genetic curse, he finds himself forced to adopt a new life, when things take a very sadistic turn on his behalf.

At his side, his trusty companion is an Alakazam named Jonas, who uses a weighted staff to focus his psychic energies, and maintain his physical fitness.



A undervalued and practicaly hated family member of a sucessful ranch has decided to leave to a different region to start anew. Little does he know that he is being watched.



this is just the begining


I do not own pokemon nor will I ever This work is not for profit and is just for fun


Yes. I stole this from Matt. Roll a random Pokémon or two, brainstorm a sexual situation, and crank out a quickie. They're not intended to be critiqued, but if you find one you like let me know.


A short flash-fiction story about a trainer and his Zoroark's nighttime antics.


A male trainer/female pokemon fic that follows an aspiring young trainer in his battle against the corrupt Pokemon League.