AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:male/female


A series of stories where we meet different people and share their sexual experiences with various Pokémon.
Basically, I try to cover as many fetishes and Pokémon as possible. I'd recommend you read the later chapters first since there is no connection between them and I believe they are better.

I take requests if they interest me enough!Click my penname to reach my bio and read up if you want to request something.


What happens when two pokemon get stuck together inside of a cave? Well, you'll have to read to find out.



He didn't know when it started. Ash had only been back from his Pokemon Journey for a week now. It was just a little vacation for him before they would go to the next league. But as soon as he stepped through his front door he knew something was different in his household.



When the deities of Matter and Antimatter gather together to seek a beloved one,

The Chosen One shall be asked for his hand-in-marriage.

He shall form a bond with the two, a bond which cannot be broken.

In uniting with each of the Goddesses, he shall change the foundation

Of human and Pokemon civilations forever.

The Masters of Time and Space shall be together, 

their union would bring about a child of immense power, more powerful than the Creator.

Then she will also ask the The Chosen One his hand-in-marriage.

The other Legends will accept him and will also form a bond. 

 This is the prophecy.

Contains: Self-Masturbation, Semi-NC, Cosplaying and Yuri.

Genre: Romance/Comedy/Ecchi


Four friends, all female, have made a pact. As mon who need stones to evolve, they'd wait till they each had a stone before evolving. When they finally find 4 stones and evolve, how will they celebrate?


A rogue organization has gone beyond human bounds and have created the first anthro human-pokemon. Will their creation comeback to destroy them? Or become the valuable weapon they want from him?


Looking to keep himself busy during Lucky's abscence, Hoenn trainer Wolf O'kai has decided to take on the Orange Islands league challenge. With friends old and new accompanying him on his journey, Wolf is set to have another exciting journey.

This has been edited out of its text walls.


As the story goes on a awkward romance will flourish between a Lucario and her trainer, Leon. Run into the life of Leon and learn what happens when you look past the rules and learn what has yet to be realized of the mind and body.


The laws of physics govern out world and everything beyond. What will happen if the same laws allow other life to exist in other dimensions? Will our life be the same? This is a crossover but don't look away, I promise it will be better after chapter 1. Crossover: Digimon/Pokemon/Zero no Tsukaima/Tayutama Kiss on My Deity.


For as long as Kanto and Johto have known, the infamous group known as “Team Rocketâ€? has been a constant nuisance to the citizens all over the region. Not many know their origins and even fewer know their true motives. All that is known is there notorious thievery and misuse of Pokémon, with each branch being only inches out of the law's grasp. Every Rocket is a thief, every Rocket is a liar, and no Rocket can be ever trusted.

So what happens when a Rocket falls in love?



This is my entry for the May Songfic contest =O Based on a song which I found randomly over itunes searching for something completely different. The song is called "Still Alive" and is by Lisa Miscovsky, and just so happens to be the theme tune for the most under-rated videogame in history, Mirrors Edge =D



Year: 2258

Planet: KPC-109/ Serano

Location: *Information Unavailable*

In this coming-of-age tale taking place on a lawless world ravaged by desertification, Akio Fields, a no-nonsense drifter with a violent past, stumbles upon the seemingly impossible after an accident during one of planet Serano's infamous sandstorms. Left for dead in the raging desert storm, he happens upon the dwelling of a badly disfigured desert hermit who has some startling surprises in store for him...


A bayleaf wakes up a spring morning, when walking in the forest looking for some water he meets a female bayleaf. A Meganium doesn't like this and challenges bayleaf.

(Arbor Day Contest 2010)


Dave a diver, is on a lucky streak. A mysterious blue pokemon keeps leading him to wrecks containing valuable objects, but what will happen when Dave happens across her when she needs help with a certain...little problem?

Male Human/Female Suicune


Submission for "Arbor Day Contest 2010", Should you sacrifice having fun for helping the people you are sworn to protect?