AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:violence


Cameron is just like every other licario in his family. Once he turned eighteen he was kicked out to make something of his life, this story is the writings of his adventure after he was forced out of his home.



A Sceptile who loves the world, and a Blaziken who sees the meaning of existence, an unlikely pair is thrown into the truths of love and pride; come into the aftermath of what some may call freedom and others the beginning of it all. When the sun sinks beneath the oceans and the day dies young, throw your dreams upon the shore and leave it to the waves.

Songfic 2010 Theme Submission


A sharpshooting drifter with a broken spirit sets off on a mission of revenge.

May Songfic 2010 Contest Submission - 2nd Place

Original Finished Date - Jun 16 2010
Featured Story - 06/22/10


The Dark Pokemon are a group of genetically engineered Pokemon created to serve their Creators without question. The problem lies with what the Creators want them to do. This is the story of Dark Aggron, the strongest of the Dark Pokemon, and the problems he faces. Please review if you read it.


After ten years of being locked within a Master-ball, the Pokemon within is growing desperate. Will his life turn for the better, or worse?

An off-shooting story from the Haunted series.



Every year, thousands of youths across the regions begin their Pokemon journey to become Pokemon Trainers. Some do it for fun, others for glory; whatever the motivation, all start fairly the same way: a trip to the local Pokemon lab to receive a "starter" Pokemon, the first of many they will encounter, battle with, and catch in their journey. At the age of ten, Krad Dashow is ready to begin his Pokemon adventure, but unknown to him, is the many twists and turns his journey will take him.

These are his stories.

(Edited the tags/rating to reflect the story more accurately)


A rogue organization has gone beyond human bounds and have created the first anthro human-pokemon. Will their creation comeback to destroy them? Or become the valuable weapon they want from him?


Looking to keep himself busy during Lucky's abscence, Hoenn trainer Wolf O'kai has decided to take on the Orange Islands league challenge. With friends old and new accompanying him on his journey, Wolf is set to have another exciting journey.

This has been edited out of its text walls.


As the story goes on a awkward romance will flourish between a Lucario and her trainer, Leon. Run into the life of Leon and learn what happens when you look past the rules and learn what has yet to be realized of the mind and body.


The laws of physics govern out world and everything beyond. What will happen if the same laws allow other life to exist in other dimensions? Will our life be the same? This is a crossover but don't look away, I promise it will be better after chapter 1. Crossover: Digimon/Pokemon/Zero no Tsukaima/Tayutama Kiss on My Deity.



This is my entry for the May Songfic contest =O Based on a song which I found randomly over itunes searching for something completely different. The song is called "Still Alive" and is by Lisa Miscovsky, and just so happens to be the theme tune for the most under-rated videogame in history, Mirrors Edge =D


May Songfic 2010. The song is Dani California by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Dani came from a dangerous background, but dispite her risky and illegal lifestyle she has mad a few friends who trust her with their lives. Her story is full of pain and sacrifice, but will it all come to a happy end?



Year: 2258

Planet: KPC-109/ Serano

Location: *Information Unavailable*

In this coming-of-age tale taking place on a lawless world ravaged by desertification, Akio Fields, a no-nonsense drifter with a violent past, stumbles upon the seemingly impossible after an accident during one of planet Serano's infamous sandstorms. Left for dead in the raging desert storm, he happens upon the dwelling of a badly disfigured desert hermit who has some startling surprises in store for him...


Submission for "Arbor Day Contest 2010", Should you sacrifice having fun for helping the people you are sworn to protect?



Arbor Day Contest 2010. The year 2015. The world is dying due to global warming. But two Legendaries won't let it happen as they are prepared to save Earth, through DANCE! The day where the spring solstice occur, they must perform this ritual or risk the extinction of their species. And of course, there's a catch. THEY MUST BOTH LOVE EACH OTHER!How could this ritual push through? Rated XXX for lemon. (CelebiXShaymin ship)NOTE: If you don't know how to speak Japanese, Sakura means "Cherry Blossoms."