AGNPH Stories

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~SUMMARY~: In Great Britian, there have been reports and rumors of Pokemon behaving oddly. They mindlessly attack humans and other Pokemon, ripping them apart and draining them of blood. These Pokemon are said to possess fierce crimson eyes and huge fangs, and are causing quite a commotion as the death toll slowly rises.

Enter Nee, a DeMon unlike most of her fellows. She is Benign, a kind and compassionate being who detests the cruelty and monstrosity of the rest of her kind. She is on a mission to uncover the mystery behind the odd strange Pokemon. Little does she know she's headed for things destined to change her life in ways she could never dream of...

One night, the DeMon has a fateful encounter with a Vampire, who turns out to be the "secret weapon" of the British organization Hellsing. After offering her assistance to the defenders of the Crown, things quickly speed up as a complex plot begins to unravel.

Soon, Nee and the others find themselves in a race against forces that are determined to force their view of how things should be upon the world, no matter what it takes. The clock is counting down, and if time runs out, all hell will break loose...


Bern and his first pokemon Charmeleon enter contests and during the adventure Bern becomes attracted to one of his pokemon.


Aiden and Shinx start there adventure and tell each other there feelings.


A boy saves a male Nidoran, and from that, a friendship will grow.


First story. Contains m/m jolteon/absol. Please give constructive criticism.



Kate is a professors assistent and magic has brought her love. Send requests to [email protected]


Glaceon has had feelings for her master after her curiosity about Akio's body got her intrested in him.


Well Lari and her male Golduck venture off for badges when something intresting happens during there journey.


A Corporal finds himself lost in the world of Pokemon and is experimented on by Team Rocket.
The Series describes his quest to find the rest of his unit and to take vengence on Team Rocket, made all the more harder as he struggles to cope with another mind sharing his body.



A story about an Umbreon who was abandoned shortly after evolving. Commission for DataUmbreon


Kade the main charactar of our series hasnt been able to become a trainer because of his family and now on his 16th birthday he has his chance. later in the story Kade finds team rocket in Shinnoh and has to stop them from there doing there evil plan.


Ariel and Ben are two typical students at William C. Bonds High School, until Ben finds out Ariel isn't really Ariel, but Jasmine, a Gardevoir who has disguised herself as a human. Then, things take a twist when they attend a special all-pokemon school set in the mysterious Agaror Island. The only way for Ben to go is for Jasmine to transform him into a Arcanine. New friends and foes will help shape their relationship and make it soar to new heights, but she will be competing for his love with many new faces and friends they encounter along the way.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 9411 Views: 1265
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Ash ands Misty are back. This time, they face their greatest challange yet. With the help of a boy name Jeremy who is part pokemon, they set out to discover Jeremy's forgotten past. Little do they know that Jeremy was once involved with Team Rocket and they will do anything to get him back. All I can tell you is that some friends and villians will die, some master minds cause way too many problems, and our heros are in over their heads this time.


Mewtwo. An enhanced version of Mew. But to almost everyone he has met, he is nothing more than a product. Krates, his so-called master only looks after Mewtwo's health to avoid losing his investment. Only one member of the team assigned to look after Mewtwo sees him as a living thing. Dr Telina White, the doctor in charge of his health. However, Mewtwo is still lead to believe that all humans are as bad as Krates. Four years into his life, he meets Sarah, Krates' daughter. Her wish after meeting Mewtwo is to show him the better side of the human race. Many problems arise while doing so. For instance, the disbanded Team Rocket wants Mewtwo for them selves. Then there is the fact that Krates will never let his daughter get to know Mewtwo if he can prevent it.



A paramedic finds a houndoom in distress and saves her from her unkown attackers. I light of his act, the houndoom stays with him, giving him the opportunity he hasn't had in years. But a secret underground trade ring may make their lives difficult.