AGNPH Stories

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A story between a trainer and his Victini, is a work in progress.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Beta Acknowledgments: Ziegles


This is the tale of a Pokemon trainer and his companion, a female Snivy. They have a special relationship, and this story has finally busted the bunker on my writer's block. I hope you enjoy it, even if this particular story won't be for everyone.

But then again, which ones are?



This story was randomly thought of while in a group IM. Being the "Storyteller", they wanted me to tell a story and this was the first idea that came to mind. After about 30 minutes of typing this was the result.

Laitos and Latios have berries together. They have a bit of a secret though.

Bring on the creppy commnets!

Also this story was written in about 30 minutes and over about 30 IMs and is not meant to taken seriously. A few good laughs and maybe some unwanted erections but please don't ask about wanting to be my "beta-reader" and fooqing enjoy the story!



The rise of Greed has begun and it has given towards the rise of a corrupt organization named Rebirth. Corruption now infests these once peaceful lands and the enslavement of the ones we called friends has begun its mighty course. People will pay for the mistakes they have made; whether it be through Reconciliation, or the cold steel of a blade. Rated M for Violence, Harsh Language.


Good and Evil are about to clash. But in the end, who is truly good. And who is evil.

Male on Male action.

All publicly recognized characters belong to the respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.


A young boy named Luke who has the ability to talk to pokemon, meets a Zorua named Mina behind his school. At the age of thirteen, he and Mina set out on their grand adventure. However, all is not well in the Unova region as an evil crime syndicate rears its ugly head.
With a seemingly limitless amount of money at their disposal, they have their eyes set on making life difficult for just about everyone.