AGNPH Stories

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An Azumaruill's love for her Trainner


After docking at Route 220, a battle breaks out between a random trainer and I. After it's resolution, Gardevoir and I head up through Route 219 to Sandgem. But with what complications?


Latias and Latios rape one-shot

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 2]


Johnathan Ogami is an orphan saiyan child whose life has been filled with nothing but misery and death. All caused by pokemon. He is ignored by the people that live around him. One day on the outskirts of town he found a massive amount pokemon unconscious and dying. The pokemon are neglected by the people on the island so he decides to take them in. But to his dismay the pokemon only unleash the inner demons that haunt his mind. But he needs them in order to destroy the demons as well. Will he keep the pokemon and risk losing his sanity the only thing that keeps him alive or will he release them and go down the dark road of loneliness.

Update: 4/12/09
Been taking a while to post the next chapter. To tell the truth I haven't even started writing it yet. Been helluva busy with school. I'ma try, emphasis on 'try', to post the next chap later this month. At the moment I'm editing my older chapters. Found a lot of nasty spelling and grammar errors that I want get rid of. Kind of laughed when I saw them. Right now I fixed chapters 1-3. Some dialogue was edited and changed and I altered one scene and deleted another in chapter 2. Now working on chapters 4-6. If you read this and decide to read the chapters I worked over, please tell me if you see any errors and review as well please. Holla Back.4/28/09All chapters have been edited and re-posted. A good amount of dialogue has been changed. John's personality has been altered in a way that is more satisfying to his character. But the plot of the chapter has remained the same. Only some of the content, spelling and grammar issues have been checked, corrected, and changed. Remember, if you're reading this shit and decide to check up on the chapters. If you see any errors notify me on them by reviewing or send me a message. I'll try to write chapter 7 soon. But it will take awhile with finals coming. Holla back.8/7/09Decided to change the name from Johnathan Ogami to J.O. cause it sound cleaner.


This is a story co-op of me and my sweetie of a puppy known here as Testa. Being a teacher isn't easy, but try being the only male in the school and have to teach sex education.



An Absol learns to let go of the past, and enjoy what life has to offer.



A human accidently initiates himself as the alpha of a large pack of Pokemon, inheriting all the responsibilites and problems such a position will bring



Far away in the town of Earthford, there is an odd group who entertain themselves through other means than Pokemon training: for example, by playing cards. Though the games themselves may seem innocent, defeat therein can have unexpected consequences.

Major roles: Flygon, Breloom, Human.


What happens when humans decide to open a school where pokemon learn how to properly mate and leave their own pokemon to watch over it? Well, I think it went something like this.

Note: This is my first time trying something like this so I doubt it will be any good.


This will be the area for one-shot stories that I write based on requests that I receive. I am always open to requests, but please be aware that I am in school, have a job, and have my own writing projects that I'm working on. It may take a while for me to get to your request. Also, before you make a request, please read my profile to see what things I will NOT accept in a request. Looking forward to hear what you all want!

Stories in this section will be of varying ratings, but I'll still mark it as XXX because this will probably mostly contain adult works.

MOST RECENT UPDATE: Story 15: Snake in the Grass (F-Seviper/M-Human)



A mysterious substance created by the lucario(check previous story)causes water to have strange properties. Very little plotline involved here, but introduction of new character for the gauntlets sequel.


I did not write this story. I got permission from the author who does not go to this site to allow me to post these here for your enjoyment.

To read some of Black Dragon's other stories go to:


Be introduced to the Black League - an elite underground organization that puts an unusual spin on traditional Pokemon battles. Meet Demi the Lucario, and his trainer, Roland, who see this highly illegal arena as a launching pad to success and notoriety, and who have set their sights firmly on the grand prize of this arena - the Master Breeder's award.



A Buizel and a Glaceon are traveling together, and when she starts acting strange, the Buizel soon finds out why. What he will do for her will change their relationship forever.


A complimentary story to my series, Sunrise, an espeon, finds a lack of love from her mate, and leaves.