AGNPH Stories

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Rated:XXX [Reviews: 1]


these story's contains scenes of a sexual nature those underage should not read this, i can;t be held responsible for your actions

These story's are all dreams i'be had and i plan to add more soon


Well, it contains a lot of explicit sex scenes.

Gill and Bob's life is about to take a surprisingly different turn as they start to experience things that most humans would never even begin to dream about.

Let us hope that they can make it through the ordeal of their life!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



When the worst heat wave of the century threatens to ignite the Kanto Safari Zone, a Pokemon Ranger soon finds himself in a place he'd never expect - as the target for his Scyther's affections.


A moody Absol finds the missing piece in her life in the arms of one she never expected


Grovyle's part of his important mission is unfortunately finished. Wounded but not defeated, he seeks out his last remaining friend.

Original Finished Date - Feb 14 2009
Featured Story - 02/14/09


Shadow, a newly evolved umbreon, waits for his love to show.


Requested by Archer. A downed fighter pilot finds that love does indeed blossom on the battlefield.



Dark. Cold. Gritty. And filled with cuddling. After an explosion leaves a dozen Pokemon dead, a down on his luck detective has to figure out just what is really going on. His only lead is the Ninetales that is now his to protect. Requested.


Sorry I didn't get around to posting this to a more convenient location. This was my submission for AGNPH's 10th Anniversary Story Contest. The requirements were that it had to be AGNPH-themed and 1000 words or less. You'd be surprised how tough it can be keeping something at 1000 or less words! Anyway, this is just a quick second-person story involving you and a Charmander. Yeah, that means you, the reader, are in it. Figured it'd get more in with the spirit if it was second-person, plus it's a nice change of pace.

It might be a good read if you like a quick fap and Charmanders! ;D
(If you're expecting a lot of plot or character building or anything, don't bother, sorry. 1000 words... :( )



A bitter military pilot is dragged back into the cockpit for a game of beat-the-clock that could mean thousands of innocent lives. Nothing adult yet, but eventually.


A boy and his Typhlosion have been friends for almost a year now. But something sparks between the two, igniting a deeper love for each other then previously thought possible.


A simple misunderstanding can make or break a relationship that has lasted for ages.

a request that I received from Archer, I hope he enjoys it.

male trainer/female Golduck



In ancient times, a highly advanced race began a search of knowledge of what sepearated them from humans and pokémon. When their search came up empty, an idea was proposed and many of their race viewed it as blasphamey and slaughtered their kind because of it.



Cyan is a Pokémon trainer in the Johto region who mainly focuses on large and strong Pokémon.



A young Pokemon trainer heads out following some local rumours of mermaids and get's more than he bargined for.

Written on request by: Ablearcher