AGNPH Stories

Search Results:fav:unionraudal


A story written for round 1 of the 2011 FETEP contest, reuploaded here.

A wandering Lugia comes across a spunky Typhlosion held captive by humans, and is enticed by his compassionate nature to intercede for her protection. However, he might end up as the one needing protection. From her.

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 2]


Two Leafeon's meet as they try to outrun a forest fire, only to find themselves trapped, and alone in the burning forest.

There is no escape from the flames, but they have time left, and there are a few fantasies neither of them have lived...


My name is Jade and my story is one that may or may not be familiar to you. It is a story of finding love in the most unexpected of places. It is about the taboos of life and my struggles with guilt and temptation. It's a story that I'm sure you've all heard before, but not like mine. For my story is about the love I share for my most trusted friend Leo...

A Shiny Blaziken.


A pack of Luxio and a pack of Houndoom meet in the middle of a hunt. (terrible summary, I know.)



Flashback to Poke Ranger Rauls teenage years and his first experience at poke-sex!


Human x Pokemon


The scientists who lived the first test of Mew DNA - the creation of Mewtwo - use an adolescent Ponyta for Mew's DNA. She's released into the wild, and lives in torment, but the kind heart of one Raichu can change her for the better...

Warning: Contains slight depictions of suffering.

Original Finished Date - Sep 9 2004


Raichu (M), Vulpix (F) (Mating, oral)