AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:bestiality/zoophilia



In a region just starting a Pokemon League is where we meet Nath.

This is an account of his journey, although if you think he is going to travel around and collect gym badges you may as well be wrong.

(will start in sexless and I'll move it to the Male/Female category when it appears in the story)


Imagine a Pokémon falls in love with his trainer. Sounds strange? It is, but this is what has happened to Kira, a female Lucario. She is desperately in love with her trainer Ryu, although she doesn't dare to tell him. But what if she does? How will he react? Will they be happy together or will Kira end up heart-broken?



Riko always knew he was different, he just never knew HOW different he was. This is his journey where he will learn where he came from, what he his, and what he will become.


A cynical Swampert believes that love is non-existent. Until a certain Ampharos came into his life and made it all better.

July Bring the Heat Contest 2010

Contains: Rape, Lots of Touching and Mushy Stuff, Tentacle Sex (I think.) and of course, YURI!!



What happens when life takes away everything you care for? you keep moving on, join Taylor and his small band of friends as they push through all life can throw at him.


This is an entry for the "July Bring the Heat Contest 2010". It about a trainer who ends up the one getting trained by the poke'mon who was ment to be his first capture.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Buck, a 17 year old Trainer started his journey with all sorts of problems. A month on, bonds between him and his Eevee companion grow tenfold, but what happens when a old rival shows up?

Old story re-amped, I was and still am the original author, I just moved accounts and died (?) for a year or so.

So here it is, I hope some of you remember it! ^^

"July Bring The Heat Contest 2010" (Parts 1+2 = 1 chapter. Both parts are required to be read. Unfortunately I had a uploading problem and had to split the chapter in two.)



Various girls with various Pokemon from various series.


A Pokemon Ranger is meant to serve and protect the world, with Pokemon as their partners in "nature" - Yeah, right.


Dawn's living a totally normal life. Contests, training, the whole thing. However, all of that will change forever when she experiences a very fun night.


This is the first chapter [Part 1] of what I hope many. Split into 2 parts as for some reason AGNPH won't let me upload more than 10k words. This story is based on the Game 'Pokémon Diamond and Pearl'. What I've done here is note out key events that happen to me (My character) in the game and i've based a story around it. I intend to do 1 Hour of Gameplay to 1 chapter of story. So this being my first chapter, makes it 1 hours worth. So, really here's a taster of what your going to get in the future! :3 Generally this story DOES start off Male/Male however I do intend for it to be diverse, including many genders at once, or certain solo. So if you like what you read before the naughty part, please either ignore it or read it with a open mind as to what you will recieve when there is a girl involved. I generally want to appeal to all kinds of audiances so I don't want you thinking this is just going to be a gay story with a little pussy. This IS going to be big depending on how arsed I can be to write it. TAGS:.Pokemon Pokmon Male MaleMale MM Storyplot Storyline Chapter 1 Ninetales Ninetales Oral Human Trainer HumanXPokemon TrainerXPokemon Gay


A series of stories where we meet different people and share their sexual experiences with various Pokémon.
Basically, I try to cover as many fetishes and Pokémon as possible. I'd recommend you read the later chapters first since there is no connection between them and I believe they are better.

I take requests if they interest me enough!Click my penname to reach my bio and read up if you want to request something.



When the deities of Matter and Antimatter gather together to seek a beloved one,

The Chosen One shall be asked for his hand-in-marriage.

He shall form a bond with the two, a bond which cannot be broken.

In uniting with each of the Goddesses, he shall change the foundation

Of human and Pokemon civilations forever.

The Masters of Time and Space shall be together, 

their union would bring about a child of immense power, more powerful than the Creator.

Then she will also ask the The Chosen One his hand-in-marriage.

The other Legends will accept him and will also form a bond. 

 This is the prophecy.

Contains: Self-Masturbation, Semi-NC, Cosplaying and Yuri.

Genre: Romance/Comedy/Ecchi


A rogue organization has gone beyond human bounds and have created the first anthro human-pokemon. Will their creation comeback to destroy them? Or become the valuable weapon they want from him?


Looking to keep himself busy during Lucky's abscence, Hoenn trainer Wolf O'kai has decided to take on the Orange Islands league challenge. With friends old and new accompanying him on his journey, Wolf is set to have another exciting journey.

This has been edited out of its text walls.