AGNPH Stories

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Two anthros meet in a bar, the rest is history.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 3402 Views: 1306
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


The otherwise peaceful city of Earthford abounds with joy and energy in anticipation of the annual Showdown, an event where the greatest trainers gather to test their mettle against each other, and maybe even get a chance to meet a special guest. But there is a sense that all is not right behind the scenes, and two young contestants find themselves caught up in circumstances they may not be able to endure.

Completed June 2010.


After experiencing heartbreak, a trainer comes across a vaporeon in a similar situation, and learns how love can bloom even in the darkest of times...

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission



Leith, a male buizel, and his best friend, Destyn who is a male eevee, love each other immensely. Leith would do anything to protect their relationship and he ends up proving it in this exciting and erotic adventure!

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission


Lex, an abandoned Luxray, is down, lonely, friendless in the world, except for one friendly face in a bleak, cruel world. Will she ever find the one for her?

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission



Prelude: Over a thousand years ago, the world was a very different place. Humans had laid their claim to the land through a combination of being intelligent as well as being powerful. It had been through the use of magic, the ability to manipulate vast amounts of unseen energies that humanity had come to power. Unfortunately, magic soon corrupted the minds of the humans, making them greedy, thirsty for more power.

In an act of defiance and greed, mankind turned to hunt down Arceus herself. They failed and in retaliation, Arceus and the Council of Legends deemed the responsibility of magic too great for humans. They stopped the spread of magic by taking the ability from children and infants, thus preventing the arts from being passed down through the ages. Now forced to work along side the pokemon they had once enslaved, the world had been granted a new era of peace.

Now, in present day, many lost artifacts have begun to resurface; scrolls and staves; wands and tomes, all with the power to return magic to mankind. The Council gathered again and judged the humans. While much progress had been made, there were still several evil minds out there leading armies; armies that could with this magic return the world to darker times. Deciding that the responsibility of magic was still too great for mankind to bear, the Council took action to prevent its return. They recruited a small number of humans and pokemon to gather these artifacts and keep them hidden as they surfaced, until a time when man was ready to wield the ability to use magic a time when magic would once again be used for peace and harmony.



Emily is allergic to most plants and cannot go on a poke'mon journey of her own. Her younger brother supplied her with two well-trained poke'mon on her birthday one year to cheer her up, a Feraligatr and a Flygon. The two poke'mon have developed feelings for her that go beyond the normal trainer and poke'mon relationship (outside of AGNPH) and both wish to accomodate some of her unfulfilled needs.


Living in a world that abhors pokephilia obviously isnt easy for a pokephiliac. So what can do you do? Join the Pokemon Club, indulge in your fantasies without fear of the law. If only, if only. Something like that couldnt possibly exist could it?

(Greetings from the future. One year in the future. That is, one year or so after I started writing this story. Looking back, wow this is a trainwreck of an opening. Gimme a break, I thought it all up on the spot, along with most of this story. Funfact, I originally planned for it not to have a deep story. I just wanted a bit of context to all the random ass smut I wanted to write. Oh I didn't get rid of that part. There's still a lot of smut to be had (almost none of it pertaining to the story actually) and that's probably the biggest reason behind the Club's popularity, Smut. I don't mind. That's kinda what I do: random smut. Dunno why you would be reading this story if you didn't like that.

Anyway, for those of who think you are, or know you're better than me (I know you're out there) please do give it a read past the first few chapters, painful as they may be. Pardon the trainwreck of an opening. Pardon my gary stu of a main character (none of his stu-ness affects the story, it's all for the smut) And pardon all the smut too. 90% of it is skippable anyway. I could use some actual feedback as to how I'm doing with putting this thing together. I appreciate it.)


Love is indeed a beast, one both fearsome and yet at the same time calming. However we talk about love in simple terms, in cards and candies, but what really is love? Some define love as a form of lust; others define it as wanting to spend the rest of your life with somebody, somebody...special.

However not all forms of love are accepted by society. Meet Ben and Athena, a human and lucario who love each other, but because of the laws of society their love is forbidden and thus they don't tell each other of their true feelings. However, when a day special to her trainer comes around, she finally leaps the gap of unlawful love and professes her feelings to her trainer.

I would like to make it known that this story was written for a special somebody in my life, my boyfriend, but I have posted it here for everybody to enjoy. I hope you enjoy this lucario, I did it for you. Know that I do, and always will, love you.

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission


Brock and May have been boyfriend and girlfriend for quite some time now, but they can't always see each other. Stupid things like long distances between them keep them apart, but not always...


Ghosts exist for many reasons. Unfinished business, usually. The ghostly Flareon that inhabits the Burnt tower has unfinished business indeed, as reporter Ian is about to find out...

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission


Time is a strange thing: most can only follow along its powerful flow... but what of those who can bend it? How can holding such a power affect the one force stronger than even an immortal? Well, one legend is about to find out.

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission


Valentines Day 2010 Submission

Paul and Cream have been friends since they were born, and lovers since she evolved. But can their relation ship stand up to their true feelings


When I go to the beach, things happen... like, I fall unconscious, and then something else happens...

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.


The gang has set up camp in a serene, remote section of woods. While there, Pikachu formulates and enacts a plan, the objective of which, is Misty.