AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:bestiality/zoophilia


This is the sequel to Marine Flowers of Passion. Ash and Marina find themselves caught in an interstellar war between two warring robot factions. This is a Pokemon/Transformers crossover so don't turn away as this is a good long fanfic.


Ash and his friends find an injured Buizel. But after helping the Buizel Ash finds out that his life just became dangerous.


The story of a Latios who fell into the hands of cruel fate.

Disclamer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



Annabelle is a pious farmhand who thinks too highly of herself. When she breaks the heart of her pursuer one too many times, she has to pay the cost.

Note: No pokemon beasties belong to me, obviously. They all belong to the Japanese dude that we all know and appreciate, yadda, yadda, yadda. You get the idea, no?



Dedicated to my friend of 10 years now. Feral Brimm
You helped me out a lot when times are tough and hard going. So I decided to write this for you

Yeah Another Lucario Trainer story...wooo


Basically, heres what it is. These are various stories written by yours truly. None of them are connected what so ever. They are all Male/Female, the characters being a male human and a female pokemon. Atleast, my first few stories are. I am open to any requests. Just name the pokemon, and the circumstances (Such as how the two wound up having sex).


(This story was requested.) A young Zangoose halfbreed named Zeya finds a human in the forest while hunting. The human had been cursed to die but is there a cure.


A fairly short one-shot between a girl and an umbreon morph



Home. All Pokémon Trainers have one, despite the traveling lifestyle that they lead. One trainer makes an annual practice of visiting home for an occasion of celebration. Each time before, he has been accompanied by a close friend. This time, he is accompanied by a lover. What will happen when two souls bound together are forced to face a family that may tear them apart if their relationship is discovered?



Ash was certain he was going to spend his Christmas away from family and friends, but someone close to him has other plans; Strong Altoshipping



This is the true tale of the life of Hamos. He is the guardian of the Elemental Forrest. He protects everyone from the evil that lies in this world and maybe even another. Along his journey he learns about the hidden powers inside, the knowledge he possesses and the talents that not many have. Time and time again he faces tragic and depressing times that seem to outweigh all the wonderful moments he has. Nevertheless, he also has to face the darkness within himself that grows stronger each day. He has one of the only pure souls within this world and each day he is faced with hard choices and the guilt he will carry from the lives he has to take. Still, even facing all that he does, his heart remains it's gentle self and anyone would call themselves lucky to be his friend.

(I will be adding tags as the story progresses)


This is a continuation of 'THE SCENT. A Gift or A curse'. Alex's starts new adventures with Ayane the anthro-absol and Zenia the anthro-luxray. The Wyvern Clan are hunting down humans who have been gifted by special pokemon, who unfortunately include Alex.



What would happen if portals between worlds started opening, dumping people into totally new surroundings? Read on to find out!

This is an Altoshipping fanfic, for those of you who care. The match just seems so obvious...


An average guy who doesn't have all the greatest luck in the world finds a Blaziken in trouble and brings her home. Well, in the City where he lives, that kind of thing is forbidden.
Follow Denzel Roker as he traverses the region to escape the cruelties of the restrictions that bind him.



The date is December 21, 2012. The day of supposed Armageddon according to many. It's the afternoon. People have lost their fear of anything bad happening. Suddenly a large meteor passes over and hits the ground. Earthquakes and tsunami are started worldwide, dust is thrown miles into the air and spreads out starting a nuclear winter. People then realize it truely is the end of the world. Many die, few survive. Hector and his family are one of the few survivors. What happens when Pokemon and Humans, who have been at war with each other for years now, are forced to work together to survive?

Most Recent Update: Last chapter to this story is complete and posted. Enjoy!

Special thanks to: jurgenwulf for being the cure to my writers block and also for being my goto guy for some ideas and info.