AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:bestiality/zoophilia



This story is inspired by PROKNIFER69's Blood and Love

An assassin who was created to kill gets tired of the path of blood he's left behind in his wake. He plans on escaping those who would control him. Along the way and by means of terrible misfortune he befriends a small Riolu. As time goes on and the assassin achieves his goals he realizes how much of his new 'life l' is an illusion and the dangers he's put upon the one he loves.



It's been about 5 years since the incident with XD-385 and the Chosen One known as Ash Ketchum. All was peaceful for a while, and the Earth hasn't had many problems lately... Until now. Another threat has risen to the surface, and it seems as though history is repeating itself. But will the outcome be the same? Or will this evil prove to be too much for the new heroes? Only time will tell...


A young female trainer soon finds out that she becomes face to face with a Hydreigon, one of the most violent and dangerous Pokémon currently known to man. Will she be able to gain the beast's loyalty and acceptance? Find out!


Join Ian and his mate, a female lucario named Cristal, as they deal with the struggles of society as well as thier relationship.

Dickgirl warning for a herm. Don't worry, H/F Yiffing doesn't occur till farrrr from now. I'll warn ya when it cums |3 Also a mutilation and drug warning ahead of time.


Joshua Auron isn't your typical 19 year old, and he likes it that way. He struck it big with the friends he treats like family, is the leader of the band "Reverb", and gets to live how he wants to. Good things like this, however, never seem to last.

When one of the gods makes a reemergence and declares war on his rival religion causing all hell to break loose, Josh suddenly finds himself fighting for the right to live against an entire nation, possibly two. And to make matters worse, there are no prophecies, no legends, to guide him and his fellows. The best they can hope to do is find their gods before it's too late.

Meanwhile, several of Josh's fellow band members are struggling to find love amidst the chaos, which sets the stage for some complicated relationships



Many say that the legendaries were the highest essence of power, beings that couldn't be touched by human hands or skill. This however was proven wrong, man's greed and ambition did far more than touch the gods, and this, in turn frightened the gods, for mankind was always advancing, without pause or rest. And so, it was decided, that someday mankind would face judgment. It would not matter if they were old or young, rich or poor, righteous or fiendish. All would perish, leaving only those the gods saw fit to take care of the world humanity would soon be forced to leave.

Now, that day has come, judgment day, and humanity will be pushed to the brink of extinction by the creatures of great power and the forces of nature. There is one boy, Nick, whom is not like others, far different than many would consider from first look. Now, he must discover what he truly is, and what he will ultimately become.


Dante is a fairly new employee at the Cafe, and while he's talented in many skills, his favorite kink is feet. Today seems to be Dante's busiest and most eventful day that he's had so far...



One promising trainer driven away by tragedy. Another returns to fulfill his dream. But the shadows of Team Rocket loom over the region...


An ambitious scientist performs a successful experiment on his Pokemon, before the experiment goes wrong in an unexpectedly good way.

Warning: Contains brief human/Pokemon sex.

FETEP 3 Contest Submission - 3rd Place

Original Finished Date - Jul 24 2011
Featured Story - 08/10/11


A story with Scrafty and the girl who loved him.


Sabbykat and I were chatting about her story here on AGNPH and all it's rewrites, a bit of season 2, and some lingering questions I've had. After the fan boy in me settled down we began to talk about a few ideas being tossed around and this is one of them I've wanted to do ^^.
This is a fan fic of SabbyKat's fan fic, Sabetha The Walker of Fate. This story is made with permission from SabbyKat by Skellitor301.
This story takes place during the events of Sabetha The Walker of Fate, as our main character, Kenthys,Âhas his own fated path to follow while Sabetha follows her own. While most of this story follows Sabetha The Walker of Fate, there will be parts which are noncanon to the story. Follow Kenthys and his dark form, Dakon, as their own journey unfolds while Sabethas does as well...

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.‚The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.‚No copyright infringement is intended.
The use of SabbyKat's characters and story plots are used withÂopen permission by SabbyKat..

This story is still being made, so warnings,Âcharacters, etc. are going to be updated as the story progresses
This story is associated with: Sabetha: The Walker of Fate

I've updated the current story to fix an ongoing issue I've had, the dreaded Wall of Text!! Heh, well now the walls of text are broken up for easier reading....hey what can I say? I'm still new at this ^^'

Note: I would highly recommend reading Sabetha: The Walker of Fate before reading this story. There are mixes in plots between the two stories and could potentially spoil parts of Sabetha.



Yet another out of the blue random Pokemon fic of mine. This one was actually more of an experiment to see how quickly I could make a story without excuses and breaks. Had this little idea in my head inappropriately after remembering that big ass Venusaur on the beach in Hey You Pikachu!

This story is just a fun little shag between a straight couple and a male Venusaur. So it's technically my first full Bi story! I did mention my Trainer's Touch series in there just for fun, and to add a sneak peak of one of my possible future pairing ideas.

In short, this was just rough work I did for fun, enjoy!


Jason was just a young trainer. That is, until an evil organization turned his life around. After hating them for so long, he finally decides to take matters into his own hands.


When wishes are made upon the stars, they leave naught but tears.

But if made on pitch black skys, a figure will appear.

Disclaimer: All publically recognized characters, stories, settings, etc. are property of their creators and any plagarism is unintended.


Long after Ash Ketchum became the pokemon master, a new strain of virus swept through pokemon kind, mutating them into anthropomorphic forms. Soon after the pokemon took over, and this is the story of Princess Tali and her personal staff.

This one's a request I received a while ago, so I hope that it turns out okay for my patron.
