AGNPH Stories

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This is my first fic uploaded to AGNPH, and although it is a Gay lemon, I am not a just gay author: I'm Bisexual, so if you want to see more, I will be uploading (hopefully) a large number of one-shots like this one, either gay, straight, or bisexual.  If you want to see a specific fic then PM me the specifics.  I might not get to it right away, but I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Raiden, a male Lucario, wakes up his master, Eric, with an unusual surprise.  Experimental and obligatory gay smut one-shot quickly follows.  This is my first gay lemon.  Don't hate.

You can, however, leave a critique below.  As an aspiring author of both smut and non smut, any and all critique is greatly appreciated.  That being said, don't just say 'this fucking sucks dude' or 'Well, I liked it, but it could be better.'  TELL ME WHAT YOU LIKE OR DON'T LIKE.

Much obliged:

The Sword of Absol

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 2]


An Espeon comes across an Umbreon, half starved and wanting to die, but takes it upon himself to nurse the Umbreon back to life. The Umbreon just wants to be left alone, but hasn't met an Espeon quite like this one. 


After recovering from a life-threatening injury, Riky the Lucario is eager to get back on the road and avenge his murdered Master. However, when his human friends put the Lucario and his Pokemon friends through some controlled battles to ensure they are still in top form, he overworks himself. His childhood friend and girlfriend, Fiona the Braixen, seeing he is hurt, decides to help him wash off in the shower. The two Pokemon end up unintentionally seducing each other.