Story Notes:
There will be several dark/sickening moments to come in later Chapters. Rest assured, things will balance out by the ending.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Starting Anew (4909 words) [Reviews: 3]
A flashback from Gardevoir sheds some light on a rather unpleasant experience, followed by a shocking twist from an unexpected source...
Current roster; Gardevoir(f), Blaziken(f), Absol(f), Mightyena(f). -
Deliverance Unto Safety (5541 words)
Helping Pokémon in need, then a glimpse into things to come.
Updated roster; Gardevoir(f), Blaziken(f), Absol(f), Mightyena(f), Flygon(m).
Date:Jul 20 2013 Chapter:Starting Anew
I know I should be grateful to have a review and rating finally, but perhaps you could elaborate some? I'm always open to criticism and praise--so long as it's not downright nasty and intolerable.
Date:Aug 12 2013 Chapter:Starting Anew
On a comical whim/observation, why is the paragraph after the flash-back also centered? Certainly not something to count off for, but just a visual query.
General grammar appears to be fine, not that I'm usually a nazi on the hunt for such to begin with regardless.
Thank you for your input. Nice to see some life after the relaunch. And to address your concerns/observations:
Plenty of character development will occur in later chapters, with a surprise twist or two after --------- and -------- happens to ------- then after --------- goes and -----------.
So just read on for more!
[and a side note, Burning Desires ties in with this]
As for the text alignment... A simple uploading/editing error.
Date:Sep 2 2013 Chapter:Starting Anew
Thank you for your input. I'm doing what i can to hasten some character's development, although a few are being drawn-out on purpose.